Stefano Bistarelli (1) - Paola Campli (2) - Francesco Santini (3) Finding Partitions of Arguments with Dung’s Properties via SCSPs CILC 2011, 31 Agosto - 2 Settembre, Pescara 1,3 Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università di Perugia 2 Dipartimento di Scienze, Università “G. d’Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara
Introduction Dung Argumentation Framework Coalitions of Arguments Each coalition represents a different Line of Thought
Introduction “We do not want immigrates with the right to vote” “We need a multicultural and open society in order to enrich the life of everyone and boost our economy” “Immigration must be stopped” Argument 2 Argument 3 Argument 1 Statements for different political parties
Dung Argumentation Framework 01 Semirings and Soft Constraints 02 Extension to Coalitions 03 Weighted Partitions 04 Contents Mapping Partition Problems to SCSPs 05 Implementation in Jacop 06 Summary and Future Work 07
Dung Argumentation Framework 01 Semirings and Soft Constraints 02 Extension to Coalitions 03 Weighted Partitions 04 Contents Mapping Partition Problems to SCSPs 05 Implementation in Jacop 06 Summary and Future Work 07
Dung Argumentation Extension: a set B with well defined properties d c a b Nodes: arguments Edges: attack relations Sunny Rainy and Windy Mid Breeze Argumentation Framework (AF) A pair (A,R) A=set of Arguments R=binary relation R on A a i R a j a i attacks a j
Acceptable Extensions Several semantics of acceptability acceptable set(s) (Extensions) d c a b a b d c B
x4x4 x2x2 x1x1 x3x3 B Acceptable Extensions B is conflict-free : Iff for no two arguments a and b in B, a attacks b A conflict-free set B is stable : Iff each argument not in B is attacked by an argument in B Conflict Free Stable B x4x4 x2x2 x1x1 x3x3 x7x7 x6x6 x5x5
Acceptable Extensions A conflict-free set B is admissible: Iff each argument in B is defended by B Admissible Complete An admissilbe set B is a complete extension: Iff each argument which is defended by B is in B x4x4 x2x2 x1x1 x3x3 B x7x7 x6x6 x5x5 x4x4 x2x2 x1x1 x3x3 B x7x7 x6x6 x5x5 B defends b iff for any argument a ϵ A, if a attacks b, then B attacks a
Dung Argumentation Framework 01 Semirings and Soft Constraints 02 Extension to Coalitions 03 Weighted Partitions 04 Contents Mapping Partition Problems to SCSPs 05 Implementation in Jacop 06 Summary and Future Work 07
Constraint Satisfaction Problems D C X Variables X = Domains D = Constraints C = CSP
Soft Constraints and Semirings Constraints are ranked according to their importance Soft constraint: a function which, given an assignement of the variables returns a value of the Semiring Semiring : a domain plus two operations satisfying certain properties. A: set with bottom and top elements 0 and 1 respectively The two operations define a way to combine constraints together. SCSP = Solution: combining (through the x operator) and projecting (through the + operator) the constraints
Soft Constraints and Semirings Specific choices of semiring will then give rise to different instances of the framework which may correspond to new constraint solving schemes. Boolean Semiring : Fuzzy Semiring : Weighted Semiring: Probabilistic Semiring : For classical CSP : can only return allowed tuples (1) or not allowed tuples (0). Also constraint combination can be modeled with logical AND, the projection over some of the variables with logical OR. Allows constraint tuples to have an associated preference, like for example 1 = best and 0 = worst Each tuple has an associated cost. This allows one to model optimization problems where the goal is to minimize the total cost of the solution Each constraint c has an associated probability p(c), that is, c has probability p of occurring in the real-life problem
Dung Argumentation Framework 01 Semirings and Soft Constraints 02 Extension to Coalitions 03 Weighted Partitions 04 Contents Mapping Partition Problems to SCSPs 05 Implementation in Jacop 06 Summary and Future Work 07
From Arguments to Coalitions Given the set of argument A We select an appropriate partition G={B 1, …, B n } such that U B i ϵG B i = A and B i B j =0 if i≠j U A coalition B i attacks another coalition B j Iff one of its elements attacks at least one element in B j x4x4 x2x2 x1x1 x3x3 B x7x7 x6x6 x5x5 x8x8 x9x9 Classical Dung AF x4x4 x2x2 x1x1 x3x3 x7x7 x6x6 x5x5 x8x8 x9x9 Extended partitioned framework
Dung’s semantics for coalitions A partition of coalitions G={B 1, …, B n } is conflict-free Iff for each B i ϵ G, B i is conflict- free A conflict-free partition is stable Iff for each coalition B i ϵ G, all its element a ϵ B i are attacked by all the other coalitions B j with i≠ j Conflict Free Stable x4x4 x2x2 x1x1 x3x3 x5x5 B1B1 B2B2 x8x8 x2x2 x1x1 x3x3 x5x5 x6x6 x7x7 x4x4 B1B1 B2B2 B3B3
Dung’s semantics for coalitions Admissible Complete An admissible partition is complete Iff each argument a which is defended by B i is in B i A conflict-free partition is admissible Iff for each argument a ϵ B i, attacked by b ϵ B J ___c ϵ B i that attacks b (each B i defends all its arguments) E x2x2 x1x1 x3x3 x5x5 x6x6 x7x7 x4x4 B1B1 B2B2 B3B3 B4B4 x8x8 x2x2 x1x1 x3x3 x5x5 x6x6 x7x7 x4x4 B1B1 B2B2
Hierarchy of the set inclusions CFPS : conflict free partitions APS: admissible partitions CPS: complete partitions SPS: stable partitions SPS C CPS C APS C CFPS
Dung Argumentation Framework 01 Semirings and Soft Constraints 02 Extension to Coalitions 03 Weighted Partitions 04 Contents Mapping Partition Problems to SCSPs 05 Implementation in Jacop 06 Summary and Future Work 07
Weighted Partitions Attacks have an associated preference strenght of the attack The computation of the coalition has an associated weight how much conflict in each coalition x3x3 x5x5 x9x9 0,5 0,9 Semiring-based argumentation framework (AFs) : A= set of arguments R = attack binary relation on A W : A x A A weight function; given a,b ϵ A, for all (a,b) ϵ R, W(a,b)=s means that a attacks b with a strength level s ϵ A S= semiring
Weighted Partitions Given a Semiring-based Afs, a partition of coalitions G={B1,…Bn } is α-conflict-free for AFs iff Π B i ϵ G. b,c ϵ B i W(b,c) ≥ s α x2x2 x1x1 x3x3 x5x5 x6x6 x7x7 x4x4 B1B1 B2B Fuzzy Semiring x=min min(0.6, 0.7, 0.5)=0.5 A 0.5-conflict-free partition
Dung Argumentation Framework 01 Semirings and Soft Constraints 02 Extension to Coalitions 03 Weighted Partitions 04 Contents Mapping Partition Problems to SCSPs 05 Implementation in Jacop 06 Summary and Future Work 07
From Partition problems to SCSP M : AFs SCSP Variables V={a 1, a 2,…,a n } each argument represents a variable Domains D={1,…n } the value of a variable is the coalition of the argument e.g. a 1 =2 means argument a 1 belongs to coalition 2 SCSP “b attacks a” “b is parent of a” “c attacks b attacks a” “c is grandparent of a”
From Partition problems to SCSP Conflict-free constraints (to find an α-conflict-free partition) If a i Ra j and W(a i,a j )=s c a i,a j (a i =k, a j =k)=s. Otherwise c a i,a j (a i =k, a j =l)=1 with l≠k AFs= where S= Admissible constraints (At least a grandparent must be taken in the same coalition) Let a f be a i ’s parent and a g1, a g2, …, a gk all a i ’s grandparents C a i, a g1, a g2… a gk (a i =h, a g1 =j 1, a g2 =j 2, …, a gk =j k )=0 if j i ≠h for all j i C a i, a g1, a g2… a gk (a i =h, a g1 =j 1,, a g2 =j 2, …, a gk =j k )=1 otherwise
From Partition problems to SCSP (If a i is in the coalition j, all its grandchildren must be in the same Coalition) Let a s1, a s2, …, a sk a i ’s grandchildren C a i, a s1, a s2… a sk (a i =j, a s1 =j,, a s2 =j, …, a sk =j)=1 (0 otherwise) Complete constraints (If a i is in K and a j is not, at least an attack to a j must come from a i ) Let b 1, …, b n all the arguments attacking a J C a i=k, a J≠k, b 1,…,b n ((b 1 =k) v (b 2 =k) v …. v (b n =k))=1 (0 otherwise) Stable constraints
Dung Argumentation Framework 01 Semirings and Soft Constraints 02 Extension to Coalitions 03 Weighted Partitions 04 Contents Mapping Partition Problems to SCSPs 05 Implementation in Jacop 06 Summary and Future Work 07
Solving with JaCoP The Java Constraint Programming solver (JaCoP) is a Java library, which provides Java user with Finite Domain Constraint Programming paradigm. –arithmetical constraints, equalities and inequalities, logical, reified and conditional constraints, combinatorial (global) constraints. –pruning events, multiple constraint queues, special data structures to handle efficiently backtracking, iterative constraint processing, and many more. K. Kuchcinski and R. Szymanek. Jacop - java constraint programming solver,
Solving with JaCoP
Dung Argumentation Framework 01 Semirings and Soft Constraints 02 Extension to Coalitions 03 Weighted Partitions 04 Contents Mapping Partition Problems to SCSPs 05 Implementation in Jacop 06 Summary and Future Work 07
Furture Works Improve the performance obtained by testing different solvers and constraint techniques Implement α-conflict-free, α-stable, α-admissible and α-complete partitions in Jacop
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