Performance Measures CTP 2040 Policy Advisory Committee August 19, 2014
Goal Policy PM* Strategy Specific programs, etc. to achieve policy Measureable statement that supports a goal or an outcome to achieve under each goal Key Desired Outcome Support strategies/policies by tracking results over time Where we want to go How we’re going to get there Performance Based Planning Example G:Improve public safety and security P:Reduce fatalities, serious injuries, and collisions S:Maintain and update the California SHSP PM*:Fatalities/serious injuries per VMT *PMs will have targets to identify a specific level of performance desired over a certain timeframe Performance Based Planning
CTP 2040 Performance Measures G1 : IMPROVE MULTIMODAL MOBILITY AND ACCESSIBILITY FOR ALL PEOPLE Policy (P) 1.Manage and operate an efficient integrated system 2.Invest strategically to optimize system performance 3.Provide viable and equitable multimodal choices including transportation Performance Measures (PM) PM1 VMT per capita PM2Percent of Congested freeway/highway VMT (PeMS) PM3Mode share travel to work PM4Congested Arterial VMT (PeMS) PM5Bike and walk miles traveled PM6Non work mode share PM7Freeway/highway travel time reliability: FHWA buffer index (PeMS) PM8Transit/Rail travel time reliability PM9Transit Accessibility: Housing/Jobs within.5 Miles of Stop PM10Travel time to jobs (mean travel time to work) PM11 CO2 reduction per capita PM12 Multimodal travel mobility PM13Multimodal travel reliability PM14Multimodal service quality
CTP 2040 Performance Measures G1 : IMPROVE MULTIMODAL MOBILITY AND ACCESSIBILITY FOR ALL PEOPLE Policy (P) 1.Manage and operate an efficient integrated system 2.Invest strategically to optimize system performance 3.Provide viable and equitable multimodal choices including transportation Performance Measures (PM) PM1 VMT per capita PM2Percent of Congested freeway/highway VMT (PeMS) PM3Mode share travel to work PM4Congested Arterial VMT (PeMS) PM5Bike and walk miles traveled PM6Non work mode share PM7Freeway/highway travel time reliability: FHWA buffer index (PeMS) PM8Transit/Rail travel time reliability PM9Transit Accessibility: Housing/Jobs within.5 Miles of Stop PM10Travel time to jobs (mean travel time to work) PM11 CO2 reduction per capita PM12 Multimodal travel mobility PM13Multimodal travel reliability PM14Multimodal service quality
CTP 2040 Performance Measures G1 : IMPROVE MULTIMODAL MOBILITY AND ACCESSIBILITY FOR ALL PEOPLE Policy (P) 1.Manage and operate an efficient integrated system 2.Invest strategically to optimize system performance 3.Provide viable and equitable multimodal choices including transportation Performance Measures (PM) PM1 VMT per capita PM2Percent of Congested freeway/highway VMT (PeMS) PM3Mode share travel to work PM4Congested Arterial VMT (PeMS) PM5Bike and walk miles traveled PM6Non work mode share PM7Freeway/highway travel time reliability: FHWA buffer index (PeMS) PM8Transit/Rail travel time reliability PM9Transit Accessibility: Housing/Jobs within.5 Miles of Stop PM10Travel time to jobs (mean travel time to work) PM11 CO2 reduction per capita PM12 Multimodal travel mobility PM13Multimodal travel reliability PM14Multimodal service quality
CTP 2040 Performance Measures G2 : PRESERVE THE MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM Policy (P) 1.Apply sustainable (renewable and reusable resources)- preventive maintenance and rehabilitation strategies 2.Evaluate multimodal life-cycle costs in project decision making 3.Adapt the multimodal transportation system to reduce impacts from climate change Performance Measures (PM) PM1 Percent of distressed lane miles highway PM2Percent of distressed lane miles local roads PM3Percent of highway bridge lane miles in need of rehab/replacement PM4Percent of transit assets that have surpassed FTA useful life period PM5Three-part screening for sea level rise: Is the project located on the coast or in an area vulnerable to SLR? Will the project be impacted by the stated SLR? Is the design life of the project beyond year 2030?
CTP 2040 Performance Measures G2 : PRESERVE THE MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM Policy (P) 1.Apply sustainable (renewable and reusable resources)- preventive maintenance and rehabilitation strategies 2.Evaluate multimodal life-cycle costs in project decision making 3.Adapt the multimodal transportation system to reduce impacts from climate change Performance Measures (PM) PM1 Percent of distressed lane miles highway PM2Percent of distressed lane miles local roads PM3Percent of highway bridge lane miles in need of rehab/replacement PM4Percent of transit assets that have surpassed FTA useful life period PM5Three-part screening for sea level rise: Is the project located on the coast or in an area vulnerable to SLR? Will the project be impacted by the stated SLR? Is the design life of the project beyond year 2030?
CTP 2040 Performance Measures G2 : PRESERVE THE MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM Policy (P) 1.Apply sustainable (renewable and reusable resources)- preventive maintenance and rehabilitation strategies 2.Evaluate multimodal life-cycle costs in project decision making 3.Adapt the multimodal transportation system to reduce impacts from climate change Performance Measures (PM) PM1 Percent of distressed lane miles highway PM2Percent of distressed lane miles local roads PM3Percent of highway bridge lane miles in need of rehab/replacement PM4Percent of transit assets that have surpassed FTA useful life period PM5Three-part screening for sea level rise: Is the project located on the coast or in an area vulnerable to SLR? Will the project be impacted by the stated SLR? Is the design life of the project beyond year 2030?
CTP 2040 Performance Measures G3 : SUPPORT A VIBRANT ECONOMY Policy (P) 1.Support transportation choices to enhance economic activity 2.Enhance freight mobility, reliability and global competitiveness 3.Seek sustainable and flexible funding to maintain and improve the system Performance Measures (PM) PM1 Travel time to jobs (mean travel time to work) PM2Congestion effects on productivity PM3Efficient use of system resources PM4Network performance optimization PM5Return on investment PM6Improve transportation infrastructure financing
CTP 2040 Performance Measures G3 : SUPPORT A VIBRANT ECONOMY Policy (P) 1.Support transportation choices to enhance economic activity 2.Enhance freight mobility, reliability and global competitiveness 3.Seek sustainable and flexible funding to maintain and improve the system Performance Measures (PM) PM1 Travel time to jobs (mean travel time to work) PM2Congestion effects on productivity PM3Efficient use of system resources PM4Network performance optimization PM5Return on investment PM6Improve transportation infrastructure financing
CTP 2040 Performance Measures G3 : SUPPORT A VIBRANT ECONOMY Policy (P) 1.Support transportation choices to enhance economic activity 2.Enhance freight mobility, reliability and global competitiveness 3.Seek sustainable and flexible funding to maintain and improve the system Performance Measures (PM) PM1 Travel time to jobs (mean travel time to work) PM2Congestion effects on productivity PM3Efficient use of system resources PM4Network performance optimization PM5Return on investment PM6Improve transportation infrastructure financing
CTP 2040 Performance Measures G4 : IMPROVE PUBLIC SAFETY AND SECURITY Policy (P) 1.Reduce Fatalities, Serious Injuries, and Collisions 2.Provide for System Security, Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Performance Measures (PM) PM1 Fatalities/serious injuries per capita PM2Fatalities/serious injuries per VMT PM3Design and speed suitability PM4Three-part screening for sea level rise: Is the project located on the coast or in an area vulnerable to SLR? Will the project be impacted by the stated SLR? Is the design life of the project beyond year 2030?
CTP 2040 Performance Measures G4 : IMPROVE PUBLIC SAFETY AND SECURITY Policy (P) 1.Reduce Fatalities, Serious Injuries, and Collisions 2.Provide for System Security, Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Performance Measures (PM) PM1 Fatalities/serious injuries per capita PM2Fatalities/serious injuries per VMT PM3Design and speed suitability PM4Three-part screening for sea level rise: Is the project located on the coast or in an area vulnerable to SLR? Will the project be impacted by the stated SLR? Is the design life of the project beyond year 2030?
CTP 2040 Performance Measures G5 : FOSTER LIVABLE AND HEALTHY COMMUNITIES AND PROMOTE SOCIAL EQUITY Policy (P) 1.Expand Collaboration and Community Engagement in Multimodal Transportation Planning and Decision Making 2.Integrate Multimodal Transportation and Land Use Development 3.Integrate Health and Social Equity in Transportation Planning and Decision Making Performance Measures (PM) PM1 Bike and walk miles traveled PM2Transit Accessibility: Housing/Jobs within.5 Miles of Stop PM3Residential and employment densities (new growth) by EJ and non EJ areas PM4Housing/transportation affordability index PM5Acres of agricultural land changed to urban use PM6Support for sustainable growth PM7Equitable distribution of impacts PM8Equitable distribution of access and mobility
CTP 2040 Performance Measures G5 : FOSTER LIVABLE AND HEALTHY COMMUNITIES AND PROMOTE SOCIAL EQUITY Policy (P) 1.Expand Collaboration and Community Engagement in Multimodal Transportation Planning and Decision Making 2.Integrate Multimodal Transportation and Land Use Development 3.Integrate Health and Social Equity in Transportation Planning and Decision Making Performance Measures (PM) PM1 Bike and walk miles traveled PM2Transit Accessibility: Housing/Jobs within.5 Miles of Stop PM3Residential and employment densities (new growth) by EJ and non EJ areas PM4Housing/transportation affordability index PM5Acres of agricultural land changed to urban use PM6Support for sustainable growth PM7Equitable distribution of impacts PM8Equitable distribution of access and mobility
CTP 2040 Performance Measures G5 : FOSTER LIVABLE AND HEALTHY COMMUNITIES AND PROMOTE SOCIAL EQUITY Policy (P) 1.Expand Collaboration and Community Engagement in Multimodal Transportation Planning and Decision Making 2.Integrate Multimodal Transportation and Land Use Development 3.Integrate Health and Social Equity in Transportation Planning and Decision Making Performance Measures (PM) PM1 Bike and walk miles traveled PM2Transit Accessibility: Housing/Jobs within.5 Miles of Stop PM3Residential and employment densities (new growth) by EJ and non EJ areas PM4Housing/transportation affordability index PM5Acres of agricultural land changed to urban use PM6Support for sustainable growth PM7Equitable distribution of impacts PM8Equitable distribution of access and mobility
CTP 2040 Performance Measures G6: PRACTICE ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP Policy (P) 1.Integrate Environmental Considerations in All Stages of Planning and Implementation 2.Conserve and Enhance Natural, Agricultural, and Cultural Resources 3.Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Other Air Pollutants 4.Transform to a Clean and Energy Efficient Transportation System Performance Measures (PM) PM1 Acres of agricultural land changed to urban use PM2CO2 reduction per capita
CTP 2040 Performance Measures G6: PRACTICE ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP Policy (P) 1.Integrate Environmental Considerations in All Stages of Planning and Implementation 2.Conserve and Enhance Natural, Agricultural, and Cultural Resources 3.Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Other Air Pollutants 4.Transform to a Clean and Energy Efficient Transportation System Performance Measures (PM) PM1 Acres of agricultural land changed to urban use PM2CO2 reduction per capita
CTP 2040 Performance Measures G6: PRACTICE ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP Policy (P) 1.Integrate Environmental Considerations in All Stages of Planning and Implementation 2.Conserve and Enhance Natural, Agricultural, and Cultural Resources 3.Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Other Air Pollutants 4.Transform to a Clean and Energy Efficient Transportation System Performance Measures (PM) PM1 Acres of agricultural land changed to urban use PM2CO2 reduction per capita
CTP 2040 Performance Measures G6: PRACTICE ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP Policy (P) 1.Integrate Environmental Considerations in All Stages of Planning and Implementation 2.Conserve and Enhance Natural, Agricultural, and Cultural Resources 3.Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Other Air Pollutants 4.Transform to a Clean and Energy Efficient Transportation System Performance Measures (PM) PM1 Acres of agricultural land changed to urban use PM2CO2 reduction per capita
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