Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics Architecture of the Transport Telematics Systems Doc. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek Head of Laboratory of Telematics
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics Content Introduction ITS Architecture Theory Methodology of ITS Architecture Creation User Requirements and System Parameters Definition Synchronization in time, parameter, protocol, etc. Design Methodology based on ITS architecture Physical realization of ITS subsystems Use Case Subsystem - On-board Unit (OBU) Economical Analysis of ITS Architecture Benefits Management of ITS Systems Relation Between ITS Model and Reality New Services for ITS management Pilot Evaluation of ITS Architecture Information System for Monitoring and Control of Dangerous Goods Transport with help of GNSS (Galileo) Conclusion
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics Project supported by Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic ITS architecture of the Czech Republic is solved within the project „ITS in transport- telecommunication conditions of the Czech Republic ( ) supported by Ministry of Transport comes from KAREN, FRAME, ACTIF projects time schedule
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics Vehicle Management Center Management 3Management 2 IVM GNSS locator Management 1 Interface IVM.... In Vehicle Management F2F3 F1 G1 G2 G releasing factor: DRIVER releasing factor: GOODS The system component carries the implicit system function The processes are defined by chaining of system components through the links The application is defined as a set of strong processes The architecture defines the basic arrangement in (abstract) space: Reference architecture – defines main subsystems, basic actors, relation with system environment Functional architecture – defines main subsystem functions and applications Information architecture – defines requirements on collection, transfer and processing of information Physical architecture – defines requirements on physical subsystems (equipments) Communication architecture – describes subsystems for transfer of information with respect to physical architecture Organisational architecture – allocates the human function into system components ITS architecture – process analysis
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics Vehicle Management Center Management 3Management 2 IVM GNSS locator Management 1 Interface IVM.... In Vehicle Management F2F3 F1 G1 G2 G releasing factor: DRIVER releasing factor: GOODS ITS architecture – process analysis Safety (risk analysis, risk classification, risk tolerability matrix, etc.) Reliability (the ability to perform required function under given conditions for a given time interval) Availability (the ability to perform required function at the initialisation of the intended operation) Integrity (the ability to provide timely and valid alerts to the user when a system must not be used for the intended operation) Continuity (the ability to perform required function without non- scheduled interruption during the intended operation) Accuracy (the degree of conformance between a platform’s true parameter and its estimated value)
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics ITS architecture - synchronization of information Parameter sychronization data elements definition together with its attributes (data model for e.g. geographical database, etc.) for whole ITS system parameters assigned to each data element (assurance, reliability, etc.) results: the ITS data registry covering information about each data element (current state) together with its standardised value (future state) preferably using of standardized data model with required system parameters for the whole set of ITS applications (future state) advantages: knowledge of data elements in ITS (current and future state), collecting data fulfilling the requirements of the set of ITS applications (data sharing, data interoperability) Cost saving for administration and service of duplicated databases, data transformation, etc.
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics ITS architecture - synchronization of information System 1 Electronic fee collection System 2 Freight,fleet management ITS data register Sensors of position Accuracy 10mAccuracy 5m 1 2
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics ITS architecture - synchronization of information System 1 Electronic fee collection System 2 Freight,fleet management ITS data register Sensors of position Accuracy 5m 1 Accuracy 10m 2 Sensor of position
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics ITS architecture - synchronization of information Time synchronization identification of time requirements (sample frequency, maximal time delay, etc.) for all data collected, transmitted and processed by each ITS application time requirements merging and forming the harmonogram for all ITS applications definition of data packages (buffers) that are collected, transmitted and processed in the same time interval results: the design of databases, interfaces, etc. covering the time requirements of all ITS applications the design of data transmition buffer together with its transition time schedule advantages: decreasing of the transmited data value between subsystems (data package could be better zipped) Increasing of the dynamical parameters of ITS applications (better systém stability, etc.)
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics System 1System 2 F3 F1 F2 G3 G1 G2 Time synchronization 1x per hour 5x per hour 1x per minute
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics Time synchronization System 1System 2 F3 F1 F2 G3 G1 G2 Buffer 1x per hour 5x per hour 1x per minute minimal period (1x per minute) Info 1Info 2Info 3
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics ITS architecture - synchronization of information Protocol synchronization system requirements assigned to transmitted messages definition of transmision protocols in ITS (current and future state) together with its performance parameters results: technical standards CEN, ISO advantages: definition of optimised protocol for all ITS applications with respect to parameter and time requirements
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics Protocol synchronization System 1System 2 F3 F1 F2 G3 G1 G2 Buffer minimal period (1x per minute) e.g. Personal data (electronic signature needed) Info 1Info 2Info 3
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics Methodology of ITS system design System parameters assigned to each strong process and its decomposition into individual components The table of different performance parameters dedicated to each individual component Definition of optimisation criteria for performance parameters integration (the selection of most exacting criteria of all representative processes, weighted average of all the most exacting criteria)
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics Methodology of ITS system design Design of ITS components (OBU, telecommunication environment, processing center, local components - call centers, etc.) design of modular components – the addition of another module entails the increase of performance parameters f1f1 f2f2 f3f3 fnfn kernel design of several component classes according to a set of performance parameters f1f1 f 1, f 2 design of universal components fulfilling the most exacting performance parameters f 1 -f n
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics ITS architecture – Physical realization of ITS components (subsystems) based on ITS architecture Definition of all parameters used in component (subsystem) together with its atributes (sample freguency, acuracy, representation, etc.) Definition of unified SW modules available for all proceses (functions, databases and conditions) Definition of management taking into account all system parameters (safety, priority, etc.) Definition of processes/ applications using unified functions, databases and conditions (development kit) Applications and Processes Hardware n 1 n 1 Platform MANAGEMENTMANAGEMENT functions databasesconditions middleware CORBA,J2EE,J2SE, J2ME,.net, atd. kernel SW drivers, interfaces, operating system
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics MODEL OF ITS SYSTEM REAL ITS SYSTEM M A N A G E M E N T Management of ITS systems - model and reality ITS architecture ITS standards ITS data register ITS aplikacations ITS interface ITS databases
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics ITS architecture – Information data flow Outputs data flows from functional area 5 to Terminators Input data flows to functional area 5 from terminators Data flows between functional areas
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics ITS architecture – Information data flow Imput data flows from other functions Input data flows from terminators Output data flows to other functions Output data flows to terminators
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics ITS architecture – physical architecture Travellers subsystems Kiosk Systems Personal Device system Vehicles subsystems Commercial Vehicle System Emergency Vehicle System Freight Equipment System Maintenance Vehicle System Public Transport Vehicle System Personal Vehicle System Commercial Vehicle Check System Tool Collection System Parking Facilities System Roadway System Infrastructure subsystems Communication interface Centre subsystems Travel Coordination System Archived Data Management System Commercial Vehicle Administration System Emergency Management System Feet Management System Freight Management System Information Service Provider System Law Enforcement System Mainterance Management System Parking Management System Public Transport Management System Tool Administration System Trafic Management System
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics ITS Data Register The definition of data registry (ISO/IEC ) An information resource kept by a registration authority that describes the meaning form of data elements, including registration identifiers, definitions, names, value domains, metadata and administrative atributes The data registry should manage two types of information Data and information standards at micro and macro information levels to be used in data management Information about current (legacy) data elements Name of element DefinitionFormat ID Airport unique kode assigned to Airport char (4) METADATADATA Value LKPR
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics ITS Data Register Benefit of data registry: Data quality and access – reducing the ambiguity about similar data defined differently across systems Interoperability – today, system interfaces are customized between pairs of systems (expensive to build and maintain, inflexible) – solution is data structure definition Cost effectiveness – constrained budget can be used when data services can serve multiple systems rather than when each system develops its own data services locally Flexibility – common data services developed with automated tools allows system- wide access to metadata and the data behind them more easily and efficiently ITS data register Association of metadata Application 1 Application 2 Actual Application Data elements from Actual Application Standardized METADATA
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics ITS Standards ITS standards (CEN, ISO) could be linked with ITS architecture: functions, interfaces, physical subsystems, communication links ITS data registry: data model, transmission messages The role of ITS standards could be summarized: instrument for time, parameter and protocol synchronization added value for ITS architecture and ITS data registry
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics New Management Services of ITS System Optimisation of telecommunication environment between subsystems Maximal exploitation of already existing ITS subsystems (typical national ones) Optimal geographical distribution of ITS subsystems (hierarchical structure, sharing of control centers) Unified implementation of software and hardware components within ITS system (charge deduction for multi-licences) Recommendation of favourable investment strategy Protocol definitions for the whole set of ITS applications Continual comparison between ITS model and the reality
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics Economical Analysis of ITS Architecture Telematics system without designed architecture Telematics system with designed architecture Information Processing 64% Information Transmission 20% Information Collection 16% Information Processing 36% Information Transmission 49% Information Collection 15%
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics Projects supported by Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic Information system for monitoring and control of dangerous goods is one of the pilot applications prepared within project „Involvement of the Czech Republic into Galileo Project“ ( ) supported by Ministry of Transport is pilot application of using the ITS architecture for practical design of selected telematics application time schedule
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics Monitoring and Control of Dangerous Goods Transport Management subsystem Route selections and dangerous transports tracks monitoring Emergency call in case of accidents, accident location Processing of available information (models of contamination, traffic information, etc.) Instruction for intervention Re-routing of traffic, warning the public, etc. Accident impact evaluations ITS Infrastructure management ITS Forwarding Companies ITS Transport Operators telematics means (detectors, actors, OBU, ID, etc.) other companies e.g. meteo telematics means (OBU of rescue vehicles, etc. ) IS Rescue Services IS Public Authority IS Custom Authority other companies e.g. insurance EXTERNALEXTERNAL INFORMATIONINFORMATION
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Control Engineering and Telematics Conclusion The design of telematics applications based on user needs Achievement of the interoperability between individual telematics applications Synchronisation in terms of time and position of all information systems of the carrier, forwarder, infrastructure manager and also ITS services in all architecture layers of the ITS system Maximum use of available infrastructure by all telematics applications while keeping performance parameters on individual telematics applications Transfer of the intelligence from higher layers of the ITS system to the in-vehicle mobile unit or to a unit located on the object of the transportation Significant economical impacts of systematic solution according to presented methodology
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