Huawei LTE eNodeB Troubleshooting Overview Jeff Fry, Wimax/LTE Systems Integration & Test, Technology Development LTE eNodeB Troubleshooting Document: <Some location on portal> LTE eNodeB Troubleshooting Overview: LTE LMT/EMS Subscriber Troubleshooting eNodeB Troubleshooting eNodeB Log Files
Dual-mode Wimax/LTE: Basics TD-LTE, Band 41 EARFCN=40590 (freq=2590MHz) 20 MHz LTE deployed as 3 sectors using Reuse-1 (one frequency). Each configured carrier is a Cell. LTE initially deployed as S111.
SGW – Service Gateway provides the user plane data traffic. Network Architecture MME – Mobile Management Entity controls mobile signaling: network attach/authentication (to HSS), handovers, idle mode SGW – Service Gateway provides the user plane data traffic. HSS – Home Subscriber Server provides subscriber provisioning. Important interfaces from the eNodeB: S1-U : interface to the SGW S1-MME : interface to the MME X2 : interface to another eNodeB for mobility Initial deployment only has Clearwire MME. Sprint MME/SGW added later.
Dual-mode Wimax/LTE: Shared BS Wimax and LTE run on the same base station with addition of LTE cards. Wimax and LTE share the same radio head (RRU). Separate backhaul for Wimax & LTE. GigE for LTE and 100MB ETH for Wimax. Wimax Carriers on 1st fiber LTE Carriers on 2nd fiber LTE Cards: LBBP, LMPT Separate management for Wimax & LTE. LTE connected to GigE port on 311V. RRU converted to dual-mode (MRRU) and 2T2R in order to support both Wimax & LTE.
Local Maintenance Terminal is still web-based HTTP. eNodeB LMT Access Local Maintenance Terminal is still web-based HTTP. Primary use MML for field techs. Access is local or remote. Same interface as V3R3
EMS for LTE: Main Topology eNodeB Topo Object is initially created in a default EASY_DEPLOYMENT subnet alongside Wimax BTS. Can be moved to a new LTE subnet. Most EMS UI interfaces are unchanged and support both Wimax & LTE. Show MML command list different for Wimax & LTE. Highlighting important differences.
EMS for LTE: CME New CME (CM Express) menu/component for configuration management. Configuration viewing only via Panorama Browser. View many eNodeB configurations in bulk. Configuration changes made in a planned area (workspace). Parameter comparison and audit functions available. Be careful of selecting the correct node. CME similar to WCS with improvements.
EMS for LTE: Alarms Alarms can be sent by the Wimax BS and eNodeB. Some alarms are common and will only be sent by the Wimax BS. Commissioning sets the multi-modal relationship for the Wimax BS & LTE eNodeB. Help documentation and resolution is still the same.
Subscriber Troubleshooting Subscriber troubleshooting options in LTE are limited. DSP S1INTERFACE:; That’s it! No subscriber mac tracing or signal tracing due to architecture. Only shows the number of subscribers on one eNodeB.
eNodeB Troubleshooting: Equipment Status Maintenance->Device Panel to visually see equipment and status. Occupied Wimax slots are shown.
eNodeB Troubleshooting: Equipment Status (2) DSP BRD:; Shows LTE boards and occupied Wimax slots. DSP BRDVER:; Shows board versions. Occupied Wimax slots are shown.
eNodeB Troubleshooting: Equipment Status (3) LST ALMAF:; Shows LTE only alarms. DSP GPS:; Shows GPS status. Resetting: RST ENODEB:; RST BRD:; Only shows the number of subscribers on one eNodeB.
eNodeB Troubleshooting: Configuration Management View LTE configuration via CME Panorama Browser. Make configuration changes via MML or a CME workspace. Wimax configuration is stored on the BMPT card while LTE configuration is stored on the LMPT card. CME workspace to make configurations is preferred due to automatic checking and dependencies. But MML may be needed in some situations like bulk configuration changes.
eNodeB Troubleshooting: Configuration Management (2) Configuration backup, restoring, and download via Maintenance->Backup Management->NE Backup Same as Wimax.
eNodeB Troubleshooting: Configuration Management (3) Configuration audits can be performed via CME->Compare Parameters. Compare with other eNodeBs and templates. Same as Wimax.
eNodeB Troubleshooting: eNodeB Licensing LTE has a new licensing scheme: Separate license file for each eNodeB. License file provided by Huawei based on ESN. License applied during commissioning process. License->NE License Management->Standalone License to apply and view licenses. DSP LICENSE:; MML command to view actual license data on eNodeB. Only shows the number of subscribers on one eNodeB.
eNodeB Troubleshooting: S1 Configuration and Status S1-MME and S1-U interfaces to MME and SGW respectively. X2 interfaces to other eNodeBs for mobility signaling. SCTP is transport layer for S1 and X2. SCTP link status: LST SCTPLINK:; DSP SCTPLNK:SCTPNO=0; DSP S1INTERFACE:; S1 Interface Status. DSP X2INTERFACE:; X2 Interface Status. LST S1SIGIP:; S1-MME configuration. LST S1SERVIP:; S1-U configuration. LST X2ENODEB:; X2 configuration. Only shows the number of subscribers on one eNodeB.
eNodeB Troubleshooting: Cell Configuration and Status DSP CELL:; Shows cell status. LST CELL:; Shows cell configuration. Only shows the number of subscribers on one eNodeB.
eNodeB Troubleshooting: Cell Configuration and Status (2) BLK CELL / UBL CELL – activate/deactivate cell CELL_HIGH_BLOCK - immediately deactivates cell. CELL_MIDDLE_BLOCK – deactivates after a time period. CELL_LOW_BLOCK – deactivates when no subs. ACT CELL / DEA CELL – activate/deactivate cell is equivalent to CELL_HIGH_BLOCK. Only shows the number of subscribers on one eNodeB.
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