SPD DCS Status Report Ivan Amos Calì a,b, S.Ceresa a,c, C.Torcato de Matos a a CERN-AIT a CERN-AIT b Università degli studi di Bari b Università degli studi di Bari c ASP c ASP On behalf of the ALICE SPD collaboration 18 th ALICE DCS Workshop
05/03/2007 Ivan Amos Calì - 18th ALICE DCS Workshop 2 Outlook SPD DCS block diagram SPD DCS block diagram FSM hierarchy and new developments FSM hierarchy and new developments PS, FED and Cooling system control status report PS, FED and Cooling system control status report Interlocks Interlocks Summary Summary
05/03/2007 Ivan Amos Calì - 18th ALICE DCS Workshop 3
05/03/2007 Ivan Amos Calì - 18th ALICE DCS Workshop 4 SPD FSM Hierarchy The 1 st level of safety is provided by PVSS background scripts 31 Control Units 245 Logical Units 625 Device Units DU CU LU SPD DCS FED (HSn) Cooling (Sect n) HSnPowerServices FED Power HVLV Cooling Interlock LV (HSn) 0-1 HV (HSn) HSnPowerSeqSect0-9 HSect0-1 HS0-5 Conf. DB (HSect n)
05/03/2007 Ivan Amos Calì - 18th ALICE DCS Workshop 6 FERO Status FED Server version operative in DSF FED Server version operative in DSF Automatic detector & off-detector electronics configurationAutomatic detector & off-detector electronics configuration Automatic calibration proceduresAutomatic calibration procedures Temperature and voltages MonitoringTemperature and voltages Monitoring FED Status monitoringFED Status monitoring FED PVSS manual control panels implemented FED PVSS manual control panels implemented FED DU prototype developed and tested FED DU prototype developed and tested PVSS – FED macroinstruction translator operative PVSS – FED macroinstruction translator operative Configuration Db client integrated Configuration Db client integrated Full chain is operative in the DSF Full chain is operative in the DSF Missing interconnection between DAQ FXS and the Configuration Db Missing interconnection between DAQ FXS and the Configuration Db
05/03/2007 Ivan Amos Calì - 18th ALICE DCS Workshop 7 Cooling System SPD cooling plant installed at DSF with 10 cooling lines SPD cooling plant installed at DSF with 10 cooling lines PVSS control of the system using fwCoolingAndVentilation 0.14 panel PVSS control of the system using fwCoolingAndVentilation 0.14 panel Cooling system DU Prototype operative Cooling system DU Prototype operative Integration in the ALICE cooling system control must be done Integration in the ALICE cooling system control must be done
05/03/2007 Ivan Amos Calì - 18th ALICE DCS Workshop 8 HV/LV PS Hardware 1 x SY1527 mainframe: final 1 x SY1527 mainframe: final 2 x A1676 branch controller: 1 final 2 x A1676 branch controller: 1 final 4 x EASY3000 crates: final 4 x EASY3000 crates: final 2 x A3000NF filters: july 07 2 x A3000NF filters: july 07 4 x A3486 AC/DC converter: 2 final 4 x A3486 AC/DC converter: 2 final 10 x A1519B HV modules: 4 final – 6 rented by elect. Pool 10 x A1519B HV modules: 4 final – 6 rented by elect. Pool 20 x A3009 LV modules: 2 final – delivery of 4 this week (full system by August 07) 20 x A3009 LV modules: 2 final – delivery of 4 this week (full system by August 07) At the DSF now we can supply 2 SPD sectors. At the DSF now we can supply 2 SPD sectors.
05/03/2007 Ivan Amos Calì - 18th ALICE DCS Workshop 9 HV/LV PS Software Db recipes access functions embedded in the DUs Db recipes access functions embedded in the DUs SPD LV/HV channels recipies editor implemented SPD LV/HV channels recipies editor implemented SPD channels (HS) Power up – Power down sequence implemented at FSM and monitoring scripts level SPD channels (HS) Power up – Power down sequence implemented at FSM and monitoring scripts level HV-LV Software interlock scripts HV-LV Software interlock scripts Voltages and currents PVSS archiving Voltages and currents PVSS archiving FSM actions timeout implemented in the HV/LV DUs FSM actions timeout implemented in the HV/LV DUs
05/03/2007 Ivan Amos Calì - 18th ALICE DCS Workshop 10 HV/LV Recipe Editing Panels
05/03/2007 Ivan Amos Calì - 18th ALICE DCS Workshop 11 HV/LV Recipe Editing Panels
05/03/2007 Ivan Amos Calì - 18th ALICE DCS Workshop 12 Interlocks Software interlocks Sensors leakage currents trends Temperature trends (Routers & Interlock PLC) The PLC modules are compatible with the ALICE DSS (possible integration) Interlock system under test in DSF T interlock Routers (HSectors, Pt1000) Cooling line T sensors (Sectors, Pt1000) Cooling plant (General Alarm) T interlock PLC (HSector, Pt1000) LV/ HV Modules (HSector granularity)
05/03/2007 Ivan Amos Calì - 18th ALICE DCS Workshop 13 Future activities SPD TRIGGER SPD TRIGGER New system. Crate/power supply based on standard solutions to be defined. New system. Crate/power supply based on standard solutions to be defined. FSM logic to be defined (treat SPD trigger as part of the SPD or as separate detector). FSM logic to be defined (treat SPD trigger as part of the SPD or as separate detector). Communication DAQ FXS – Conf. Db Communication DAQ FXS – Conf. Db Test of DCS EFS Test of DCS EFS Finalize FSM Finalize FSM VME crates control VME crates control
05/03/2007 Ivan Amos Calì - 18th ALICE DCS Workshop 14 SPD DCS Summary PS control system (FSM, safety scripts and HSs power-up and power-down sequences) is operative PS control system (FSM, safety scripts and HSs power-up and power-down sequences) is operative Prototype of FED DU released Prototype of FED DU released Configuration DB integration of FED and PS system have been performed Configuration DB integration of FED and PS system have been performed The Integration of FED, PS and cooling FSMs in the general SPD FSM is ongoing. The Integration of FED, PS and cooling FSMs in the general SPD FSM is ongoing. Temperature interlock & monitor system implemented Temperature interlock & monitor system implemented A prototype of the full system is operative at CERN in the Divisional Silicon Facility (DSF) A prototype of the full system is operative at CERN in the Divisional Silicon Facility (DSF)
05/03/2007 Ivan Amos Calì - 18th ALICE DCS Workshop 15 BACKUP
05/03/2007 Ivan Amos Calì - 18th ALICE DCS Workshop 16 DSF “Control Room” 2 FED Servers PS control Cooling ControlAnalysis tool & Interlock, T monitor system FED control
05/03/2007 Ivan Amos Calì - 18th ALICE DCS Workshop 17 ALICE DAQ SPD Calibration Scenario 2 Control Data Optical VME Ethernet (DIM) PVSS FED control Comm.& Status Config. DB FED Servers (x2) FED Servers (x2) FED Servers (x2) FED Servers (x2) FED Servers (x2) Condition DB DAQ Exchange FS Extra data header produced inside the routers to delivery information to the analysis scripts DCS emulate Alice trigger system RO Electronics Monitoring Programs (MOOD & Calib. Data Displ) Local Data Collector (LDC) Analysis Scripts0 DCS network To Permanent Data Storage (PDS) DAQ network
05/03/2007 Ivan Amos Calì - 18th ALICE DCS Workshop 18 RO Electronics Data & Ctl Optical VME Ethernet (DIM) PVSS Archives PVSS FED control Comm.& Status Data Config. DB FED Servers (x2) FED Servers (x2) FED Servers (x2) FED Servers (x2) FED Servers (x2) Online Analysis Tool (ROOT based) Condition DB DCS Exchange FS DCS network To Permanent Data Storage (PDS) General purpose network SPD Calibration Scenario 1 DCS Standalone emulate Alice Trigger and DAQ system Run number provided by Experiment Control System (ECS) for synchronization
05/03/2007 Ivan Amos Calì - 18th ALICE DCS Workshop 19 PS Configuration Db Cash Recipe (versioning agent) Cash Recipe Configuration Db SPD PVSS panel (protection script) DU LV1DU HVDU LV2 PS System Expert Only JCOP framework recipes mechanism embedded in SPD panels JCOP framework recipes mechanism embedded in SPD panels Half-sector modularity of configuration Half-sector modularity of configuration Configuration tagged with state/action Configuration tagged with state/action
05/03/2007 Ivan Amos Calì - 18th ALICE DCS Workshop 20 FED Configuration DB I Version 1, Sector 0, Side A, HS 0MCM Version 1MBR Version 1DAC Version 1Version 2, Sector 0, Side A, HS 0DAC Version 2 Oracle Db operative in devdb6 Oracle Db operative in devdb6 Keeps The Historic of All Configurations without Data Replication Keeps The Historic of All Configurations without Data Replication Data-Base Constraints to Enforce Data Integrity Data-Base Constraints to Enforce Data Integrity Small number of Tables - Easy To Maintain and To perform Queries Through the Data Small number of Tables - Easy To Maintain and To perform Queries Through the Data Stored SPD sectors 0,1 and 2 configurations Stored SPD sectors 0,1 and 2 configurations
05/03/2007 Ivan Amos Calì - 18th ALICE DCS Workshop 21 SPD FSM Top Node OFF STANDBY {mode} READY PHYSIC Startup{ mode} standby_ physic go_physic shutdown set_mode {mode} CALIBRATION {cal_mode} Standby_calibration go_calibration{cal_mode, run_n} cal_mode: Minimum TH Scan Minimum TH Scan (DCS_ONLY_MIN_TH_SCAN)(DCS_ONLY_MIN_TH_SCAN) (DAQ_MIN_TH_SCAN)(DAQ_MIN_TH_SCAN) Mean TH Scan Mean TH Scan (DCS_ONLY_MEAN_TH_SCAN)(DCS_ONLY_MEAN_TH_SCAN) (DAQ_MEAN_TH_SCAN)(DAQ_MEAN_TH_SCAN) Uniformity Matrix Scan Uniformity Matrix Scan (DCS_ONLY_UNIFORMITY_SCAN )(DCS_ONLY_UNIFORMITY_SCAN ) (DAQ_UNIFORMITY_SCAN)(DAQ_UNIFORMITY_SCAN) Noisy pixels Noisy pixels (DCS_ONLY_NOISY_PIX_SCAN) (DCS_ONLY_NOISY_PIX_SCAN) (DAQ_NOISY_PIX_SCAN) (DAQ_NOISY_PIX_SCAN) mode: mode: PHYSICSPHYSICS CALIBRATIONCALIBRATION MCM_ONLYMCM_ONLY BEAM_TUNINGBEAM_TUNING run_n is the run number provided by the ECS in case of DCS_ONLY calibration runs run_n is the run number provided by the ECS in case of DCS_ONLY calibration runs