Data Quality & Improvement Section Observations and Engineering Branch Bureau of Meteorology Australia Bruce Forgan
Components of DQ&I Standards Group == Regional Instrument Centre – metrology Region V Radiation Centre Region V Ozone Centre GAW and Data Delivery Group oSolar and Terrestrial Radiation Network oOzone Networks oRADAR and Wind Profilers oAMDAR + surface based aviation (ceilometers) oSea level tsunami oLightning oSatellite Applications (Solar, NDVI, Wind etc) Cape Grim Baseline Air Pollution Station (GAW)
Bureau Weather Observation Networks RADAR Coverage 59
Bureau Weather Observation Networks Staffed field offices 57 with upper air flights Rainfall (real-time) 2810 Rainfall (climate) 4706
Total Column Ozone Dobson spectrophotometers omanual o3-4 periods/day oUmkehr (dawn) UV spectrometers oautomatic ofixed solar angle WAN-based odata entry odata distribution
Cape Grim Baseline Air Pollution Station Global Atmosphere Watch Measurement Programs Meteorology Precursors to New Particles Phytoplankton (University of Tasmania) Non-CO 2 Greenhouse Gases (10+) Carbon Dioxide and Isotopes Radon Reactive Gases (Ozone and NO x ) Particles Multiphase Aerosol Chemistry Solar and Terrestrial Radiation UV Radiation (& OH) Archive tanks Higher degree scholarships (2 per annum)
Standards Group & ARIC Maintenance of physical standards Maintenance and development of standard practices through: Uncertainty analysis Specifications Instrument verification (& calibration) NATA accreditation (ISO 17025) Traceable hierarchies OEB facility at Broadmeadows Instrument test reports Technical notes External publications Issues verified instruments to network pressure temperature rainfall humidity ozone solar/UV & terrestrial radiation Instrument and observing protocols Education on measurement uncertainty Instrument and process development In-situ training (+ students)
ARIC Facilities
Main Groups Dependent on DQ&I Section Outputs Bureau of Meteorology oTraceability of all observations (Regional Instrument Centre) where applicable oNational Climate Centre – specialist climate observations oSatellite applications NATA & Australian & NZ Solar Community oCommercial calibrations oAuditors on meteorological metrology Standards Australia oMetrology standards for environmental monitoring Australian standard on solar and terrestrial radiation World Meteorological Organization oRegion V (SW Pacific) Australian Regional Instrument Centre ++ oGlobal Climate Observing System oCommission for Instruments and Methods of Observation oGlobal Atmosphere Watch (GAW) IPCC/Kyoto Protocol
Solar and Terrestrial Radiation Solar ( nm) oDirect (total and spectral) (412, 500, 610, 778, 868) oDiffuse o(Global) oUVB (Alice Sp, Cape Grim) Terrestrial (>4000 nm) Minute statistics WAN-based odata distribution (30 min, daily updates) oQuality System
Some S&T Network Sites
Network Solar Exposure Frequency Distributions
Solar & Terrestrial Network Solar ( nm) oDirect (total) spectral 412, 500, 610, 778, 868) (either K&Z CH1 or Middleton DN5/sapphire), body temp. oDirect Spectral SPO2 (368, 412, 500 (x2), 610, 778, 812, 868, 10 nm FWHM) oDiffuse (CM11/CMP21, body temp) o(Global CM11/CMP21, body temp) UVB (NZ spectrometer, Alice Springs, Darwin) ASR (Adelaide), UV ASR (Melbourne) PFR Alice Springs (GAWPFR) PI Radiometer (UV, nm, 0.3 nm pixel) – 5 ready for deployment Terrestrial / Longwave (>4000 nm) – shaded Eppley PIR Data acquistion – Datataker 500 -> CS 3000 o1 Hz sampling (-> storing 1Hz) oMinute signal statistics (mean, max, min, std. devn.) oSunshine seconds (120 Wm -2, 95 Wm --2, 145 Wm --2 ) oftp ‘quick look’ to RIC and intranet every 30 minutes odaily ftp for processing post midnight ocleaning monitor, local statistics for observer
Typical S&T Instrument Set
Solar & Terrestrial Calibration Frequency Regional Radiation Centre oTwo Calibration Kits Agilent data system (yearly) CH1 pyrheliometer (6 monthly) FT001/DN5/Huskeflux/CHP1 pyrheliometer (6 monthly) Eppley PIR (12 monthly) Station visits (2-5 days) oBSRN (4) – 6 monthly oStandard (6) – 2 years
Field Calibrations – 6 month or 2 years (locations where clear sun can be expected) Pyrheliometer solar sequence ~4 hours clear sun oInstruments connected in parallel to local data system and cal kit data systems oDirect compared to 2 cal kit pyrheliometers of different type (for >90 minutes, 1 Hz sampling, uninterripted sun) oGlobal and diffuse pyranometers swapped Continuous verification/calibration of pyranometers in situ Sunny sites Total diffuse ratio (in conditions of 30 min) Component sum (used for daily verification) Alternate (pyranometer swap) method “Pseudo” method using total diffuse ratio “Haliwell” Scattered cloud method ~ 1 remote year remote sun-disk calibration on clear sky day Cloudy (2) site calibrations “Haliwell” Scattered cloud method to verify pyranometer Instrument rotation of pyrheliometer and pyranometers
Field Calibrations – Infrared & Data System (All Stations) Pyrgeometer oNight comparison only ocloud base > 3 km – variable cloud base is best o>90 minutes comparison post sunset with cal kit pyrgeometer Data system Verified by parallel voltage and resistance measurements Pyrheliometer and PIR calibration runs are processed just post collection back at HO (Melbourne) ideally same day to determine if the calibration is successful, or needs to be repeated
Using U95
Bureau Developed Radiometers UV ASR Melbourne Airport PI Radiometer Test Facility