The simple present tense is used to describe what sometimes happens, what usually happens, or what always happens. Example: You sit down and the waiter brings you soup, salad, meat, potatoes—one thing at a time.
We often use the simple present tense with adverbs of frequency to express how often something happens: always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never. Example: In some cultures, the meaning of an advertisement is usually found in the exact words that are used to describe the product and to explain why it is better than the competition.
Non-action verbs describe emotions, mental states, and situations. We usually use these verbs in the simple present tense. I appreciate your attendance today. (emotion) The Italians think of food as something you take your time with and enjoy. (mental state) Fast food, for example, is a very strange idea in Russia. (situation)
The present progressive tense is used to describe actions that are happening at the present time or in the near future. As you know, things are changing every day. New markets are opening up all the time.
We often use words or phrases such as today, nowadays, this month, these days, this year with the present progressive. Because of global communication, the world is becoming smaller today.
Structure: ◦ Subject + am / is / are + verb + ing
Purpose – to educate the reader / viewer Writing style – You should be writing to your audience. You need to write in a style that interests your readers. Sometimes flyers can contain short phrases to grab attention Language – Use easy words, lots of adjectives, and active verbs
Purpose – There are several reasons for writing a flyer… Grabs attention to an issue Promotes a product Persuades readersEmphasizes important details Exaggeration of an issueFactual description Draws attention to a problem Calls for some action or thought
TITLE – TOP OF THE PAGE ◦ Attention grabbing and related to the topic / purpose INTRODUCTION ◦ Start with a clear description of your topic / purpose
BODY – ◦ Clear details elaborating from the topic in the introduction ◦ The Five W’s – Who, What, Where, Why and When CONCLUSION – ◦ This should tell readers something they can do ◦ Example: to solve a problem or stop by a meeting ◦ The reader should be ENCOURAGED to DO something
You have until 3:30 to create your flyer Please follow the format we have just gone over in class Your flyer must be words You may have a couple of SMALL illustrations Possible topics: ◦ CAS meeting/event, Student Union Elections, Charity event, Sale at The Orb, Festival/Holiday (cultural event), etc.
The Extended Essay What is it? And why should I care?
Extended essay ◦ The extended essay, with a prescribed limit of 4,000 words
Your Supervisor must be a teacher at WFLMS Try to select a teacher that you know or have worked with before Teachers are not required to supervise an extended essay Teachers normally only supervise 4 to 5 students -- ask early Your Supervisor DOES NOT need to be your CURRENT teacher (or have ever taught you)
An English B EE provides students with the opportunity to develop their awareness and knowledge of the language studied, and their understanding of the culture. Mediums used: ◦ Texts (article, book, play poem) ◦ Specific cultural artifacts (works of art or architecture, films, radio, TV, or music)
Category 1 – Language Category 2 – Culture and society Category 3 - Literature
This essay should be a specific analysis of the language (its use, structure and so on) normally related to its cultural context or a specific text. Examples: ◦ Do young people use more words of foreign origin than older people? ◦ How does American culture correlate colors with thoughts, feelings and emotions?
A: essays of a sociocultural nature with an impact on the language The essay should be an analysis of a cultural nature that describes the impact of a particular issue on the form or use of the language. ◦ Example: To what extent does the language used by groups of young students from a secondary school in Los Angeles reflect racial discrimination?
B: essays of a general cultural nature based on specific cultural artifacts Examples: ◦ Social criticism in the songs of Rage Against the Machine ◦ Adverts in the British media ◦ Representation of women in hip hop ◦ Graffiti in NYC in the 1960s compared with today
This essay should be an analysis of a literary type. All texts must originally have been written in the target language ◦ Examples: Comparison of George Orwell’s 1984 and Aldous Huxley’s A Brave New World The American Dream as depicted in The Great Gatsby and Death of a Salesman
The iceberg analogy illustrates clearly the importance of the analysis / research / experimentation that underpins the completed essay.
POLL Report – Due Thursday November 29 th ! ◦ HARD COPY ONLY – NO TURNITIN