WET GRIP ADHESION FOR C2 & C3 TYRES Tyre industry position with respect to implementation of new minimum requirements for wet grip on C2 and C3 tyres 1 Transmitted by the expert from ETRTO Informal document GRRF (73 rd GRRF, September 2012 Agenda item 7(d)) Reference to document GRRF-73-08
Introduction The minimum requirement for wet grip on C2/C3 tyres has been proposed to keep the minimum WG performance as per the European State of Art. The reason is exactly the one that the Commission stresses in its proposal: provide a safety net that the wet grip performance is NOT deteriorated after the introduction of more stringent RR & Noise requirements for these tyres. The impact on the State of the Art of the forthcoming new requirements for Rolling Resistance and Noise are unknown. Therefore, at least the current level on wet grip performance must be maintained. 2
Reg. 117 Implementation steps UN Reg. 117 has very demanding and challenging implementation steps. Step 2 for RR will start in November 2016 for new tyre types and will be completed November 2020 for the entire market. In order to minimize the administrative and logistics burden on the Industry, the implementation timing introducing the limits for wet grip on C2 and C3 tyres should follow the same scheme (next page) 3
New Tyre Types Existing Tyre Types RR Stage1 Noise RR Stage2 RR Stage1 Noise RR Stage2 Wet Grip RR Stage1 Noise RR Stage2 RR Stage1 Noise RR Stage2 C1 C2 C3 New Vehicle Models Wet Grip RR Stage1 Noise RR Stage1 Noise RR Stage1 Noise RR Stage2 RR Stage1 Noise RR Stage2 Wet Grip RR Stage1 New Tyre Types Noise 1 st /Nov st /Nov st /Nov st /Nov st /Nov st /Nov st /Nov 2017 New Vehicle Types New Vehicle Models Existing Tyre Types UN Regulation 117 IMPLEMENTATION STEPS
Position For all these reasons, the European tyre industry does not support the idea of anticipating the date of implementation nor of making mandatory the limits for new tyre types only. Our objective is to ensure that the whole market falls under this rule which ensure a minimum level for WG. 5
New Tyre Types Existing Tyre Types RR Stage1 Noise RR Stage2 Wet Grip RR Stage1 Noise RR Stage2 Wet Grip RR Stage1 Noise RR Stage2 RR Stage1 Noise RR Stage2 Wet Grip C1 C2 C3 New Vehicle Models Wet Grip RR Stage1 Noise RR Stage1 Noise RR Stage1 Noise RR Stage2 Wet Grip RR Stage2 Wet Grip RR Stage2 RR Stage1 Noise RR Stage2 Wet Grip RR Stage1 New Tyre Types Noise 1 st /Nov st /Nov st /Nov st /Nov st /Nov st /Nov st /Nov 2017 New Vehicle Types New Vehicle Models Existing Tyre Types UN Regulation 117 IMPLEMENTATION STEPS - PROPOSAL
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