Community, Environment & Sustainability Ken Moon Colin Keyse Wales SRT Directors
Plastics Sorting Ltd Merlin Biodevelopments Torfaen Cleanstream
Thinking differently How to make money fighting climate change “ Now more than ever we need to find alternative ways of engaging people in reducing their carbon emissions… Renewable energy presents a unique opportunity for getting communities engaged in reducing their emissions - and benefiting financially” Reg Platt, Researcher Institute of Public Policy Research
Changes the focus of the challenge o Community projects need grant funding o Lack of sufficient grant funding to meet need o Need for match funding o Rolling back of the Public Sector o End of EU Funding Programmes in 2013? o Investable community enterprise E.g. Community energy schemes are investable o Government Incentives e.g. FITs, ROCs etc o Projected rise in energy prices
Energising Communities Investment Programme Securing investment for community energy projects
How will it work? o Promote potential community energy schemes o Generate interest through social media o Secure investment capital through national IPS ‘Loanstock’ (oragnsiations) Share offer (individuals) o Work with local & regional partners Existing & emerging organisations Identify & develop projects Invest in schemes at capital investment stage Establish local & regional share offerings Community buy-back
Bringing investors & communities together Invest: Generate: Recoup: Invest: Grow
Who benefits? o Supporters and investors o Financial return o Making a difference to communities o Communities o Community Asset o Independent source of income o Greater resilience o Wider Community o Regeneration mechanism o Behaviour change impacts o Real examples of success o A positive story about climate change /SD
Changing perceptions Changing Reality
Likelihood of success? “ If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right.” Henry Ford (made cars) “ Those who say it can't be done are usually interrupted by others doing it.” James Arthur Baldwin (American Essayist, Playwright and Novelist, )