$200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 NorthernEconomyColonialAssembliesSalutaryNeglectProtectingMercantilismAmericanEconomyWhiteSouth
C1-$100 White South - White South - $200 Large southern farms which grew mainly cash crops were called what? Plantations
C1-$200 White South White South - $400 Small-scale planters who owned just a few slaves were known as what? Small-holders
C1-$300 White South White South - $600 Who was a successful Virginian planter who after being educated in England won himself an appointment to the governor’s council? William Bird II
C1-$400 White South White South - $800 60% of English families in the Chesapeake colonies owned how many slaves? About One
C1-$500 White South White South - $1000 What is the term used to describe elaborate southern life? Gentility
C2-$100 Northern Economy Northern Economy - $200 What was the largest port city in the mid-1700s? Philidelphia
C2-$200 Northern Economy Northern Economy - $400 What was Great Britain’s main export through the South Atlantic System? Manufactured Goods
C2-$300 Northern Economy Northern Economy - $600 The “currency” used in the British Empire was known as what? Bills of Exchange
C2-$400 Northern Economy Northern Economy - $800 What jobs did slaves fill in the Northern Economy? Unskilled Labors
C2-$500 Northern Economy Northern Economy - $1000 What was the organization in New England which would help the hungry and homeless? Overseers of the Poor
C3-$100 Colonial Assemblies Colonial Assemblies - $200 What was the parliamentary assembly in Virginia? House of Burgesses
C3-$200 Colonial Assemblies Colonial Assemblies - $400 After the Glorious Revolution, representative assemblies in America followed the example of who? English Whigs
C3-$300 Colonial Assemblies Colonial Assemblies - $600 In Massachusetts during the 1720s, the assembly ignored the King’s instructions to provide the royal governor with what? A Salary
C3-$400 Colonial Assemblies Colonial Assemblies - $800 Who lead the increasingly powerful assemblies? The Colonial Elite
C3-$500 Colonial Assemblies Colonial Assemblies - $1000 What did angry crowds in Boston prevent merchants from exporting? Scarce Grain
C4-$100 Salutary Neglect Salutary Neglect - $200 British colonial policy during the reigns of George I and George II allowed for the of what in America? Self-government
C3-200 Salutary Neglect Salutary Neglect - $400 What British political philosopher gave the name to the strategy salutary neglect? Edmund Burke
C3-$300 Salutary Neglect Salutary Neglect - $600 Who was the Whig leader in the House of Commons from 1720 to 1742? Sir Robert Walpole
C3-$400 Salutary Neglect Salutary Neglect - $800 What group protested that Walpole had betrayed the Glorious Revolution? Radical Whigs
C3-$500 Salutary Neglect Salutary Neglect - $1000 Who warned that Walpole’s policies of high taxes and bloated royal bureaucracy threatened British liberties? The Country Party
C4-$100 Protecting Mercantilism Protecting Mercantilism - $200 Sir Robert Walpole’s interests laid primarily in Britain’s what? Economy
C4-$200 Protecting Mercantilism Protecting Mercantilism - $400 Britain declared which war on the Spanish, after the Spanish sexually mutilated an English sea captain? The War of Jenkin’s Ear
C4-$300 Protecting Mercantilism Protecting Mercantilism - $600 The War of Jenkin’s Ear quickly became a part of what? War of American Succession
C4-$400 Protecting Mercantilism Protecting Mercantilism - $800 Most troops in the Cartagena assault dead mostly of what type of diseases? Tropical Diseases
C4-$500 Protecting Mercantilism Protecting Mercantilism - $1000 The treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle returned which fortress back to the French? Louisberg
C4-$100 American Economy American Economy - $200 Parliament passed a series of navigations acts to enforce the British what, on manufacturing? Monopoly
C4-$200 American Economy American Economy - $400 By what percent did exports of tobacco, rice, and wheat increase by between 1700 & 1750? 400%
C4-$300 American Economy American Economy - $600 What act allowed the mainland colonies to export fish and farm products to French islands? Molasses Act
C4-$400 American Economy American Economy - $800 Who lent paper money to Farmers? Land banks
C4-$500 American Economy American Economy - $1000 What act stopped New England from forming new land banks and prohibited use of paper money to pay for private debts? The Currency Act