Graphical User Interfaces
Most used my Graphical User Interface (GUI) is …
I can use button RECYCLE BIN When you delete files they go here, so you can easily retrieve them if you make a mistake. To delete the files permantly, you can empty the Recycle Bin.
The internet Connection Wizard is a special program that helps you get on the Internet. You may also have an icon for the Microsoft Notwork- an Internet service you can subscribe to. I can use button MICROSOFT EXPLORER
This button is the main starting point for most of your actions. Click one and you’ll see a list of programs and your most recently used documents. I can use button START
FOLDER Sometimes they are adorned with other graphics, but they are usually pretty easy to spot. Double-clicking on a folder icon displays that folder’s contents in another window, which is what we’ve done here. I can use
MENU The taskbar shows you the programs that you are currently running and the windows you have open. To switch between different windows, click on their buttons on the Taskbar. I can use
MY COMPUTER This lets you browse the files stored on your PC. Move the mouse pointer over this icon and double-click the left mouse, button: a new window shows your hard disk, floppy disk and CD-ROM drive, as well as special Printer and Control Panel folders. I can use button
Bibiografia: POdDNsgbftYDABw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1680&bih=946#q=nowy+folder&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii= _&imgrc=l-V68yTZ1JIcXM%253A%3Bk6mnuXzH- POdDNsgbftYDABw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1680&bih=946#q=pasek+menu+start&tbm=isch&facrc=_&i mgdii=_&imgrc=Ei4S0KVpRCTgsM%253A%3B45bKZiAwIjoq- 2Fpolecamy%252Fwindows-7-interfejs-uzytkownika.html%3B1280%3B Explorer.png , #q=pulpit&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=T9Ry2MM3unRFTM%253A%3BcN4hGCCDAIhwzM pulpit.aspx%3B640%3B480
PRACE WYKONALI: Magdalena Sitek Justyna Wronkowska Arkadiusz Szwarc