Fiction Writers of the Great Depression
The Great Depression Economic downturn s Great effects around the world Unemployment and homelessness soared Lost jobs and decrease in product demand
Authors John Ernst Steinbeck Cheiro Robert Ervin Howard Joseph Campbell Ernest Hemingway
John Ernst Steinbeck Born Feb. 27, 1902 Died Dec. 20, 1968 Best known and widely read author of 20 th century Nobel Prize winner of 1962 Realistic stories and characters Known as a regionalist, naturalist, mystic, and Proletarianc writer *Of Mie and Men *Grapes of Wrath *The Pearl *East of Eden
Cheiro Count Louis Hamon One of the most famous occult figures of the early 20 th century Supposed Clairvoyant Name derives from the word “Cheriomancy” His books are still in print today. Palmistry Guide Cheiro’s Guide To The Hand Palmistry- The Language of the Hand
Robert Ervin Howard January 22, June 11, 1936 Classic American Pulp Writer Wrote many genres 300/700 Most famous for Weird Tales *Shadow Kingdom *The Dark Man *Conan
Joseph John Campbell March 26, October 31, 1987 American professor, writer, and orator Known for his works in comparative religion and mythology *Pathways to Bliss *The Hero’s Journey *The Joseph Campbell Phenomenon
Ernest Miller Hemingway July 21, July 2, 1961 American Novelist, short-story write, and journalist Unique Writing style Hemingway’s father in 1929 *For Whom The Bell Tolls *The Sun Also Rises *The Old Man and the Sea
Work Cited Other Sources FE606E18B2949.gifhttp:// FE606E18B2949.gif John Steinbeck Cheiro ki/Cheiro
Work Cited (Continued) Robert Howard Ernest Hemingway Joseph Campbell jpg 4.jpg