Passive “se” If verb followed by singular noun or infinitive – no N at end of verb Ex. se vende fruta, se permite jugar If verb followed by plural noun – the verb MUST have an N Ex. se venden frutasse permiten juegos
Affirmative and Negative Commands Affirmative: “tu” form and drop the “s” Hablar – Hablas = Habla Comer – Comes = Come Dormir – Duermes = Duerme Negative: “tu” form and change to opposite vowel add “no” at the beginning Hablar – Hablas = No hables Comer – Comes = No comas Dormir – Duermes = No duermas
Ser and Estar (to be) SER:ESTAR: Date and DescriptionPosition Origin and OccupationLocation CharacteristicsAction TimeCondition OwnershipEmotion Relationship and Religion soy somosestoy estamos eres soisestás estáis es sonestá están SER
Direct and Indirect Object Pronoun DOP (it, them) IOP (to whom, for whom?) What? (object) usually followed by “a” lo me (to me) nos (to us) la te (to you)os (to yall) los le(to him/her) les(to them) las Ex. Take it (the trash) Ex. Mr. Bob lends me money sácala (la basura) Señor Bob “me” presta dinero a mi.
Saber and Conocer (to know) Saber:Conocer: InformationFollowed by “a” Facts A cquainted with a person, place Infinitive Verb (jugar) or thing. To know a person, place or thing
Reflexive Verbs (things you do to yourself) Reflexive Verbs end in “se” (acostarse) Move “se” to the front – se acostar Change the “se” to me, te, se, nos, os, se Conjugate the verbs (stem change) – te acuestas To make it negative put “no” in front – no te acuestas Ex- nos ponemos me acuesto nos maquillamos se levanta
Present Progressive (action “ing”) For “ar” verbs use:For “er” “ir” verbs use: estar + andoestar + iendo Ex. está cortandoEx. está comiendo está hablando está durmiendo está barriendo está leyendo