UNCLASSIFIED 1 1 Joint Concept Development & Experimentation – Future Joint Operations Joint Concept Development & Experimentation – Future Joint Operations Ms. M. R. Shephard Deputy Director, Joint Concept Development & Experimentation
UNCLASSIFIED 2 The United States Joint Forces Command provides mission-ready Joint capable forces and supports the development and integration of Military, Government, and Multinational capabilities to meet the present and future operational needs of the Joint Force. Joint Forces Command Mission
UNCLASSIFIED 3 Joint Concept Development and Experimentation Enterprise Customers define problem sets, provide operational context, & help identify solutions Partners bring capabilities, technologies, SMEs and shared experimental objectives Executed through a collaborative enterprise approach Addressing DOD’s Most Pressing Warfighter Challenges Focus on clear and precise problem identification / definition Involve key stakeholders, partners, and transition agents from the beginning Identify & evaluate potential solutions Rapidly transition successful solutions to drive change Joint Concept Development and Experimentation
UNCLASSIFIED 4 Capstone Concept for Joint Operations CCJO Wargame Set in 2020 Key Risk Areas: Changing global nuclear landscape Gain and maintain access Integration of 'whole of nation' Situational understanding Digital dependence Battle of the narrative Results applied to inform QDR and DoD Decision Making National Security Challenges Win Nation’s Wars Deter Aggression Develop Cooperative Security Defend Homeland Respond to Civil Crises Joint Force must achieve: Unity of Effort Joint Synergy Freedom of Action Influence over Perceptions Chairman’s vision An instrument of national power Integrated operations in a complex & uncertain future Understand, Arrange, Assess & Rearrange Combine & adapt: combat, security, engagement, and relief and reconstruction Create greater balance, adaptability and versatility
UNCLASSIFIED 5 Solutions for the Future Joint Force
UNCLASSIFIED 6 Developed & validated Computer Network Measures of Performance/ Effectiveness Evaluated & refined Cyberspace Ops Crisis Action Planning Template Developed & validated manning model and estimate for offensive operations Based on operational plans Approved by JROC, included in FY11-15 GDF Update Leveraged experts from NSA, JFCC- NW, DoD CIO, Joint Staff, DIA, JTF- GNO, COCOMs and Services Products providing pre-doctrinal basis for cyberspace operations: Cyberspace Operations Crisis Action Planning Template Computer Network Attack Measures of Performance and Measures of Effectiveness Guide Cyberspace Operations Experimentation
UNCLASSIFIED 7 Joint Integrated Persistent Surveillance Constructive SimulationsHuman-in-the-Loop (HITL)Live Simulation (EC10) Each Experiment planned to build on the previous Experiment driving towards increased validity for real-world operations Experimental Rigor is being applied to the JIPS effort to provide a traceable, logical, and operationally valid path to recommendations M&S environment based on real world processes, capabilities, and environments Measures solutions against a baseline representing current persistent surveillance practices Runs are executed with varied combinations of scenarios, weather, and sensor packages Human decision-making introduced to further test solutions Builds on Constructive Simulation results Solutions carried forward Additional solutions which require human input are tested Premier ISR event for DoD High visibility capstone event to demonstrate JIPS solutions JIPS leverages EC10 as a high fidelity HITL environment
UNCLASSIFIED 8 Joint Targeting Proof of Concept Developed and validated solutions to deficiencies in joint targeting process Cross cutting initiatives to improve training and education, JFC targeting support, and automation Joint Targeting Support Center (JTSC) concept Leveraged Service, Combat Support Agency, COCOM, Joint Staff experts LOE validated value of centralizing select joint targeting functions VCJCS implemented following recommendations: Institutionalization of Cross-Cutting Initiatives (JS/J7) Organizational CONOPS (JFCOM) Capabilities Based Assessment on organizational and functional solutions in the CONOPS (STRATCOM) Military Problem: Deficiencies in 1) the availability and placement of sufficiently trained targeting personnel; 2) targeting automation systems interoperability; 3) the management of the DoD targeting enterprise; 4) and the management of targeting support prevent the efficient execution of the joint targeting cycle as necessary to meet Joint Force Commander requirements. [Based on CFWG Study]
UNCLASSIFIED 9 PROBLEM SOLUTION ID EXPERIMENT/EVALUATE TRANSITION Improving Interagency Integration Comprehensive Approach Experimentation POLICY JOINT AND NATO DOCTRINE CONOPs Multinational Experiment 5 TRAINING Stability Operations Security, economic, infrastructure, rule of law, and governance sector reform Interoperability, collaboration, unity of effort Systems integration Strategic planning and implementation Knowledge development Information activities ICAF USG Planning Framework Architecture MPICE JFC Handbooks CIP/CIME Multinational Interagency Strategic Planning Guide Unified Action S/CRS PLANNING FRAMEWORK Building Toward a “Whole of Government” Approach HANDBOOKS FEB08, Strategic Planning & Shared Assessments MIE APR08, Cooperative Implementation Planning MIE JUN08, Comprehensive Approach Seminar DEC08, Enabling Capabilities-Info Sharing MIE Coherent Vision Community of Interest Collaboration Environment CONOP/Handbk Development Experimentation Analysis Refinement NSPD-44 DODD SSTRO/HD CS JOC HSPD-5 NSPD-44 DODD SSTRO/HD CS JOC HSPD-5