The present tense of the two verbs in Spanish that are not interchangeably used to express “being”


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Presentation transcript:

The present tense of the two verbs in Spanish that are not interchangeably used to express “being”

 Yo estoy= I am Nosotros estamos = We  Tú estás = You are Vosotros estáis= You are  Ud. está = You are Uds. están = You are  Él está= He is Ellos están = They are  Ella está = She is Ellas están = They are

 Yo soy = I am Nosotros somos = We are  Tú eres = You are Vosotros sois = You are  Ud. es = You are Uds. son = You are  Él es = He is Ellos son = They are  Ella es = She is Ellas son = They are

ESTAR SER  The location of people, places, and things  The present progressive tense  Some weather expressions  With adjectives, to express the temporary state or condition of someone or something (emotions, health, physical states)  Change the meaning of an adjective  Generalizations  Time of day  The day or date  Where or when an event “takes place”  Origin with “de”  Possession with “de”  To link a subject to a predicate nominative (renaming the subject)  identification, nationality, profession, religion  What something is made of with “de.”  With adjectives, to express permanent characteristics  Change the meaning of an adjective

LOCATION OF PEOPLE, PLACES, THINGS PRESENT PROGRESSIVE  El estudiante está en la escuela. = The student is in school.  La escuela está en la ciudad. = The school is in the city.  Los libros están en la biblioteca. = The books are in the library.  Yo estoy trabajando ahora mismo. = I am working right now.  Los chicos todavía están comiendo. = The boys are still eating.

SOME WEATHER EXPRESSIONS WITH ADJECTIVES SOME WEATHER EXPRESSIONS WITH PRESENT PROGRESSIVE  Está nublado. = It is cloudy.  Está claro. = It is clear.  Está muy húmedo. = It is very humid.  Está lloviendo. = It is raining.  Está nevando. = It is snowing.

GENERALIZATIONS TIME OF DAY  Es importante. = It is important.  Es difícil estudiar los fines de semana. = It is difficult to study on the weekends.  Es la una y media. = It is 1:30.  Son las tres en punto. = It is 3:00 sharp.

THE DAY OR DATE WHERE OR WHEN AN EVENTS “TAKES PLACE”  Hoy es martes. = Today is Tuesday.  Hoy es el 8 de noviembre de = Today is November 8,  El partido es en el estadio. = The game is at the stadium.  La misa es a las ocho de la mañana. = The mass is at 8:00 a.m.

ORIGEN WITH “DE” POSSESSION WITH “DE”  Soy de los Estados Unidos. = I am from the United States.  Tú eres de Argentina. = You are from Argentina.  Es el libro de Juan. = It is John’s book.  La casa es de mis padres. = The house is my parents’.

RENAMING: LINKING A SUBJECT TO A PREDIATE NOMINATIVE WHAT SOMETHING IS MADE OF WITH “DE”  Yo soy un chico bueno. = I am a good boy.  Es mi libro. = It is my book.  Marta es cubana. = Marta is Cuban.  El hombre es profesor. = The man is a teacher.  Nosotros somos católicos.= We are Catholics.  La bicicleta es de metal. = The bicycle is made of metal.  Las ventanas son de vidrio. = The windows are made of glass.

WITH ADJECTIVES TO EXPRESS TEMPORARY CONDITIONS (EMOTIONS, HEALTH, MENTAL STATES, AND PHYSICAL STATES OF PEOPLE OR THINGS) WITH ADJECTIVES TO EXPRESS PERMANENT CHARACTERISTICS OF PEOPLE AND THINGS  Los chicos están tristes.= The boys are sad.  Yo estoy enfermo. = I am sick.  La madre está preocupada. = The mother is worried.  Mi camisa está sucia. = My shirt is dirty.  El hombre está cómodo. = The man is comfortable.  El chico es alto y delgado. = The boy is tall and thin.  La chica es inteligente y simpática. = The girl is intelligent and nice.  Nuestra casa es grande. = Our house is big.

El chico es guapo.= The boy is handsome. Mi novia es alta. = My girlfriend is tall.  El chico está guapo hoy en su traje nuevo. = The boy looks handsome today in his new suit.  Mi novia está alta porque lleva zapatos de tacones. = My girlfriend appears to be tall because she is wearing high heeled shoes. CHANGE THE MEANING OF AN ADJECTIVE TEMPORARY CONDITIONS (LOOKS; APPEARS TO BE) CHANGE THE MEANING WITH ADJECTIVES TO EXPRESS PERMANENT CHARACTERISTICS

SPECIAL ADJECTIVES THAT CHANGE MEANINGS COMPLETELY. (TEMPORARY CONDITIONS ) SPECIAL ADJECTIVES THAT CHANGE MEANING COMPLTELY ( PERMANENT CHARACTERISTICS)  Uds. están listos. = You all are ready.  La chica está mala. = The girl is sick.  Pablo está aburrido. = Pablo is bored.  La fruta está verde. = The fruit is not ripe.  Estamos seguros. = We are sure.  El perro está vivo. = The dog is alive.  Uds. son listos. = You all are clever. (smart)  La chica es mala. = The girl is bad.  Pablo es aburrido. = Pablo is boring.  La fruta es verde. = The fruit is green.  Somos seguros. = We are safe.  El perro es vivo. = The dog is lively.

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