Lake County Schools Investing In Excellence! College and Career Readiness Academic Services C² Collaborative Cohort September 20, 2012
Connecting to Common Core through Reading Instruction Date: October 18, 2012 Benchmark: Anchor Standard 10 for Reading Literary/ Informational Domain 2: Planning and Preparing Benchmark: Anchor Standard 10 for Reading Literary/ Informational Domain 2: Planning and Preparing Shifting Gears (Bell Ringer) : Evaluate text for complexity in structure and language demands. Essential Question : How do we revolutionize the way we teach, lead, and learn for 21 st century success in the C2 Ready Reading Classroom? Vocabulary : informational text, “pairing text”, structure, language demands Objective: Learners will identify ways to pair informational text in instruction and locate informational texts by utilizing online tools provided and task cards. Agenda: I DO: Provide online tools for incorporating informational text for instruction WE DO: Discuss the role of pairing informational text in the classroom utilizing a circle map YOU DO: Find a paired text to match the literary text used in “Shifting Gears” using the online tools and reading task card provided. Agenda: I DO: Provide online tools for incorporating informational text for instruction WE DO: Discuss the role of pairing informational text in the classroom utilizing a circle map YOU DO: Find a paired text to match the literary text used in “Shifting Gears” using the online tools and reading task card provided. Summarizing Activity: Reflective question What do you now know about pairing text? What are your preliminary considerations for your action plan? Summarizing Activity: Reflective question What do you now know about pairing text? What are your preliminary considerations for your action plan? Next Steps (Homework): Bring artifact Next Steps (Homework): Bring artifact Learning Goal: Learners will know, understand, implement and monitor the 3 elements of the C2 Ready Reading Classroom at the school they serve.
Lake County Schools Vision StatementVision Statement A dynamic, progressive and collaborative learning community embracing change and diversity where every student will graduate with the skills needed to succeed in postsecondary education and the workplace. Mission StatementMission Statement The mission of the Lake County Schools is to provide every student with individual opportunities to excel. Lake County Schools is committed to excellence in all curricular opportunities and instructional best practices. This focus area addresses closing the achievement gap, increased graduation rate, decreased dropout rate, increase in Level 3 and above scores on the FCAT, achieving an increase in the number of students enrolled in advanced placement and dual enrollment opportunities and implementing the best practices in instructional methodology. Academic Services
Curriculum & Instruction ~ Professional Development ~ Teaching & LearningCurriculum & Instruction ~ Professional Development ~ Teaching & Learning The Office of Academic Services encompasses the core business of Lake County Schools. We provide guidance and support to develop instructional leaders through the coordination of district curriculum initiatives, professional learning, along with teaching and learning programs that result in improved learning for ALL. Our goal is to work collaboratively with schools to continuously and significantly improve student achievement, align curriculum and instructional practice to Florida’s standards, assist schools to develop their capacity to implement data-driven planning and review processes that foster continuous school improvement. Assurances We will ensure that we work with district staff and school administrators to design and collaborate on systems that address professional learning needs related to improving student outcomes. We will ensure that curriculum is current and at a high level (rigorous) meeting local, state, and national standards. We will ensure that researched-based best practices (programs and processes) are utilized regarding student curricular needs and student learning patterns. We will ensure services are provided that target closing the achievement gap by improving the performance of all students while drastically accelerating the achievement of students of color, English Language Learners (ELL), Exceptional Student Education (ESE) and students living in poverty. Academic Services
Academic Services
21 st Century Skills Tony Wagner, The Global Achievement Gap 1. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 2. Collaboration and Leadership 3. Agility and Adaptability 4. Initiative and Entrepreneurialism 5. Effective Oral and Written Communication 6. Accessing and Analyzing Information 7. Curiosity and Imagination Academic Services
Shifting Gears Language demands and structure Think (Read) Write RoundRobin 3 minutes to Read 2 minutes to Write RoundRobin
The C2 Ready Reading Classroom Students interacting with text Students responding to text Complex Higher Lexile Increase Informational Text Text Across Content Areas Student and Teachers utilizing the “RIGHT” text
The C2 Ready Reading Classroom Teachers and Student Utilizing the “Right” Text Complex Higher Lexiles Increase in Informational Text Text Across Content Areas
Share our Artifacts School Name of Text Level of ComplexityAha’sNext Steps
Lesson Planning and Delivery Teachers generate questions and tasks around the elements that make the text complex Teachers create opportunities for students to engage in structures that allow for academic discourse Teachers identify and select the “right text” to use in instruction Teachers create opportunities for students to deepen knowledge by responding to text
The C2 Ready Reading Classroom Pairing Text Matching informational text and literary text by topic.
AN IN-DEPTH LOOK The Balance of Informational and Literary Texts - YouTubeThe Balance of Informational and Literary Texts - YouTube Watch What is the purpose of increasing complex/ informational text? Respond
The C2 Ready Reading Classroom Pairing Text Matching informational text and literary text by topic. Reading and Language Arts Teachers
AN IN-DEPTH LOOK Literacy Standards in the Content AreasLiteracy Standards in the Content Areas Watch What is the purpose of increasing complex/ informational text? Respond
The C2 Ready Reading Classroom Pairing Text Matching informational text and literary text by topic. Reading and Language Arts Teachers Content Area Teachers
Informational Text What type of information text do we currently use?
Task Find an informational text to pair with the literary text, Heidi or Martin Eden from our Shifting Gears. Utilize online tools and the Reading Task Card to assist you Find the Lexile of the text and questions you might ask based on the skill using the Reading Task Card
Web Based Tools: Ebsco Ebsco – Lake County Home Page Lake County Home Page – EBSCO EBSCO lakecounty (Username) lakecounty (Password) Tool
Lexile: 1290L *Language Demands *Knowledge Demands
Grade, Lexile, Skill/ Strategy
Lexile: 1470 L Language Demands Knowledge Demands
Lexile: 1210L Context Clues Multiple Meaning Words: – plate, fault, rock, strike
1450L Text Structure: Cause and Effect
Article of the Week: Sources: New York Times, CBS Reports, Washington Post, The Week
Easy Ready to Print Format Pair to teach skill: Validity and Reliability- What does the author use to support the information in the article? What information from the article support the conclusion that …? Lexile L
D-Day Statement to Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force On to victory! This message signed by Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower was handed to Allied troops stepping onto their transports in early June As Commander of the Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, General Eisenhower provided encouragement and hope for those about to liberate the European continent from Nazi tyranny.
MIRANDA VS. ARIZONA Rationale from the Supreme Court for the right to remain silent
Task Find an informational text to pair with the literary text, Heidi or Martin Eden from our Shifting Gears. Utilize online tools and the Reading Task Card to assist you Find the Lexile of the text and questions you might ask based on the skill using the Reading Task Card
Stand up, Hand up, Pair Up Resource Utilized Name of text Lexile Questions Stand Up Hand Up Pair Up
Lesson Planning and Delivery Teachers generate questions and tasks around the elements that make the text complex Teachers identify and select the “right text” to use in instruction Summarizing Activity/ Exit Ticket: What do you now know about pairing text? How does pairing text connect to our district look-fors?
December 2012: Teachers will identify the Lexile for all text used and be able to communicate the Common Core Lexile Expectation for their grade level February 2013: Teachers will increase the amount of informational text used in instruction by pairing text May 2013 –Teachers will be all able to articulate the 3 legs of text complexity and the 4 elements that make a text complex. They will engage in discussions and collaborate to analyze the complexity of various texts. June Teachers are trained on creating moderate to high text-dependent questions using the elements that make the text complex.
Next Steps Action Plan for training teachers on pairing text with classroom implementation by February 2013 Example of informational text paired with literary text to include; Lexile measure, and questions related to benchmark utilizing the Reading Task Card
Objective : Learners will identify ways to pair informational text in instruction and locate informational texts by utilizing online tools provided and task cards. 0-Not Using No understandi ng or implementa tion steps taken away 1-Beginning Little understand ing and inconsisten t implement ation steps taken away 2-Developing Moderate understan ding and implement ation steps taken away 3-Applying Consistent understandi ng and implementa tion steps taken away along with monitoring componets for effective execution 4-Innovating In addition to criteria of Applying, enhanced understandi ng, implementa tion, monitoring, and execution take aways Academic Services