“To not like” / “to be disagreable” Acts similar to “gustar” in that the SUBJECT in the English sentence is the INDIRECT OBJECT in the Spanish: They don’t like me = Les caigo mal I like you = Me caes bien CAER MAL
“to be in someone’s best interest” (conjugate like VENIR) – HOWEVER This verb is ALMOST exclusively used only in the 3 rd person forms (like gustar) It’s in your best interest to study = Te conviene estudiar CONVENIR
“to hurt” / “to cause pain” Can be conjugated in all forms (o-ue) ALMOST exclusively used in the 3 rd person forms My eyes hurt = me duelen los ojos DOLER
“to love” (find enchanting) All 6 conjugations HOWEVER: ALMOST always conjugated with the “speaker” as the indirect object He loves me = Le encanto ENCANTAR
“to be lacking” “to be missing” Has 6 conjugations, HOWEVER ALMOST always the “speaker” is the indirect object I don’t have words to say what I feel = Me faltan palabras para expresar lo que siento FALTAR
“to fascinate” Has 6 conjugations, HOWEVER ALMOST ALWAYS the “speaker” is the indirect object I love theses books = Me fascinan estos libros. FASCINAR
“to interest” Has 6 conjugations, HOWEVER ALMOST always conjugated in 3 rd person with the speaker being the indirect object Your ideas interest me = Me interesan tus ideas INTERESAR
“to bother” “to annoy” Has 6 conjugations, HOWEVER ALMOST ALWAYS the “speaker” is the indirect object You don’t bother me = no me molestas MOLESTAR
“to seem” “to appear” Has 6 conjugations (yo parezco) ALMOST always the “speaker” is the indirect object” What do you think (about this)? = ¿Qué te parece? PARECER
“to stay” “to remain” Has 6 conjugations, HOWEVER ALMOST always the “speaker” is the indirect object We have 2 minutes left = Nos quedan 2 minutos QUEDAR
1. ¿Qué país te fascina? 2. ¿Qué te duele después de un día largo? 3. ¿Te falta dinero para comprar un Porsche? 4. ¿Qué te molesta más? 5.¿Qué estación del año te encanta? ¿Por qué? CONTESTA en frases completas en español