Verbos Reflexivos (Reflexive Verbs)
A verb is NOT reflexive when the subject and the direct object are not the same Ex. I bathe the dog SubjectVerbDirect object Theydrythe cat SubjectVerbDirect object Wewake upthe girls SubjectVerbDirect object
A verb is reflexive when the subject and the direct object are the same. Ex. I bathe myself SubjectVerb Direct object Shedries herself SubjectVerb Direct object Wewake up ourselves SubjectVerb Direct object
When a verb is reflexive, the infinitive verb ends in “se” Lavarto wash Lavarseto wash oneself (reflexive) Peinarto comb Peinarseto comb oneself (reflexive) Afeitarto shave Afeitarseto shave oneself (reflexive)
In Spanish we use a reflexive pronoun when the subject and the direct object are the same. Reflexive Pronouns Me(myself) Te(yourself (inf.) ) Se(himself, herself, yourself (form.) ) Nos(ourselves) Se(themselves, yourselves) The purpose of the reflexive pronouns is to show that the action of the verb remains with the subject.
Conjugating reflexive verbs 1.Position the reflexive pronoun before the verb. 2.Drop the -se ending and conjugate normally. Ex. Ducharse (to take a shower) I take a shower = Yo me ducho. You (inf) take a shower= Tú te duchas. He takes a shower= Él se ducha. We (f) take a shower= Nosotras nos duchamos. You (pl) take a shower= Ustedes se duchan. They (m) take a shower= Ellos se duchan.
I shave_____________________________ You (formal) shave___________________ You (inf) comb your hair_______________ She puts on makeup__________________ He takes a shower____________________ We (f) brush our teeth__________________ You (pl) put on clothes_________________ They (m) take a shower________________ I put on makeup ______________________ You (inf) brush your teeth_______________
Ejercicios 1. Maria puts on makeup___________________ 2. I wash my hair__________________________ When using body parts use articles rather than possessive adjectives. 3. He shaves____________________________ 4. I brush my teeth________________________ 5. We comb our hair______________________ 6. They put on clothes_____________________ 7. You (inf) comb your hair__________________ 8. Hugo and Patricia brush their teeth _______________________________________
Llamarse (to call oneself) You have heard of this verb before when you learned how to say your name. In Spanish My name is… could be translated in two ways: 1.Mi nombre es…(My name is…) 2.Me llamo… (I call myself…) To ask for other people’s names say: ¿Cómo se llama? (formal) Or ¿Cómo te llamas? (informal) How do you call yourself?
Some reflexive verbs are: Alegrarse (to become happy) Divertirse (to have fun) e>ie Enojarse (to become angry) Preocuparse (to worry) Sentirse (to feel) e>ie Equivocarse (to be wrong) Caerse (to fall down) Ponerse (to wear something) Casarse (te get married)
Afeitarse (to shave oneself) Bañarse (to bathe oneself) Ducharse (to take a shower) Cepillarse (to brush hair or teeth) Lavarse (to wash) Peinarse (to comb the hair) Maquillarse (to put on make up) Pintarse (to put on make up) Prepararse (to get ready) Cortarse (to cut oneself) Quitarse (to get rid of things, clothes) Secarse (to dry oneself) Vestirse (to get dressed) e>i
Despertarse (to wake up) e>ie Levantarse (to get up) Sentarse (to sit down) e>ie Acostarse (to lay down) o>ue Dormirse (to fall asleep) o>ue Callarse (to become quiet) Quedarse (to remain still “quedarse quieto”, to remain behind “quedarse atrás”) Aburrirse (to get bored) Asustarse (to get scared) And any other verb that ends in –se is reflexive.
Idiomatic expressions with reflexive verbs These verbs don’t necessarily indicate an action done to or for oneself, but their construction are reflexive. Acordarse de (to remember)o>ue Arrepentirse de (to repent)e>ie Reírse de (to laugh at) Atreverse a (to dare) Quejarse de (to complain) Burlarse de (to make fun of) Irse a (to go away) Olvidarse de (to forget) Parecerse a (to look like)
Reflexive verbs in the infinitive form. (Two verbs in a row) When a reflexive verb is used as an infinitive, the reflexive pronoun is attached to the end of the infinitive or placed before the conjugated verb. Ej: Voy a ducharmeDebo ducharme or or Me voy a ducharMe debo duchar Quiero ducharmePuedo ducharme or or Me quiero duchar Me puedo duchar
1. She should comb herself________________________________ 2. We can shave ourselves______________________________ 3. I’m going to take a shower________________________________ 4. He needs to put on clothes.__________________________ 5. They want to shave themselves. _______________________________________ 6. They would like to put on makeup. _______________________________________
Reflexive verbs and the present progressive Present progressive: Use the conjugations of estar. Add –ando to the stem of –ar verbs. Add –iendo to the stem of –er and –ir verbs. Ejemplos: Bailar Yo estoy bailandoEstamos bailando Tú estás bailandoUds. Él está bailando Ellos están bailando Usted está bailando Ellas
For –er ad ir verbs: Comer Yo estoy comiendo Nosotros estamos comiendo Tú estás comiendo Ella Ellas Él está comiendo Ellos están comiendo Usted Ustedes Vivir Yo estoy viviendo Nosotros estamos viviendo Tú estás viviendo Ella Ellas Él está viviendo Ellos están viviendo Usted Ustedes
Reflexives and the progressive tense. -Use a reflexive pronoun, the conjugation of estar, add –ando for –ar verbs, and –iendo for –er and –ir verbs. Ejemplo: I am drying myself. Me estoy secando. reflexive conjugation -ando (–ar verb) pronoun of estar Fabiola is bathing (herself). Fabiola se está bañando.
To form the present participle of -ir stem changing verbs, change e:i and o:u in the stem, and then add -iendo to the stem of the verb. E to I servir: sirviendo pedir: pidiendo decir: diciendo O to U dormir: durmiendo morir: muriendo poder: pudiendo
Sometimes when forming the present participle it is necessary to change the spelling of a word so that it agrees with the way it is pronounced. We call this an "orthographic" change. Here are some common examples: caer: cayendo (must use reflexive pronouns) creer: creyendo huir: huyendo ir: yendo influir: influyendo oír: oyendo traer: trayendo leer: leyendo seguir: siguiendo
Ejercicios 1. You (formal) are combing your hair.__________________________________ 2. I am brushing my teeth._________________________________ 3. He is dressing himself.________________________________ 4. We are putting on makeup. ______________________________________ 5. She is brushing her teeth._________________________________ _
Impersonal se constructions Third person reflexive pronoun se may be used in an impersonal construction se + verb. This is another alternative to using the passive voice, when you prefer not to specify who performs the action of the verb. Passive voice People in México speak Spanish.= Spanish is spoken in México. La gente habla español en México.= Se habla español en México. For sale = Se vende No smoking. = No se fuma. Help wanted / employees wanted.= Se buscan empleados.
Se prohíbe fumar. Smoking is prohibited. Se prohíbe comer en la clase. Eating in class is prohibited. Se prohíbe tirar basura. Throwing garbage away is prohibited. Se prohíbe andar en patineta (monopatín). Skateboarding is prohibited. Se prohíbe correr. Running is prohibited.