AGENDA MS Office 2013 Intro to MS Office EXCEL 2
MICROSOFT OFFICE Access – use relational database to store data and convert to information. Excel – spreadsheets store quantitative data and perform rapid calculations and analysis. PowerPoint – creates slide shows for presentation by a speaker. Word – process texts and creates documents, letters, resume, reports etc. 3
OPERATIONS Quick access toolbar Ribbon Hiding the Ribbon Ribbon groups ? – Help button Dialog box Status bar Copy, Cut, Paste 8
SPREADSHEETS AND WORKSHEETS Spreadsheets – electronic files that contains a grid of columns and rows containing related data. Worksheets – spreadsheet containing formulas, functions, values etc. Workbook – file containing related worksheets. 10
EXCEL WINDOW Rows, row heading Columns, column heading Cell Name box Formula bar 11
EXCEL WINDOW Navigate in and among worksheets Enter and edit cell data Clearing cell data Formulae F5 – find row/column/group 12
CELL NAVIGATION KeystrokeUse Up ArrowUp one cell in the same column. Down Arrow / EnterDown one cell in the same column. Left ArrowLeft one cell in the same row. Right Arrow / TabRight one cell in the same row. Page UpMove the active cell up one screen. Page DownMove the active cell down one screen. HomeMove the active cell to column A of current row. Ctrl+HomeMake cell A1 the active cell. Ctrl+EndRightmost lowermost cell of active row/columns F5 / Control+GDisplay the Go to dialog box 13
ENTERING AND EDITING CELL DATA Enter text Enter values Enter dates Enter formulas Edit and clear cell contents 14
Text - can’t be used for calculations Ex: Bob, banjo, , , m#5l*fish Which side does text auto align to? Long text: Alt+Enter to begin a new line Values - represent a quantity or a measurable amount Ex: 0.5, 123,456, Which side do values auto align to? 15
Dates - can be used in calculations Ex: 9/15/2012; 9/15/12; September 15, 2012 Current Date: Ctrl+; Times - can also be used in calculations Ex: 1:30pm, 13:30 Current Time: Ctrl+Shift+; 16
FORMULA INTRO Begin with = Can reference other cells Use Order of Operations 17
FORMULA INTRO – CONT’D Order of Operations Parentheses Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction 18
QUICK EXAMPLES FormulaResult =A1+A2*A320 =(A1+A2)*A330 =A1+A2*A3+A424 =(A1+A2)*(A3+A4)90 19 CellContents A110 A25 A32 A44
CLEARING CELL CONTENTS Different ways: 1.Choose the cell, double click on that and delete using ‘BACKSPACE’ / ‘ DELETE’ button. (deletes word by word) 2.Select the cell and directly press ‘DELETE’ 3.Select the cell and click “CLEAR” button on top right corner of ribbon and choose what to clear (only formats/only contents/only comments/only hyperlinks/ clear all) 20
SIMPLE SHORTCUTS Enter data into cell A1 Copy Ctrl+C Paste Ctrl+V Cut Ctrl+X Undo Ctrl+Z Redo Ctrl+Y 21
NEXT CLASS In-depth about Excel – Chapter1 22