Final Project: Concepts and Implementations Final Project
27 Januari : Perkenalan & Pembagian dosen pembimbing TA 7 Februari: Latar belakang masalah Februari: Solusi desain, dasar teori & konsep desain Maret : Sidang Konsep ( proses desain, thumbnail & sketch) Maret: Revisi konsep & eksekusi desain 17 Maret - 31 April : Eksekusi desain – selesai Mei : Penulisan laporan Tugas Akhir 6 Juni: Karantina karya dan laporan Tugas Akhir Juni : Sidang Tugas Akhir 18 Juni: Pengumuman kelulusan & nilai TA Timeline Tugas AkhirTimeline Tugas Akhir
Tata Tertib Studio Tugas Akhir Jadwal studio: Senin, Kamis & Jumat Pk WIB Batas minimal kehadiran dalam studio adalah 75%. Apabila tidak memenuhi batas minimal kehadiran, maka mahasiswa yang bersangkutan tidak diperbolehkan mengikuti Sidang TA. Absensi akan dilakukan di awal (pk WIB) dan akhir jam studio (pk WIB). Toleransi keterlambatan 10 menit. Mahasiswa yang tidak hadir saat absensi akan dianggap alpha. Setiap mahasiswa WAJIB berkonsultasi dengan 2 (dua) dosen pembimbingnya MINIMAL 1 (satu) kali dalam seminggu
Tanda tangan/stempel acc akan diberikan pada saat konsultasi APABILA mahasiswa memenuhi syarat / target yang telah disepakati bersama sebelumnya Mahasiswa wajib mengumpulkan MINIMAL 14 tanda tangan/ acc dari masing-masing dosen pembimbing sebagai syarat mengikuti sidang akhir.
1. Brand Activation & Promotion 2. Event Branding & Promotion 3. Product Packaging & Promotion 4. Book/ Comic/ Graphic Novel Design & promotion 5. Magazine Design & Promotion 6. Short Movies/Animations/Video & Promotion 7. Video Clips & Promotion 8. Website Design & Activation 9. Traditional Game Design & Promotion 10. Multimedia Game Design & Promotion
1. Brand Activation & Promotion1. Brand Activation & Promotion 1.Brand Concept (Big Idea) 1.Brand Idea and Strategy (Visual, Verbal and Attributes) 2.Graphic Standard Manual 1.Brand / Logo Philosophy 2.Corporate / Project Logo ( Logo elements, Proportion, Position, Font Types) 3.Special Design Logo (Project, Partnership) 4.Logo (Minimum clear space protection, minimum sizes, logo misuse, color variations, typography) 5.Stationery (Business Card, Letterhead, Envelope, Stamp) 6.Color Guide 3.Brand Marketing Application on Corporate Assets 1.Office or Office tools design 2.Transportation design 3.Offline Promotional 4.Online Advertising 1.Online promotional items (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, SMS/ blast, online banners, etc) 2.Social Media Activation (How to attract people to your Social Media)
2. Event Branding & Promotion2. Event Branding & Promotion 1.Event Concept 1.Event Idea and Strategy, event rundown and budgeting 2.Event Brand Strategy 1.Event Logo 2.Event GSM (Logo philosophy, Logo elements, Minimum clear space protection, minimum sizes, logo misuse, color variations, typography) 3.Stationery (Business Card, Letterhead, Envelope) 4.Event proposal 3.Event Application 1.Application Design (invitation, backdrops, ambience, ticketing booth, sign system in Digital Imaging/ Paper Tole, NO MAKET) 2.Promotional item (TV Ads if needed, Mag/Newspaper Ads, Radio Ads, Poster min. A3 size) 3.Giveaway promotional item (goodie bags including product sample if needed, shirts, mug, pin, sticker, etc.) 4.Promotional Tools (Online) 1.Online promotional items (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, SMS/ blast, online banners, etc) 2.Social Media Activation (How to attract people to your Social Media) *See your mentors for further request
3. Product Packaging & Promotion3. Product Packaging & Promotion 1.Packaging Concept (Big Idea) 1.Packaging Idea and Promotion Strategy (Visual, Verbal and Attributes) 2.Product/ Brand Strategy 1.Product/ Brand Logo 2.Product/ Brand GSM (Logo philosophy, Logo elements, Minimum clear space protection, minimum sizes, logo misuse, color variations, typography) 3.Logo (Minimum clear space protection, minimum sizes, logo misuse, color variations, typography) 4.Color guide 3.Packaging Application 1.Packaging Design (all size and variants of product, with mock ups and template designs) 2.Point of Purchase Design (store/ stall designs, product displays, point of sale, poster, banners, floor graphics, etc) 3.Giveaway promotional item (goodie bags, product sample, shirts, mug, pin, sticker, etc.) 4.Online Advertising 1.Online promotional items (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, SMS/ blast, online banners, etc) 2.Social Media Activation (How to attract people to your Social Media)
4. Book/ Comic/ Graphic Novel Design & promotion
Book Design & promotionBook Design & promotion 1.Book 1.Min. 80 pages (concept must come from the students, but the content can be co-authored) 2.Min. 50 % content of Illustration / Visual Elements 3.Examples, HUGO, Tinkerbell, Science is Fun) 2.Promotional Tools (Offline) 1.Traditional Media Promotional Items (TV Ads & Radio if needed, Mag/Newspaper Ads) 2.Poster, minimum A3 size (placed in bookstore) 3.Hanging Banner, size depended on location 4.Point of Purchase, size and design depended on concept 5.Book Trailer / Book Excerpt. (example, avenger comics on XXI promotions, avenger colantote on ipad adds) 6.Giveaway promotional item (goodie bags, shirts, mug, pin, sticker, etc) 3.Promotional Tools (Online) 1.Online promotional items (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, SMS/ blast, online banners, etc) 2.Social Media Activation (How to attract people to your Social Media) *See your mentors for further request
Comic/Graphic Novel Design & Promotion 1.Graphic Novel / Comic 1.Minimum 60 pages 2.90 % content of Illustration / Visual Elements 3.Examples, V for Vendetta, Maximum Ride Manga 2.Promotional Tools (Offline) 1.Traditional Media Promotional Items (TV Ads, Mag/Newspaper Ads, Radio Ads) 2.Poster, minimum A3 size (placed in bookstore) 3.Hanging Banner, size depended on location 4.Point of Purchase, size and design depended on concept 5.Book Trailer / Book Excerpt. (example, avenger comics on XXI promotions, avenger colantote on ipad adds) 6.Giveaway promotional item (example, bags, shirts, mug, pin, sticker, etc) 3.Promotional Tools (Online) 1.Online promotional items (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, SMS/ blast, online banners, etc) 2.Social Media Activation (How to attract people to your Social Media)
5. Magazine Design & Promotion5. Magazine Design & Promotion 1.Magazine 1.Minimum 60 pages (concept must come from the students, but the text content can be co-authored) 2.Minimum 30 % content of Illustration / Visual Elements 2.Promotional Tools (Offline) 1.Traditional Media Promotional Items (TV Ads, Mag/Newspaper Ads, Radio Ads) 2.Poster, minimum A3 size (placed in bookstore) 3.Hanging Banner, size depended on location 4.Point of Purchase, size and design depended on concept 5.Magazine Trailer (insert) 6.Giveaway promotional item (example, bags, shirts, mug, pin, sticker, etc) 3.Promotional Tools (Online) 1.Online promotional items (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, SMS/ blast, online banners, etc) 2.Social Media Activation (How to attract people to your Social Media)
6. Short Movies/Animations/Video & Promotion 1.Short Movies (more than 10 minutes and less than 90 minutes) 2.Movies format: DVD PAL with SD PAL/HD original format files 3.Project Assets: 1.Story Structure, Script, Storyboard, Synopsis 2.Character Design, Environment Design, Props Design (pictures and sketches) 3.Behind The Scene (footage & photo) 4.Promotional Tools (Offline) 1.DVD Packaging 2.Movie Poster, minimum A3 size 3.Movie Teaser 4.Movie Trailers 5.Giveaway promotional item (example, bags, shirts, mug, pin, sticker, etc) 4.Promotional Tools (Online) 1.Online promotional items (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, SMS/ blast, online banners, etc) 2.Social Media Activation (How to attract people to your Social Media)
7. Video Clips & Promotion7. Video Clips & Promotion 1.Video Clip (minimal 2 minutes) 2.Movies format: DVD PAL with SD PAL/HD original format files 3.Project Assets: 1.Story Structure, Storyboard, Synopsis 2.Graphic Design Concept (Picture & sketch) 3.Character Design, Environment Design, Props Design (pictures and sketches) 4.Behind The Scene (footage & photo) 5.Promotional Tools (Offline) 1.DVD Packaging 2.Movie Poster, minimum A3 size 3.Movie Teaser 4.Movie Trailers 5.Giveaway promotional item (example, bags, shirts, mug, pin, sticker, etc) 4.Promotional Tools (Online) 1.Online promotional items (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, SMS/ blast, online banners, etc) 2.Social Media Activation (How to attract people to your Social Media)
8. Website Design & Activation8. Website Design & Activation 1.Running Website (searchable in Google),.us,,.org domain 2.Website can use HTML or CMS (joomla, wordpress, etc) 3.CMS user needs to design their own template or modify existing template 2.Offline version of the Website (files) and screen captures (image files) 3.Mobile web version of the website 4.User interface design 5.Website >> Google Analytics 6.SEO~ strategy 7.Project Assets: 1.Promotional Tools (Offline) 1.Web Activation Campaign (related to online campaign) 8.Promotional Tools (Online) 1.Online promotional items (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, SMS/ blast, online banners, etc) 2.Social Media Activation (How to attract people to your Social Media)
9. Traditional Game Design & Promotion 1.Playable Game 2.Game Concept 3.Guide Book 4.Game play (how to play) 5.Promotional Tools (Offline) 1.Traditional Media Promotional Items (TV Ads & Radio if needed, Mag/Newspaper Ads) 2.Poster, minimum A3 size (placed in bookstore) 3.Hanging Banner, size depended on location 4.Point of Purchase, size and design depended on concept 5.Game Trailer / teaser 6.Giveaway promotional item (goodie bags, shirts, mug, pin, sticker, etc) 6.Promotional Tools (Online) 1.Online promotional items (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, SMS/ blast, online banners, etc) 2.Social Media Activation (How to attract people to your Social Media)
10. Multimedia Game Design 7 Promotion 1. Running & Playable Games - for ios/ android/ pc or other devices - Game screen captures (image files) - concept & design must come from the students, but the programming code can be co- produced 2. Game Concept 3. Game play (how to play) 4. Project Assets: Character, Environment, Props Design (image files) 5. Promotional Tools (Offline) - Traditional Media Promotional Items (TV Ads & Radio if needed, Mag/Newspaper Ads) - Poster, minimum A3 size (placed in store/ public spaces) - Hanging Banner, size depended on location - Point of Purchase, size and design depended on game concept - Game Trailer / teaser - Giveaway promotional item (goodie bags, shirts, mug, pin, sticker, etc) 6. Promotional Tools (Online) - Online promotional items (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, SMS/ blast, online banners, etc) - Social Media Activation (How to attract people to your Social Media)
Thank You