VERSUS COMPETITORS . . . nonvolatile memory comfortable user interface wide variety of methods powerful flash xenon lamp (UV) phosphorescence, chemiluminescence, and cryoluminescence modes modulated background light correction variety of attachments
FLUOROMETRY AND PHOTOMETRY AT ONCE 1 - light source 2,7 - lens 3 - excitation filter КВ 4,10 - beam splitter 5,9,12 - photodetector 6 - cell 8 - emission filter 11 - focusing mirror
METHODS Method Parameter of interest Fluorometry Oil, surfactants, phenols, nitrites, fluorides, sulphides, B, Al, Fe, Cu, Sn, Zn and other analytes Phosphorescence Uranium Photometry COD, nickel, vanadium, manganese, molybdenum, chromium (VI), cyanides Nephelometry turbidity Cryoluminescence lead, benzo[a]pyrene HPLC PAHs, aflatoxins, vitamines A, E and others
FLUORAT - 02-2М with CRYO-1 attachment FLUORAT-02 FAMILY FLUORAT- 02-2М FLUORAT - 02-3М FLUORAT - 02-PANORAMA Spectrofluorometer FLUORAT - 02-2М with CRYO-1 attachment
Biochemical analyzers FLUORAT – 02 – ABFF, ABLF FLUORAT-02 FAMILY CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS Biochemical analyzers FLUORAT – 02 – ABFF, ABLF Medical analyzer Photometer ABF-100
AUTOMATIC FLOW ANALYZERS FLUORAT-02 FAMILY AUTOMATIC FLOW ANALYZERS FLUORAT–AE-2 (in-line automatic monitoring of the content of petrol hydrocarbons in water) FLOURAT-AA-2 (in-line automatic monitoring of the content of aluminum in water) FLOURAT-AC-2 (in-line automatic monitoring of the content of active unbonded chlorine in water)
APPLICATION FIELDS Environment and sanitary Industry water air emissions soil toxicity oils in cryoproducts Geology и oil exploration luminescent label method Food vitamines A, E, B1, B2, C mycotoxines B1, B2, G1, G2 PAHs heavy metals Biochemistry and medicine hemotest clinical diagnostics
WATER QUALITY MONITORING Drinking water Analyte Detection limit, mg/dm3 Sample volume, cm3 Model Beryllium 0.0001 – 0.05 50 Fl-2М,-3М Arsenic 0.005 – 2.0 10 -100 Fl-2М,-3М Selenium 0.0001 – 0.005 10 -100 Fl-2М,-3М Fluorides 0.1 – 2.5 5 -10 Fl-2М,-3М Chromium 0.02 – 0.5 20 Fl-2М,-3М +CSC Turbidity 1.0 - 100 ЕМF 3 Fl- 3М Abbreviations at “Model” column: Fl-2М — FLUORAT-02-2М, Fl-3М — FLUORAT-02-3М CSC – exchangeable sample compartment CSCV – exchangeable sample compartment for vials
WATER QUALITY MONITORING Natural, drinking and waste water Analyte Detection limit, mg/dm3 Sample volume, cm3 Model Aluminium 0.01 – 5.0 10 Fl-2М,-3М Anionic surfactants 0.025 – 2.0 5-20 Benzo[a]pyrene 0.000002 – 0.0002 1000 Fl-2М +CRYO1 Boron 0.05 – 5 5 Vanadium 50-500 Total iron 0.05 – 5.0 1-10 Cationic surfactants 0.01 – 2
WATER QUALITY MONITORING Natural, drinking and waste water Analyte Detection limit, mg/dm3 Sample volume, cm3 Model Manganese 0.01 – 2.5 20-100 Fl-2М,-3М +CSC Copper 0.005 – 0.2 2 Fl-2М,-3М Molybdenum 0.025 – 0.25 10-100 Oil products 0.005 – 50 100 Nickel 0.01 – 4 5-100 Nitrites 0.005 – 5.0 5
WATER QUALITY MONITORING Natural, drinking and waste water Analyte Detection limit, mg/dm3 Sample volume, cm3 Model Tin 0.01 – 1.0 5 – 25 Fl-2М,-3М Lead 0.005 – 1.0 10 Fl-2М +CRYO2(1) Sulphides 0.005 – 2.5 50 Uranium 0.002 – 1.0 0,5 Fl-2М Phenols 0.0005 – 25.0 10 – 250 Formaldehyde 0.02 – 0.5 2 COD 5 – 10000 2 – 4 Fl-2М,-3М+CSCV + COD-reactor Cyanides 0.02 – 0.4 5 – 20 Fl-2М,-3М +CSC Zinc 0.005 – 2.0 5 – 50
OCCUPATIONAL AND COMMUNITY AIR Analyte Detection limit, mg/m3 Samples volume, dm3 Model community occupational Benz[a]pyrene (HPLC) 0.0005 – 0.1 mkg/m3 0.02 – 5000 mkg/m3 5000 150 -300 Fl-2М + Lumachtom Benz[a]pyrene (CRIO) 0.07 – 5000 mkg/m3 500 - 800 Fl-2М + CRYO-1 Formaldehyde 0.01 – 0.25 0.04-1 4 – 5 1–1.5 Fl-2М,-3М Phenols 0.004 – 0.2 0.1 – 5 50 -60 2-2.5 Copper 0.001-0.1 0.2-2.0 1000 50 Cadmium 0.00025-0.005 0.01-2.0 2000 Lead 0.00025-0.01 0.0025-0.1 500 Fl-2М+ CRYO2(1) Hydrogen sulphide 0.002-0.08 0.5-4.0 1 Hydrogen fluoride - 0.2-5 10 – 15 Zinc 0.2 – 2.0
FOOD ANALYSES Analyte Detection limit, mg/kg Sample mass (volume), g Vitamin В1 0.1 – 10 10 Vitamin В2 0.05 – 10 Vitamin С 10 – 5000 1 - 25 Tin 0.5 – 8.0 0.5 –1.0 Selenium 0.1 - 100 0.1
EMISSION MEASUREMENT Analyte Detection limit, mg/m3 Samples volume, dm3 Model Benz[a]pyrene (CRIO) 0.07 – 1000 mkg/m3 200 - 400 Fl-2М +CRYO1 Phenol 0.1 – 50 2 – 2.5 Fl-2М,-3М Formaldehyde 0.04 – 40 4 – 10 Benz[a]pyrene (HPLC) 0.015 – 5000 mkg/m3 200 – 400 Fl-2М +Lumachrom
SOIL, BOTTOM SEDIMENTS Analyte Detection limit, mg/kg Sample mass (volume), g Model Oil products 5 - 20000 0.2 –1.0 Fl-2М,-3М Boron 0.5 - 50 5 Zinc 0.5 - 20 Benz[a]pyrene (HPLC) 0.005 – 2 1 Fl-2М + Lumachrom
OTHER APPLICATIONS Analyte Detection limit, mg/dm3 Samples volume, cm3 Model Sample type Silicon 0.005 - 0.06 10 Fl-2М,-3М Power plant feedwater Fluorescein 0.001- 5,0 20 Stratal water and borehole water Coal oils 5 – 100 0.0125 - 0,8 mg Cryoproducts Selenium 0,1 – 100 mg/kg 100 mg Fl-2М,-3М + Minotavr-1 Feed mixes
SPECIFICATION Fluorat®-02-2M Fluorat®-02-3M Spectral range 200 - 670 200 – 900 Cell, mm 10, 20 and 40 Sample volume (for 10 mm cell), cm3 3 Measurement time, sec < 16 Power supply 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 12VDC, 3 A Power comsumption, W < 36 Size, mm 300x300x120 300x300x95 Weight 8
CONCLUSION FLUORAT- 02-2М FLUORAT - 02-3М Lumex filter-based fluorometers Fluorat-02-2M and Fluorat-02-3M possess the most advanced technical characteristics as compared to other instruments in this category
CONTACTS LUMEX INTERNATIONAL 4736 Lee Hwy, suite 203, Arlington VA 22207, USA Phone/Fax: +1 (703) 243-7103; E-mail: info@lumexint.com; http://www.lumexint.com OhioLumex Co. 9263, Ravenna Rd., Unit A3 Twinsburg, OH 44087 USA Phone: +1 (888) 876-2611; +1 (330) 405-0837 Fax: +1 (330) 405-0847 E-mail: Siperst@yahoo.com, mail@ohiolumex.com; http://www.ohiolumex.com LUMEX LTD. 19, Moskovskiy pr., St. Petersburg, 190005 Russia Phone: +7 (812) 718-5390, +7 (812) 718-5391 Fax: +7 (812) 316-6538 E-mail: sales@lumex.ru, is@lumex.ru; http://www.lumex.ru