AchieveAbility Interventions Framework: Stage 2 Training devised by David Crabtree AchieveAbility Interventions Framework Stage 2 Training Staff development to move towards directed learning
AchieveAbility Interventions Framework: Stage 2 Training devised by David Crabtree Stage 1 was about Accessibility Readability Clarity Multi-sensory Activity based Linking whole picture to detail Using strengths Using logic, meaning and context to support memory
AchieveAbility Interventions Framework: Stage 2 Training devised by David Crabtree Big picture Linking From: Left Brain Right Brain
AchieveAbility Interventions Framework: Stage 2 Training devised by David Crabtree Stage 2 is about Whole class teaching SpLD learners in the class Strategies to improve written or assessed work Understanding of number Direct impact on achievement Structure Learning journey
AchieveAbility Interventions Framework: Stage 2 Training devised by David Crabtree The AchieveAbility ASF model Structure and Scaffolding Framing for audience and purpose Accessibility and Activity
AchieveAbility Interventions Framework: Stage 2 Training devised by David Crabtree The ASF model: a learning journey
AchieveAbility Interventions Framework: Stage 2 Training devised by David Crabtree Ways to structure discussions Pose questions Each group considers a different perspective List a number of points for/against PowerPoint Create a story Drawing Quiz Treasure Hunt Games Card sort Post-its A3 paper Storyboard Role play
AchieveAbility Interventions Framework: Stage 2 Training devised by David Crabtree Activity 1 - step 1 In pairs: Design a 15 minute mini-lesson on any topic. Topic Big picture Details Headlines/Signposts Stages Audience
AchieveAbility Interventions Framework: Stage 2 Training devised by David Crabtree Activity 1 - step 2 Join with another pair… Swap partners. In the new pair write a group discussion activity to last 10 minutes. One person to focus on reinforcement, one on extension.
AchieveAbility Interventions Framework: Stage 2 Training devised by David Crabtree Activity 1 - step 3 Each new pair finds another pair… Swap partners. For each mini-lesson produce a written assignment. and design 2 x writing frames set at different levels. (note: original audience)
AchieveAbility Interventions Framework: Stage 2 Training devised by David Crabtree Additional structuring along the learning route Lesson templates Reading DARTs Text types Mind maps Pre-writing activities Note taking Modelling writing
AchieveAbility Interventions Framework: Stage 2 Training devised by David Crabtree Mind maps
AchieveAbility Interventions Framework: Stage 2 Training devised by David Crabtree The ASF Model Learning Journey Changing images to text using Inspirtation mind mapping software 1. Teacher (signboard) Structures lesson Signposted lesson with big picture, details and headlines. 2. Structured Discussion Small group with structured activity 3. Spider diagram Produced by discussion group 4.Writing Frame (Differentiated) 5.Piece of writing Using the structure of the writing frame, outcomes from discussion group, information from the structured lesson.
AchieveAbility Interventions Framework: Stage 2 Training devised by David Crabtree Building a more active approach to learning
AchieveAbility Interventions Framework: Stage 2 Training devised by David Crabtree Learning about learning
AchieveAbility Interventions Framework: Stage 2 Training devised by David Crabtree Activity 2. Learning Journey in your context or subject. Plan of a series of lessons identifying the key stages and activities for a learning journey from introduction of new topic to written outcome
AchieveAbility Interventions Framework: Stage 2 Training devised by David Crabtree Learning journeys mind map Topic written outcome(s) Big picture Headlines Main details Differentiated writing frames Main stages in the learning route Lesson template 2 or 3 activities Links between the various stages Key words Any numeracy? Support for personal organisation Check against ASF model Success?