La famille
Les objectifs ALL will be able to introduce the Simpson family in French MOST should be able to understand sentences about the Simpson’s family SOME might be able to create their own sentences to describe the Simpson’s family
Révision – la famille pacman
Voici la famille Simpson !
Voici le père, Homer.
Voici la mère Marge.
Voici le grand-père, Abraham.
Voici la grand-mère, Jackie.
Voici le fils: Bart.
Voici la fille: Lisa.
Voici la petite soeur, Maggie.
Voici le cousin, Marc..
Voici la cousine, Sophie.
Building up sentences Je m’appelle Bart. 5 second rule J’ai une mère. La mère de Bart s’appelle Marge. Homer a un fils. Le fils d’Homer s’appelle Bart. Bart a deux sœurs. Les sœurs de Bart s’appellent Lisa et Maggie. 5 second rule
S’appeler = to be called je m’appelle = I am called il s’appelle = he is called elle s’appelle = she is called ils s’appellent = they are called elles s’appellent = they are called (for girls only) My cousins are called Tom and Max. Mes cousins s’appellent Tom et Max.
Les objectifs ALL will be able to introduce the Simpson family in French MOST should be able to understand sentences about the Simpson’s family SOME might be able to create their own sentences to describe the Simpson’s family
Les devoirs (homework) 1) Print and glue pictures in your family tree protraits. NOTHING has to be true! So your brother could be Justin Bieber, your grandma could be the Queen, etc… 2) Write a paragraph to introduce your family. At least 8 sentences. Use connectives to link your sentences together (level 3). Add opinions if you can, to reach a level 4. DO NOT USE ONLINE TRANSLATORS, USE YOUR BOOK! Due in Monday 10th December.