Q5.1 A car engine is suspended from a chain linked at O to two other chains. Which of the following forces should be included in the free-body diagram for the engine? 1. tension T1 2. tension T2 3. tension T3 4. two of the above 5. all of T1, T2, and T3
A5.1 A car engine is suspended from a chain linked at O to two other chains. Which of the following forces should be included in the free-body diagram for the engine? 1. tension T1 2. tension T2 3. tension T3 4. two of the above 5. all of T1, T2, and T3
Q5.2 A cable attached to the car holds the car at rest on the frictionless ramp (angle a). The ramp exerts a normal force on the car. How does the magnitude n of the normal force compare to the weight w of the car? 1. n = w 2. n > w 3. n < w 4. not enough information given to decide
A5.2 A cable attached to the car holds the car at rest on the frictionless ramp (angle a). The ramp exerts a normal force on the car. How does the magnitude n of the normal force compare to the weight w of the car? 1. n = w 2. n > w 3. n < w 4. not enough information given to decide
Q5.3 A cart (mass m1, weight w1) is attached by a lightweight cable to a bucket (mass m2, weight w2) as shown. The ramp is frictionless. When released, the cart accelerates up the ramp. Which of the following is a correct free-body diagram for the cart? 1. 2. 3. 4.
A5.3 A cart (mass m1, weight w1) is attached by a lightweight cable to a bucket (mass m2, weight w2) as shown. The ramp is frictionless. When released, the cart accelerates up the ramp. Which of the following is a correct free-body diagram for the cart? 1. 2. 3. 4.
Q5.4 A cart (mass m1, weight w1) is attached by a lightweight cable to a bucket (mass m2, weight w2) as shown. The ramp is frictionless. The pulley is frictionless and does not rotate. When released, the cart accelerates up the ramp and the bucket accelerates downward. Which statement about the cable tension (magnitude T) is correct? 1. T = w2 2. T > w2 3. T < w2 4. not enough information given to decide
A5.4 A cart (mass m1, weight w1) is attached by a lightweight cable to a bucket (mass m2, weight w2) as shown. The ramp is frictionless. The pulley is frictionless and does not rotate. When released, the cart accelerates up the ramp and the bucket accelerates downward. Which statement about the cable tension (magnitude T) is correct? 1. T = w2 2. T > w2 3. T < w2 4. not enough information given to decide
Q5.5 You are pushing a 1.00-kg food tray through the cafeteria line with a constant 9.0-N force. As the tray moves, it pushes on a 0.50-kg milk carton. Which of the following forces should be included in a free-body diagram for the milk carton? 1. the weight of the milk carton 2. the force of the milk carton on the tray 3. the force you exert with your hand 4. the acceleration of the milk carton 5. more than one of the above
A5.5 You are pushing a 1.00-kg food tray through the cafeteria line with a constant 9.0-N force. As the tray moves, it pushes on a 0.50-kg milk carton. Which of the following forces should be included in a free-body diagram for the milk carton? 1. the weight of the milk carton 2. the force of the milk carton on the tray 3. the force you exert with your hand 4. the acceleration of the milk carton 5. more than one of the above
Q5.6 Blocks A and C are connected by a string as shown. When released, block A accelerates to the right and block C accelerates downward. Although there is friction between blocks A and B, there is not enough to prevent block B from slipping. If you stood next to the table during the time that block B is slipping on top of block A, you would see 1. block B accelerating to the right 2. block B accelerating to the left 3. block B moving at constant speed to the right 4. block B moving at constant speed to the left 5. none of the above
A5.6 Blocks A and C are connected by a string as shown. When released, block A accelerates to the right and block C accelerates downward. Although there is friction between blocks A and B, there is not enough to prevent block B from slipping. If you stood next to the table during the time that block B is slipping on top of block A, you would see 1. block B accelerating to the right 2. block B accelerating to the left 3. block B moving at constant speed to the right 4. block B moving at constant speed to the left 5. none of the above
Q5.7 You are driving your car (mass m) at a constant speed v around a flat, unbanked curve of radius R. Which of the following forces should be included in a free-body diagram for the car? 1. an outward centrifugal force of magnitude mv2/R 2. an inward centripetal force of magnitude mv2/R 3. the force of the car’s acceleration 4. two of the above 5. none of the above
A5.7 You are driving your car (mass m) at a constant speed v around a flat, unbanked curve of radius R. Which of the following forces should be included in a free-body diagram for the car? 1. an outward centrifugal force of magnitude mv2/R 2. an inward centripetal force of magnitude mv2/R 3. the force of the car’s acceleration 4. two of the above 5. none of the above
Q5.8 You are driving your car (mass m) at a constant speed v around a banked curve of radius R and bank angle b (measured from the horizontal). Which of the following forces should be included in a free-body diagram for the car? 1. a normal force that points vertically upward 2. a normal force that points at an angle b from the vertical 3. a normal force that points at an angle b from the horizontal 4. an outward centrifugal force of magnitude mv2/R 5. more than one of the above
A5.8 You are driving your car (mass m) at a constant speed v around a banked curve of radius R and bank angle b (measured from the horizontal). Which of the following forces should be included in a free-body diagram for the car? 1. a normal force that points vertically upward 2. a normal force that points at an angle b from the vertical 3. a normal force that points at an angle b from the horizontal 4. an outward centrifugal force of magnitude mv2/R 5. more than one of the above