CSE 8343 – Adv. OS Group A5 Proposal for Paper Presentation I & II and Survey paper I
Group members Amit Sharma Amit Sharma Dhaval Sanghvi Dhaval Sanghvi Ali Abbas (videotape student) Ali Abbas (videotape student)
Paper Presentation I Area: Distributed File Systems (DFS) Topic: Sun’s NFS Topic: Sun’s NFS
Distributed File Systems (DFS) What is a DFS and why we need one What is a DFS and why we need one Requirements of a DFS Requirements of a DFS Some Features Some Features –Mounting –Caching –Write policy –Scalability
Sun’s Network File System History of NFS History of NFS Alternatives to NFS Alternatives to NFS Architecture of NFS Architecture of NFS Implementation Implementation
Paper Presentation II Distributed Architecture (DA) Windows NT Windows NT
DA - Windows NT Why Windows NT - Limitations of MS-DOS Why Windows NT - Limitations of MS-DOS Design Goals of Windows NT Design Goals of Windows NT Windows NT Architecture Windows NT Architecture Main Features Three Layers Upper – Executive A) Object Manager (OM) A) Object Manager (OM) B) Process Manager (PM) B) Process Manager (PM) C) Local Procedure Call Facilities (LPC) C) Local Procedure Call Facilities (LPC) D) Virtual Memory Manager (VM) D) Virtual Memory Manager (VM)
DFS – Windows NT E) Security Reference Monitor ( SRM) F) I/O Manager Middle – Kernel Lower – Hard8ware Abstraction Layer Environment Subsystems Environment Subsystems »Win 32 subsystem »OS/2 Subsystem »MS-DOS Environment »16 Bit Windows Environment »POSIX Client Bibliography Bibliography
Survey Paper I Real Time Operating Systems VxWorks
Real time operating systems (RTOS) What is a RTOS What is a RTOS How is it different from non RTOS How is it different from non RTOS Misconceptions about RTOS Misconceptions about RTOS
RTOS - VxWorks Key components Key components »Interrupt service routines (ISR’s) »Tasks »Task scheduler »The watchdog »Semaphores
Any Questions ?