The Full English TPAS England bring news from over the border Val
The Full English – vital ingredients shaping services influencing decisions tenant led scrutiny tenant involvement in complaints using new media embedded resident involvement diversity value for money
In Wales What’s hot in resident Involvement for you? Use your 3 votes – let’s see the trends
Additional Support two year programme - training, support, e learning, how to guides, forums, peer mentors, accredited training equip tenants with the skills to lead change in their communities National Tenant Organisations Policy forum involving TPAS, CCH, NFTMO’s, TAROE
Type of Tenant Panels
Shape servicesInfluence decisions St Ledger Homes caster_feration.aspx Standing Joint Committee of the Fed + Area, Neighbourhood Service involvement CSI Cottsway policies, performance, mystery shop, contracts LHT Focus Groups Surveys Resident Inspection Service Forums
Tenant Led Scrutiny Cottsway Resident Scrutiny Panel Training and support Savings Strong support New Charter Tenant Management Team Own website Reports released Service based groups monitor Recommendations
ComplaintsNew Media Our own website Tenant Panels can be designated person for complaints Tenants can be involved in the landlords complaints process Hearing level 2/3 Learning from complaints Advocates Aragon SohaWigan and Leigh
Diversity Soha Annual Report Pages/Annualreports.aspx 12 – 67, disabled, vulnerable, homeowners, ethnic minorities, Facebook group Tower Hamlets Multi Faith Project Working together - Xmas and Eid celebrations /get_involved.aspx Aragon Air Youth Consultants involved/youth-involvement/air-youth- consultants/ 6 young people - perspective on services and wider community issues
Embedding Involvement Lots of talk – but is it all hot air? Real link to Business and Departmental plan Timely involvement Real influence
Value for Money Not embedded - can it be VfM? Costs ? Time? What has been done? What difference has it made? - Outcomes Measure impact Be prepared to change stay out of the red!