Instructor’s name: Kim Edmunds Please me if you are going to be late or miss class. Important: This Friday, Sept. 26th, is the last day to withdraw from class and get a refund.
Speed Dating You will be in two lines. Line 1 stays seated. Line 2 moves when Kim asks. Each partner will ask the other the question and listen to the answer. For each question, each pair has 1-2 minutes to talk. After each question, line 2 moves to the left.
1 Why did you come to New York?
2 What surprised you when you came to New York?
3 What do you miss from home?
4 Why are you studying English?
5 What is your favorite book/movie and why?
6 What is the hardest thing about studying English?
Syllabus and Website Class website: Check it regularly! Syllabus: T/F
Is this me? Read the sentence on the screen. Does it describe you, or not? Talk to your partner for about 1 minute, then switch.
I am a perfectionist.
I don’t mind having a conversation with a stranger.
I am an avid reader.
A dictionary is my most important English-learning tool.
I remember certain vocabulary words more easily than others.
I need assignment instructions to be detailed and specific.
I have a lot of free time to study English.
I am a perfectionist.
Unit 5: Inventions In groups: What do you think has been the most important invention of the last…. …10 years? …50 years? …100 years? Make sure you have arguments to support your decisions. 1 group representative will explain your choices to the class