The UK’s European university EMPLOYABILITY FORUM Tim Reed Head of Careers & Employability Service
Student Employability Week What is Employability Week? Outcomes Benefits Feedback Why stage a week focused upon employability? Marketing Employability Week Report
What is Employability Week? 256 hours of “employability” activity 5,713 students attending events Average of 22 students at every event Over 120 graduate recruiters on campus Careers Fair attendance up 50% (2,713) Employability Fair up 80% (647) Co-ordinated employability activity at University of Kent A partnership approach to delivering the employability agenda The largest cross-campus week of employability events that the University has held!
What is Employability Week? Contributions from Academic Schools, Professional Services & Student Union Careers Fair, Employability Fair, Teaching Expo, Opportunities Fair Graduate Recruiters, Alumni, Professional Bodies, Training Providers Employability Launch pad (sign-ups for KSCV, Employability Points, CES Moodle Award, Job vacancies etc.) Competitions, Prizes, Social media Inspired by Kent Business School
Benefits of Employability Week? Students feel their employability has been enhanced Good Practice is captured and shared across the University Highlights the value of employability and placements Very positive student feedback is captured: 65% had a better understanding of how to make themselves employable 63% felt closer to making a career decision 82% found out about events via (up from 78% in 2013)
Feedback Very positive employer feedback: 82% of employers would like to give a presentation or interactive skills workshop to students 52% would like to offer placements/work experience 48% would like to contribute to a University of Kent blog “It is the best careers fair we have attended so far! The students were very keen and we got 3-4 times as many contact details than at any other careers fair.” “The standard of questions, the preparation from students and the diverse range of subject areas was excellent. We were incredibly busy for most of the event and the interaction was excellent.” “The calibre of your students was genuinely impressive. They were engaging and came across focused with what they wanted to achieve.”
Why stage a week devoted to employability? In order to: Raise the profile of employability (in advance of the QAA HE Review) Show “partnership working” in the delivery of the University Employability agenda (co-ordination and coherence) Focus attention on the range of employability provision Emphasize the involvement of employers and alumni AND Get student feedback & measure the impact of employability activities
Marketing 10,000 copies of 72 page programme booklet Employability Week posters – variety of sizes Careers Fair posters – variety of sizes 5500 A5 leaflets handed out/student accommodation 2500 A5 leaflets for Employability Fair (Medway) Roll-up banners in foyers and main buildings 6 teardrop banners 14,000 sandwich stickers Weeks 4-6 in ‘Essentials’ Plasma screens for all sites PowerPoint slides for lecturers/Professional Services All social media platform AS and Student ‘Tweeters’ Targeted E-blasts from Planning Office s inviting alumni via Alumni Office 5 vinyl weatherproof banners situated on Jarman, CES building, Marquee on senate lawn and railings outside Gillingham Building at Medway 5 A2 A-Frames with ‘What’s on Today’ posters for each day’s events 3 minute video on Student Guide carousel featuring President of Kent Union Featured in Canterbury Times, on and in Thanet Gazette.
Employability Fair at Medway (15 October 2014) CES worked in partnership with GK Unions 52 exhibitor stands in Pilkington Building Open Space Exhibitors included Projects Abroad, Activate Sport, Amnesty International, Charlton Athletic Community Trust, SoundHub, GadsKent, HM Prison Service, Medway Samaritans, Medway Youth Trust, Rate my Placement, SEO London and Medway Council 647 students attended (80% up on 2013) Feedback “ It was nice that the University has considered the range of academic levels of students that would be attending. There were stalls catering to people of all year groups and a range of professional fields.” (SSPSSR student)
Recommendations Continue to deliver Employability Week at the University of Kent Streamline events to those best attended/providing most impact Focus on using the most effective venues Continue to share good practice through the event Continue measuring participation and impact Explore further the issue of room bookings Confirm all events before the start of Autumn Term 2015 Consider staging over a longer period - including Week 6
The UK’s European university EMPLOYABILITY FORUM Tim Reed Head of Careers & Employability Service