The SCIAP (science, approach) competition show for science communication MOTTO: If you can´t explain it simply, you don´t understand it well enough. Albert Einstein
The aim of the competition show is the evaluation of the most successful science popularisation activities for the last year implemented in the CR or in the Czech language. The competition show is open to all entities working with the topic of science. They can be e.g. science centres, scientific institutes, higher education institutes, civic associations, individual projects and activities and others. The SCIAP competition show AIM
Announced – 1 st October 2011 Call for proposal – to 31 st October contributions from 35 participants 12 contributions by Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic 11 members in evaluation committee Award evening – 1 st December 2011 The SCIAP competition show THE FIRST YEAR OF SCIAP
Director of Division of External Relations of ASCR Creative graphic artist Project Manager of Sciap General Manager, OgilvyAction Head of Digital Innovation, OmnicomMediaGroup editor of the magazine 21. Století Producer, Czech TV, Centre for Educational Programmes Editor-in-Chief Czech Radio - Leonardo Publisher HN, Economia Head of the Marketing Section, Techmania Science Center The SCIAP competition show EVALUATION COMMITEE
The SCIAP competition show 1. Exposition exhibition, interactive exhibitions travel exhibitions 2. Periodicals magazines newspaper, newsletters 3. Audio or Audio-visual Programme TV and Radio programme video programme DVD, CD, stories 4. Internet websites, web applications 5. Other science events, hands on activity, performance, lectures, workshops etc. CATEGORIES
The competition participant must submit presentation activities in application form, which must include: The title of the activity and its inclusion in the category entered An example and description of the activity A description of the advertisement An example - sample of the media output which presented the activity to the public Data on the attendance, viewer ratings or other degree of the success of the activity Other interesting information The SCIAP competition show PROPOSALS
CZECH TELEVISION Diagnosis Programme CATEGORY A series of stories of modern medicine. AUDIO OR AUDIOVISUAL PROGRAMME
Petr Kubala The Magazine Gliese CATEGORY PERIODICALS The electronic magazine Gliese was founded in 2008 as a quarterly. The magazine is devoted to recapitalisation of the most importants discoveries and events in the area of research of the planets beyond the Solar System (exoplanets) recently. It is the only magazine on exoplanets in the world. It is spread for free on the internet. Every issue has on avaerage between 50 and 90 pages in A5 format.
Bílý Medvěd Public Relations A series of exhibitions THE MYSTERIOUS MICROWORLD CATEGORY EXPOSITION Primary Objective of the Project: Bring electron microscopy closer to the wider public.
Institute of Photonics and Electronics of the ASCR, v. v. i. Optical Fibres and Lasers CATEGORY OTHER A series of popularisation activities (articles, press releases, exponents, lectures), in connection with the granting of the Nobel Prize for optical fibre and the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the laser.
Dr. Michael Londesborough Science Popularisation: General Strategy CATEGORY OTHER A wide range of activities including a weekly television show, public lectures and scientific 'shows‚ intended to create a stronger, more attractive and more interesting scientific base in the Czech Republic.
The SCIAP competition show RESULTS OF THE SCIAP COMPETITION SHOW 2011 Category EXPOSITION 1.National Museum, Inventors and Inventions 2.Techmania Science Center, The Interactive exposition TOP SECRET 3.National Museum, The Story of Planet Earth Category PERIODICALS 1.RF HOBBY, 21. STOLETÍ, Review of Discoveries, Science, Technology and People 2.Petr Kubala, Magazine Gliese 3.Techmania Science Center, Magazine Techmaniak Category AUDIO/VIDEOPROGRAMME 1.Czech Television, PORT Weekly Popularising Science 2.Czech Television, Series of Stories of Modern Medicine, Diagnosis 3.Dušan Majer, Conquering Space Category INTERNET 1.Czech Radio Leonardo, Website of Czech Radio Leonardo: 2.Centre for Administration and Operations of the ASCR, website: 3.Observatory and Planetarium Brno, Internet Course on the Bases of Astronomy Category OTHER 1.Centre for Administration and Operations of the ASCR, Science and Technology Week 2.Palacký University in Olomouc, ACADEMIA FILM OLOMOUC, 46th International Festival of Popular-Science and Documentary Films 3.British Council Czech Republic, FameLab - Let's Enjoy Science Extraordinary Award Michael Londesborough, Science Popularisation: General Strategy
The SCIAP competition show is an integral part of the concept of science communication implemented by the CENTRE OF ADMINISTRATION AND OPERATIONS OF AS CR The objective of the concept is the formation of a communication platform not only for science popularisation itself but also for its actors. The concept for 2012 includes activities like: Science and Technology Week, Open Science, Open Science for Teachers, Don't Fear Science, Day of Earth. the website www. veda pro ž (Science for Life), SCIAP 2012 workshop and other projects being developed. The SCIAP competition show CONCEPT
The SCIAP competition show
Thank you for your attention Roman Ondráček Centre of Administration and Operation of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic The SCIAP competition show