1 BACKGROUND HPMP content guidelines adopted through ExCom Decision 54/39 and Document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/54/59, Annex-XIX) HPMP funding guidelines adopted through ExCom Decision 60/44 (to be reviewed in 2013) ExCom guidance briefly covers: o Substances to be prioritized (higher ODP) o Sectors to be prioritized (Foams) o How HPMPs should be prepared including level of information expected o Maximum funding to be provided
2 HPMPs APPROVED SO FAR Globally about 23 A5 countries account for over 93% of the HCFC consumption HPMPs for about 81 (out of the 145) A5 countries approved so far Major A5 countries with HPMPs approved include: Brazil, China, Colombia, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Vietnam Major A5 countries with HPMPs not yet approved include: Egypt, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey
3 TECHNOLOGY ISSUES MOP Decision XIX/6 urges parties to select technologies for replacing HCFCs, that minimize adverse impacts on environment, health and safety The decision also asks ExCom to prioritize activities for funding that are cost-effective and maximize climate benefits taking into account national circumstances Basically, the spirit of MOP Decision XIX/6, is that alternative technologies for HCFCs, should be better for environment, health and safety
4 TECHNOLOGY ISSUES (CONT’D) Over 75% of the global consumption of HCFCs in metric tonnes is by HCFC-22 (R-22) HCFC-22 is predominantly used as a refrigerant in air conditioning and refrigeration equipment Air-conditioners have become a part of daily life for large sections of populations in developing countries Large proportion of HCFC-141b consumption, is as a blowing agent in PU foams. A significant proportion of that consumption in developing countries is in SMEs and rigid polyurethane foams
5 TECHNOLOGY ISSUES (CONT’D) Significant portion of the HCFC-141b and HCFC-22 consumption (in manufacturing in developing countries), is in appliances such as air-conditioners and refrigerators Appliances are a significant source of energy consumption in households and other buildings Energy costs are increasing in developing countries Energy-efficiency is an important consideration in selecting alternatives to HCFC-141b and HCFC-22 Health (toxicity) and Safety (flammability) are other important considerations
6 THANK YOU! Comments, suggestions and questions welcome