PA Treasury ERP Project RFP Pre-Proposal Conference 09/23/2011
Housekeeping Please set Cell phones and smartphones to vibrate only mode. Please complete a sign in sheet and return it to the assistant at the front desk. Write your questions clearly and leave them with the assistant at the front desk. (You can also submit questions through the address provided in the RFP.) Rest rooms and fire escape.
Agenda Clarification Background Timeline Networking
Attention The Pre-proposal conference is for information only. Any answers furnished during the conference will not be official until they have been verified, in writing, by the Issuing Office. All questions and written answers will be posted on the Treasury website as an addendum to, and shall become part of, this RFP. The Official Q & A posted to the Treasury website supersedes any communication including the handouts provided at this conference.
Q & A Handout - clarification Q5.The RFP does not include a Domestic Workforce Utilization form to be filled out, typically with 3% bonus points related to the use of all onshore resources. Is there a Domestic Workforce bonus for this bid? A5.The RFP states “To maximize collaboration and face time with Treasury resources for effective knowledge transfer, at the minimum all direct project personnel are required to be physically located on-site for 40 hours per week during Treasury’s work hours while they are engaged in the Project. (Treasury’s work hours are between 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM Monday through Friday.)”, making the Domestic Workforce Utilization irrelevant.
The mainframe system and core processes that support Treasury’s primary payment processing activities were developed three decades ago. Technology includes back-end legacy systems built in COBOL that have been heavily customized over the years and COBOL is no longer taught. Repairs are a growing concern because of a lack of parts for our model of mainframe and lack of trained service and maintenance workers, and system failure is a chronic concern. Treasury must rely upon expensive third-party vendors to supply backup capabilities in case of a loss of functionality. We have experienced three such incidents since November of The most serious of these incidents required us to utilize a backup mainframe in Texas for about a week. Background
Objectives Treasury seeks to improve its process effectiveness, overall efficiency, pre-audit process flexibility, customer service, security, reporting, and data exchange capabilities. Utilize PeopleSoft PeopleTools, the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal, and core PeopleSoft FMS modules including: General Ledger, Payables, Receivables, Cash Management, Financial Gateway, and Deal Management. Provide system users and business managers, with the necessary technology, tools, and training to enable them to effectively to meet their daily business needs.
Systems targeted The replacement of Mainframe based systems “TABS, TACS” and windows SQL based systems “TIMS, FRAS, BARC, TUCR”. These systems are primarily used by Fiscal Review, the Comptroller’s Office, and the Bureau of Cash Management and Investments.