C OMPLETING THE SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND STATE ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET USING SPED MANAGER Presenters: Della Ray-Vick & Melissa Villanueva October 10, 2011 Memorial Middle School Harlingen Learning Extravaganza
S CHEDULE OF SERVICES PAGE The schedule of services page is the “hub” of the Special Education Manager. From this one page, our district calculates: instructional arrangements student histories reports The schedule page lists: students courses accommodations and/or modifications related services methods of reporting progress state testing information
S CHEDULE OF SERVICES PAGE Completing the Determination of Services Provided section correctly is key to correct student placement. The schedule page will auto calculate the Instructional Arrangement based upon the percentage of Special Education time the student is receiving during the instructional day. These calculations are made based upon the number of special education and related services instructional minutes divided by the number of total instructional minutes.
F EATURES The year is populated by dates in School Information. Enter the Semester(s) for the schedule of services use B oth for a full year. The student’s campus assignment is populated by information on the Student Enrollment screen. You can change the campus utilizing the dropdown. If the campus is changed here, it will also be changed on the Student Enrollment screen. Enter the student’s current year schedule: Classes (subjects) and the appropriate Quarter/Semester the class will be taken
S PEECH THERAPY AND A DAPTIVE P HYSICAL EDUCATION In Texas, they are both considered instructional services. Therefore, they are included with the classes/subjects listed in the schedule. Adjust for added special education time by subtracting minutes from the general education column if the student is going to be pulled out from a general education class to receive the special education service. If you add services to the schedule without adjusting the schedule, you will end up with more instructional minutes than are possible in one day. Make sure you select Speech therapy from the drop down button; otherwise, page 1 of the ARD will not reflect a speech count of 2 (speech + another disability).
M AKING ADJUSTMENTS If the student is being pulled out of the general education class for speech therapy, then an adjustment in the general education column is used to reduce the general education time.
U NDERSTANDING THE GRID The grid at the top of the schedule page indicates the total minutes for each quarter in a student’s schedule. (Quarter 1& 2 = Fall Semester, Quarter 3 & 4 = Spring Semester) Included are total minutes (Time), general education minutes, related service minutes, and special education minutes. If the total minutes (Time) are greater or less than the school instructional time, the Time number will be in red; otherwise, the number will be in black. There are checkboxes for each quarter on the left of the grid. The system automatically places a check in the current quarter checkbox when a new ARD is created.
Q UICK T IPS The Instructional Arrangement will display no instructional setting on page 1 and page 4 until the schedule is completed on page 4. Don’t forget to click the Calculate PEIMS All Quarters button to view the total, general education, special education, and related services minutes, instructional arrangements for each quarter. If an instructional arrangement is not being calculated as expected, this can sometimes be remedied by clicking the Clear Other button. If the student does not have any special education minutes, they are automatically designated as Mainstream.
T HE S UBJECT G RID Delete Key: You can delete the entry next to the “X” by clicking the delete (x) key. Select the subject using the dropdown or type in your subject. Note: If you check the (option) checkbox for supports/other, a text field will appear below the subject row. You can type in special instructions/location/support etc. in this field. Select the appropriate semester or quarter using the dropdown. Select the appropriate choice using the dropdown. Select who will assign the grade. Min. Gen=General education minutes-Type in the number of minutes of general education for the subject. Select the frequency the service is provided. Min. Sped=Special education minutes-Type in the number of special education minutes for the subject. Select the frequency the service is provided. Service type=0 (Direct), 1=Consult/Indirect, (2)=In class, (3)=Co=teaching Select accommodations and modifications (up to 10) using the dropdowns. After you have entered all subjects and schedule information, click on the Calculate PEIMS All Quarters button to calculate the instructional arrangement.
R ELATED S ERVICES GRID Enter the student’s related services, service providers, semesters, and frequencies. Make adjustments in the schedule for each related service. No adjustments should be made for consults. REMEMBER: You must adjust minutes for related services that are “direct” (0 service type). The related service is listed in the related services table. The adjustment is made in the schedule grid.
T RANSPORTATION FORMS Transportation forms are in between the modification legend and the “other” accommodation/modification choices on the schedule page. Complete the Transportation Information form. Transportation Supplement to determine eligibility for special education transportation.
PROGRESS REPORTS AND COORDINATION Select or enter the method by which parents will receive progress reports and complete the coordination between general and special education sections.
S TATE ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Complete the State Assessment Worksheet for all state-mandated testing. The assessment information is automatically completed at the bottom of the schedule page from information on the state assessment worksheet when the worksheet is utilized. The Student Success Initiative forms are accessed via the State Assessment Worksheet. Access this information by clicking on the State Assessment Worksheet button at the top of the schedule page. Sped Manager WILL NOT allow you to enter this information manually at the bottom of the schedule of services page.
GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR THE WORKSHEET Check either the TAKS/STAAR or EOC button to access TAKS/STAAR or EOC testing information only. Enter the previous year’s testing information in the respective fields for each test taken. Select the test to be taken using the pull-down list. Add participation requirements for students taking tests with accommodations/modifications by double clicking the participation requirements field. Specific statements are required for students taking STAAR-M (M1-M3) and STAAR-Alt (A1-A5). Highlight the statements and then click Update/Replace/Close. Double click in the Accoms field to input accommodations and modifications. Highlight accommods/mods and then Update/Replace/Close.
O THER TESTING INFORMATION Check Other box to access district assessment testing determinations. The Other (e.g., District assessment) will automatically appear in the field. Check whether the student Will Take, Will Not Take, or NA. For students who are identified as LEP as per the general student information screen, you must also address TELPAS. Click TELPAS box and address each of the four areas of the TELPAS test: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. For students enrolled in grades K-2, you must also click the ERA button to address early reading assessment. Specify if the student Will Take or Will Not Take. Don’t Forget!.... At the bottom of the state assessment worksheet, you must indicate whether the student is at risk of dropping out of school. Check Yes, No, or NA.
N OW L ET ’ S P RACTICE ! Sample Sally is an active student. She is in 5 th grade, and she meets eligibility for a specific learning disability and speech impairment. She also has related services: occupational therapy, special education counseling, and transportation. The ARD Committee is recommending the following schedule of services for Sample Sally: General Ed Math 60 min/day small grp, oral admin, extended time, repeated review, math charts Resource Math 30 min/day General Ed Reading/ELA 60 min/day read aloud quest, small grp, ext time, repeated review, oral directives Resource Reading/ELA 30 min/day General Ed Science 45 min/day supplemental aids, small grp, oral admin Inclusion Science 30 min/day General Ed Social Studies 45 min/day ext time, oral directives, repeated review General Ed PE/Music/Lib 45 min/wk General Ed LangArts 33 min/day ext time, repeated review, oral directives The speech pathologist is recommending: minute sessions per 9 weeks of direct service. Special education transportation is recommended 2 times per day. The Occupational Therapist is recommending 30 minutes 1 time per week-Direct services. The LSSP is recommending: Sped Counseling: 25 minutes 1 time per week-Direct Services. The ARD Committee is recommending the following state assessments: Math: STAAR: Accoms/Mods: Oral admin, Small grp admin, Supplemental aids (Multiplication Fact Chart, Place Value Chart, Hundreds Chart, Greater-Than/Less-Than Chart) Reading: STAAR: Accoms/Mods: Read test aloud to self, Small grp admin Science: STAAR: Accoms/Mods: Graphic Organizers, Supplemental aids, Oral admin, Small grp admin