Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and Ronald Wayne Jaqueline
Apple Steve and Steve Jobs created one of the first personal computers in 1977. So in 1977, Jobs, Wozniak and Ronald Wayne started a company, Apple, to build their invention. Later, Jobs had the company's first sale: 50 Apple I computers. Later in six years, Apple was listed in the Fortune 500. Today Apple is known for such products like the iPhone, iPad, iPod and also the Mac computers.
Apple Products iPhone 4, 4s, 5, 5c, 5s iPod Touch Shuffle iPod Touch 4g, 5g iPad, iPad Mini Mac Book Air Mac Book Bro iMac iPod Nano iPod Classic
iPhone 4, 4s iPhone 4 - Available in black and white, iPhone 4 features an A5 chip, and an 8MP iSight camera. iPhone 4s- Available in black and white, iPhone 4s features an A5 chip, an 8MP iSight camera, and Siri, the assistant you control with your voice.
iPhone 5 Available in black and white, iPhone 5 features an A6 chip, LTE wireless, an 8MP iSight camera, & is now lighter , but is longer.
iPhone 5c Available in green, blue, yellow, pink, and white, iPhone 5c features an A6 chip, ultrafast LTE wireless, an 8MP iSight camera, and iOS 7. 16GB $99 32GB $199
iPhone 5s Available in silver, gold, and space gray, iPhone 5s features an A7 chip, a Touch ID fingerprint identity sensor, ultrafast LTE wireless, an iSight camera with a larger 8MP sensor, and iOS 7. 16GB $199 32GB $299 64GB $399
iPod Touch 5th Generation iPod Touch 5g has a 4 inch Retina Display. It needs to have Wi-Fi whenever you want to use the internet. It’s weight and height is different and lighter than the iPod Touch 4g.
iPad with Retina Display The iPad is a bigger version of an iPod Tocuh 4g. It can do almost anything. It’s so easy to use. The Retina display on iPad makes everything look lifelike. Colors are clear looking. Photos and videos are rich with detail.
iPad Mini Colors are vivid on the iPad mini display. But what really makes it stand out is its size. At 7.9 inches, it’s perfectly sized to deliver an experience every bit as big as iPad. It is like a smaller version of an iPad.
iTunes iTunes now you can listen to iTunes Radio. iTunes is mainly music.
iCloud iCloud is a storage thing. Lets say that if your Apple electronic gets lost you can just log in with your Apple Id. And you can get all of your apps and personal things that you had on your electronic. On the other hand, if you don’t have iCloud you could miss some of you things you had on your Apple electronic.
iOS 7 iOS 7 is a new software update for the Apple Company. Its easy to use, and amazing features. It’s designed to look beautiful and work great. iOS 7 is to take full advantage of the advanced technologies. iOS 7 is the on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Mac Products MacBook Air MacBook Pro Mac mini iMac Mac Pro
Conclusion Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and Ronald Wayne created a company called “Apple”. They have created fun and fantastic electronics. iOS 7, iPhone 5c, & iPhone 5s is one there latest creations.