July 29-31, 2010 Physics Department, Hannan Hall
Conference Username: GUESTB – Password: Pew.3Jar – Note: these are case sensitive Detailed computer access information at registration desk Computer Access
Today: Thursday 7/29/2010 Status and Progress on Machine/IR design (I) in Pryzbyla University Center Room 320 A Lunch: – Cafeteria in this building (Pryzbyla University Center) – You could drive/metro to near by restaurants (list) outside… limited time(!) Status and Progress on Machine/IR design (II) Evening Discussions Rooms 320 A and B Buffet Dinner on the gallery – Starting at 19:00
Meeting Locations Friday, 30 July* Saturday, 31 July Thursday, 29 July *Note: 2 nd discussion session in Hanna Hall Caldwell Hall Pryzbyla University Center Hannan Hall Today!
Meeting Banquet Dinner: Thursday Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center – Buffet on the Gallery (exit at back of the meeting rooms and walk to the left) Cash Bar in the Atrium – Exit at back of meeting rooms and walk to the right – Cash only please!
EICC moving towards its goal to get an EIC endorsed by NSAC 2012/13 as formal (numbered) recommendation – Since the last EIC meeting there have been major progress to complete the ELIC design, major new development to integrate eRHIC directly into RHIC, and a series of JLab User Workshops on EIC science/detector – This meeting is an important step towards the next EICAC and the EIC- related INT program at the University of Washington in Seattle in the fall of – Agenda reflects many new science topics and progress reports on both accelerator, interaction region, and
Thanks to our physics students: Nathaniel Hlavin Tim McEvoy Brigitte Paterson Cori Quirk Stephen Rowe Natalie
Enjoy the meeting Stay