閱讀教學與評量 Teaching and Assessing Reading Presented by 陳一君、洪菁菁、張育綾 Anita Chen, Teresa Hung, Alissa Chang.


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Presentation transcript:

閱讀教學與評量 Teaching and Assessing Reading Presented by 陳一君、洪菁菁、張育綾 Anita Chen, Teresa Hung, Alissa Chang

Acknowledgment  指導校長:許德田校長  曾美英老師  陳琬如老師  陳一君老師  鍾佳慧老師

Assessment Difficulties Teaching and Assessing Reading Strategies

Reading Counts! _______ well is at the heart of all learning. _______ well is at the heart of all learning. Children who can’t read well, can’t _____. Children who can’t read well, can’t _____. -- “Reading Tips for Parents” US Dept. of Education Reading learn

What is reading?  Reading brings together visual information, phonological information and semantic information. (adopted from Lynne Cameron, 2007)

Semantic Information ( 讀懂 ) Phonological Information ( 拼讀 ) Visual Information ( 辨識、辨認 ) What is reading?

Students can’t read because they are…  not familiar with the alphabet and sounds  short of vocabulary  unable to understand sentence patterns  unable to understand the text

低年級能力指標 A3-1-1 能辨認印刷體大小寫字母。 A3-1-2 能辨識低年段所習得的字詞。 A5-1-1 能正確地辨認、唸出與寫出 26 個英文字母。

Reading Activities for 1 st and 2 nd Grades WWhat happens to the letters? (_____) WWord search. (______, _____) FFlash and shout! (_____) RRead and Match. (_____, ______, ______) A3-1-1A3-1-2 A3-1-1 A5-1-1 A3-1-1A3-1-2 A5-1-1

able-word-search-puzzles.html BACK

何嘉仁 Hi, ABC (I) Workbook book cup fire goat Read and Match BACK

中年級能力指標 B3-1-3 能看懂簡易的英文標示。 B3-1-4 能讀懂簡易的歌謠、韻文。 B3-1-5 能讀懂中年段所習得的句子。 B 能讀懂日常生活用語。 ◎ B5-1-2 聽懂及辨識中年段所習得的英語字 詞。 B5-1-3 在聽讀時,能辨識書本中相對應的書 寫文字。 B5-1-7 能應用字母拼讀法 (phonics) 。 ◎ B5-1-8 能聽懂、讀懂、說出並抄寫中年段所 習得的句子。

Reading Activities for 3 rd and 4 th Grades  Matching (______) Matching  Word shapes. (______) Word shapes.  Bingo (_____) Bingo  Secret code (_____, ______) Secret code  Unscramble sentences. (_____, _____)  Fill in the blanks. (______, ______, _____)  Say and find. (_____, _____, ______) B5-1-2 B5-1-7 B5-1-2 B3-1-5B5-1-3 B5-1-2B5-1-3B5-1-8 B5-1-2B5-1-3B5-1-8 B3-1-3

Matching BACK

dog bird/ fish Word shapes BACK

Secret Code “PU MA PO” = ________ “ME GE TO MA” =_________ yes kite BACK 500 Activities for the Primary Classroom © Carol Read, Macmillan

Bingo BACK Teaching English To Children In Asia © 2003, David Paul, Longman Asia ELT

高年級能力指標 C3-1-2 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞。 C5-1-2 能聽懂及辨識高年段所習得的英語字詞。 C3-1-5 能讀懂高年段所習得的句子。 ◎ C5-1-8 能聽懂、讀懂、說出並寫出高年段所習得 的句子。 C 能讀懂日常生活用語 。

Reading Activities for 5 th and 6 th Grades  Sentence sequences. (_____) Sentence sequences.  Picture and sentence matching (____) Picture and sentence matching  Make a new story (_____, _____) Make a new story  Sentence relay (_____, _____)  Milkshake/Make a sentence(____, _____, ____) Milkshake  Cloze (_____, ____, _____) Cloze  Wall crawl (_____, _____, _____,_____) C3-1-2C3-1-5C5-1-8 C5-1-8 C3-1-5 C3-1-5C5-1-8 C3-1-2C5-1-2C3-1-5 C3-1-2C3-1-5C5-1-8 C5-1-8C5-1-2 C3-1-5

Sentence sequences Sequencing Practice Mini-Books, Grades K–1 c 2010 by Maria Fleming, Scholastic Teaching Resources BACK

Picture and sentence matching 朗文 English 6, Unit 4 (Before)

Picture and sentence matching 朗文 English 6, Unit 4 (After) BACK

Make a new story BACK 朗文 English 2

Adopted from “15 Fun and Easy Games for Young Learners: Reading”(P45) © Susan Julio, Scholastic Teaching Resource Milkshake BACK Dice Template

The goat has a bow. The goat has a boat. The goat with a bow rows in the boat. The fox has a rose. The fox has a rope. The fox with a rose hops on the boat! Cloze 朗文 English 6, Unit 4

The goat has a bow. The goat has a boat. The goat with a bow rows in the boat. The fox has a rose. The fox has a rope. The fox with a rose hops on the boat! 朗文 English 6, Unit 4 Cloze

The goat has a bow. The goat has a boat. The goat with a bow rows in the boat. The fox has a rose. The fox has a rope. The fox with a rose hops on the boat! 朗文 English 6, Unit 4 Cloze

The goat has a bow. The goat has a boat. The goat with a bow rows in the boat. The fox has a rose. The fox has a rope. The fox with a rose hops on the boat! 朗文 English 6, Unit 4 Cloze

The goat has a bow. The goat has a boat. The goat with a bow rows in the boat. The fox has a rose. The fox has a rope. The fox with a rose hops on the boat! 朗文 English 6, Unit 4 Cloze

The goat has a bow. The goat has a boat. The goat with a bow rows in the boat. The fox has a rose. The fox has a rope. The fox with a rose hops on the boat! 朗文 English 6, Unit 4 Cloze BACK

Learning is a journey, not a race. Let’s take a break!

Other Reasons for Reading  EFL(English as a Foreign language ) context  Reading in English helps children learn to think in English.  Reading helps make children more comfortable with writing in English. (Krashen, 2004)  Reading may be the only way for children to use English if they live in a non-English-speaking country.(Paul, 2003)

Stage 3 Understanding the text Stage 3 Understanding the text Stage 2 Vocabulary Sentence Pattern Textbook Reading Stage 2 Vocabulary Sentence Pattern Textbook Reading Stage 1 Alphabet Phonics Writing Convention Vocabulary Sentence Pattern Stage 1 Alphabet Phonics Writing Convention Vocabulary Sentence Pattern Reading Learning Process

 Text Reading  Sentence patterns  Vocabulary How to Teach Reading? Text Reading Vocabulary Sentence patterns Text Reading Two Ways to go … Top Down Bottom Up

Principles for Teaching Reading (Nation,2009) 1. Meaning-focused Input/Output 2. Language Focused Learning 3. Fluency development

(Nation,2009) 1. Meaning-focused Input/Output CChoosing the material which is appropriate to the learner’s proficiency level. SSlightly advanced text.(98% vs. 2%) UUsing graded readers. Principles for Teaching Reading

(Nation,2009) 2. Language Focused Learning  Skills/knowledge needed for effective reading  Reading strategies

Principles for Teaching Reading (Nation,2009) 3. Fluency development  Use familiar reading material  Speed reading practice  Learners should enjoy reading and read a lot!

Let’s Share! “When you learn, teach. When you get, give.” --Maya Angelou

Building Real-Life Reading Skills © 2009 Cindy Harris, Scholastic Teaching Resources Let’s Share!

朗文 English 5 Let’s Share!

“Little Kids...Cook!” © Teacher’s Friend, a Scholastic Company.

Riddle Poem of the Day © Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources Let’s Share!

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words © Ellermeyer & Rowell, Scholastic Teaching Resources Let’s Share!

Comic-Strip Writing Prompts © Karen Kellaher, Scholastic Teaching Resources Let’s Share!

focuses on items or strategies that apply to any text. directs learners’ attention to the reading text. provides the teacher and the learners with useful. information about the learners’ performance on the exercise. is easy to make. is meaningful. create opportunities to show and share their own pleasure and enthusiasm for reading. A good reading exercise…

Online Resources:  Worksheets:      Online reading resources: 