Preliminary details 3M Presenter Patrick MAZZARIOL Graduate in Business Administration Market Development Manager for the Superabrasives & Microfinishing Division CV : joined 3M France in June 1994 as a Sales Representative for the Abrasive System Division January 1997, he became Marketing Supervisor for SMSD for France
Abstract The crystal market looks for very stringent quality standards to obtain the perfection 3M has adapted a new abrasive belt technology to repair the defects on the drinking glass, vases… pre & post acid dip and to replace the cork wheel. We raised a new product : Trizact cloth, thanks to the collaboration of Waterford and Kennedy distributor
Presentation Project Presentation Application Presentation 3M Products and values Innovation Agenda
Presentation Project Presentation Trizact Presentation 3M solutions and values Innovation
Customers Drive Innovation 3M Innovation Waterford Crystal Ltd & Kennedy Abrasive Ltd 3M Technology Platform
Presentation Project Presentation Trizact Presentation 3M solutions and values Innovation
Trizact History Thirty years ago 3M raised a new technology => the Microreplication This process enables to create a 3-dimensional microscopic structure on a surface. The final product is composed of thousands of identical shapes( pyramids, cubes, spheres, prisms). Technology used for overhead projector lens, reflective materials ( road signs, license plates) The microreplicated abrasive is composed of micropyramids of abrasive particles fixed by a resin
Trizact History The 3M Abrasive System Division developed 6 years ago a flexible, fine grade polishing belts. Application : Golf clubs, plating, to replace buffs and compounds
Trizact History Abrasive technology adapted 4 years ago for the CMP - semiconductor market 2 years ago we developed a glass application: Glass edge polishing to replace cork belts Target : mirror - off hand 6 month ago we adapted this technology for the crystal market by using a very flexible cloth backing for all shapes
What is abrasive Trizact ? - Trizact, delivers a unique abrasive action: it enhances performance and productivity on crystal. Our patented microreplication technology creates precisely shaped pyramids of tough, micro-graded mineral on a very flexible cloth backing - A fresh layer of mineral is continually exposed as the tops of the pyramids wear away.
Presentation Project Presentation Trizact Presentation 3M solutions and values Innovation
Application : defects repair on stems (drinking glass) & Heavies ( vases) Old process 2 main steps Pre acid repair = Silicon carbide belts P600 Post acid polish = Felt wheel using cerium oxide slurry New process 3M Trizact TM belts Pre acid = A20 Post acid = A5 + CeO
Glass repair application A video will be set up
previously using P600 SiC belts –caused fine scratching ( tram lines) –variable ‘cut’: not consistent amount of stock removal –variable process time –slow process time ( relatively ) to remove defects –post acid repairs go through the acid cycle again –short life ( relatively ) previously using Cerium Oxide ‘putty’ –messy –dries out very quickly Trizact™ Belts: Why Are They Used ?
Quicker to remove defect areas (7%) (process time) Better quality of finish (shorter, finer scratches) Consistent cut / finish every time Consistent process time Longer life 1 SiC belts = 50 crystal items 1 Trizact belt = 200 crystal items Cleaner (not so much deposit inside wedges) doesn’t dry out (CeO) Quicker (no need to prepare cerium paste) Finer finish than P600 allow to reduce the acid dip cycle of around 15%, improve environment content 3M Trizact values
Second application Old process Cork wheel + pumice New 3M solution Trizact A5
Quicker to polish areas (50% faster) Better quality of finish (shorter, finer scratches) Consistent cut / finish every time Consistent process time Finer finish than cork wheel + pumice allow to reduce the last step (felt + CeO), improve environment content 3M Trizact values
Trizact - consistent cut Trizact belt A35 Sic belt P400
Others 3M solution
Trizact Range Disc diameter 19 mm to 600 mm Belt Film backing or Very flexible cloth backing All sizes available Grit range A35 = P400 A20 = P 800 A10 = P1200 A5= P2500 Cerium oxide
Thank you very much for your attention, and remember we are together in the crystal for the art of the perfection
XIII I C F Technical Meeting Sponsored by COFFEE BREAK