A2 Coursework Worth 15% of A’ level 30% of A2 Final deadline is before October break
What is it? You will conduct a feasibility study into starting up a new business in Coventry (3000 words) It can be a brand new idea or an new line of business for an existing organisation
Ideas Hairdressers going into beauty Shop/Chemist doing home deliveries Pub offering food/accommodation New food stall New tanning shop New shop
What would you need to do to suggest feasibility?
Must have… Customer Questionnaire Competitor Questionnaire/Interview Secondary Research Cash flow forecast Break even chart Sources of Finance Marketing mix Conclusion on feasibility Primary Research All Evidenced
Structure of project… Aim Methodology broken down into objectives Methodology Background of the organisation
Structure of project… How will you do primary research, what will you do and why are you doing it? How will you do secondary research, what will you do and why are you doing it? Remember this should relate back to what you are hoping to find out
Analysis Section All research analysed including analysis of the following: Potential demand Competitor analysis Market information Cashflow forecast analysis Break even analysis Sources of finance analysis Underlying issues SWOT/PEST analysis Marketing Mix
Summary of Findings This section should summarise all the findings from your primary and secondary research and will therefore feed directly into your recommendations These should be positive and negative results
Marketing Strategy The 4P’s discussed for your chosen new business This should include lots of theory and results from your potential new customers questionnaire.
Final Bit… Conclusion to project is your recommendations… is it feasible or not? Evaluation is of your findings… their strengths and weaknesses, were you successful?
And… Bibliography Appendix All justifications of financial figures Secondary research Transcripts of one to one interviews Bank start up packs Sources of Finance information etc
Remember… For high level marks Don’t waffle on! Think of causes and consequences Think of underlying themes Changing lifestyles Changing tastes Changing technologies Interest rates Unemployment rates Difficulties in gaining loyal customers Brand image
Before the end of term Decide opportunity Aim and objectives of project Background Primary methodology Secondary methodology Questionnaire(s) drawn up and checked Secondary research mostly complete Primary research started
Presentation In your own way, present to the group What you are going to do How you are going to do it Why you are doing it this way What you hope to find What problems might you encounter How might you overcome these problems What might be the underlying issues you will have to consider
In the Summer… Complete all Primary and Secondary research Present all findings (graphs, print outs, cashflow forecast, break even chart, sources of finance, etc.) Analysis of findings commenting what your results mean for your proposed new business Summary of your findings (+ve and –ve)
Lessons on… Sources of secondary research Questionnaire construction Cashflow forecast Break even charts Sources of finance Marketing strategy
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