Teaching ‘Outstanding’ Psychology Lessons Deb Gajic Head of Psychology The Polesworth School Friday 4 th July 2014 (CPsychol AFBPsS)
OFSTED MYTHS & TRUTHS What do you know about OFSTED? Complete the true or false quiz. Anything surprise you?
OFSTED May 2012 : all schools are likely only to be notified of an inspection the afternoon before the inspection begins schools will be required to provide anonymous information on the performance management of all teachers and inspectors will consider the link between performance management and teachers' pay progression schools may only be judged as outstanding overall if their teaching is judged as outstanding there will be a new category of 'requires improvement' to replace the current 'satisfactory' category schools which have the judgement 'requires improvement' will have earlier re-inspections than is currently the case, usually within a maximum of two years schools that remain in the new category 'requires improvement' after 3 consecutive full inspections are likely to be placed in special measures
Teaching ‘Outstanding’ Psychology Lessons What makes an Outstanding Lesson? According to OFSTED: -
OFSTED grimreaper-facts-about-ofsted-for-the- teacher-by-teachertoolkit/ grimreaper-facts-about-ofsted-for-the- teacher-by-teachertoolkit/ September 2013 update “We don’t have a preferred style of teaching. I want inspectors to make a judgment on the quality of learning.” Wilshaw g/archive/2013/09/13/no-right-way-to- teach-says-wilshaw.aspx g/archive/2013/09/13/no-right-way-to- teach-says-wilshaw.aspx
OFSTED watch/2014/02/21/ofsted-39-we-don-39- t-grade-teachers-on-individual-lessons- 39.aspx watch/2014/02/21/ofsted-39-we-don-39- t-grade-teachers-on-individual-lessons- 39.aspx Mike Cladingbowl National Director for Schools ‘Inspectors have been instructed not to grade the overall quality of a lesson they visit’ 21 st February 2014
Teaching ‘Outstanding’ Psychology Lessons A little vague!!!!! How would you summarise an Outstanding lesson?
Summary: - Evidence of progress Engaging, interesting and informative Clear learning objectives Students on task Clear assessment opportunities linked to lesson outcomes Good use of resources Range of activities Good classroom management Student centred, not teacher led Differentiation etc……. Teaching ‘Outstanding’ Psychology Lessons Teaching ‘Outstanding’ Psychology Lessons
Teaching ‘Outstanding’ Psychology Lessons Progress of important groups OFSTED are particularly interested in certain groups. They will expect a seating plan (or photos) so they can identify groups. Groups: - Pupil Premium – Free School Meals, Forces and Looked After (In care) High Achievers, Medium Achievers and Low Achievers. SEN Need Data – Minimum targets grades, predictions etc.
Teaching ‘Outstanding’ Psychology Lessons Forensic I’m going to teach a lesson to you on the Cognitive Interview Technique which was awarded a grade 1 (Outstanding). You’re going to pretend to be my students.
Teaching ‘Outstanding’ Psychology Lessons In pairs: - What did you like/dislike about the lesson? How could it be improved? Why was it outstanding? Any Questions? Thank you