Sixth Form Parents’ Evening Lisa Kemp
Agenda Timing Research Application process Offers & rejections How can parents help?
A2 Studies A2 exams and retakes Research Time Timing J F M A M J J A S O N D Start Uni App’s Start 6 th Form Applications GCSE’s Today AS Results A2 Results O’s & R’s Offers & Rejections AS Studies A2 Studies AS exams & retakes AS Studies AS modular exams A2 modular exams and AS retakes Finalised firm & insurance choices
Research Websites UNISTATS: UCAS: –What course? –Entry requirements –University rankings & performance What type of university? Open days Prepare a “shortlist” & conduct research The Student Room website: Accommodation Transport & Extracurricular activities
Applications Key factors – AS known results & predicted A2 results Personal statement Final university choices (up to five)
Offers & Rejections Get your application in asap to stand the best chance All offers and rejections received by end of March Rejections - ask for feedback, see if alternatives are available Selecting the firm (first choice) and insurance (second choice) university by May
How can parents help? Get involved (if you can), there is a lot to do - course selection & university visits Ask other parents who have been through the process fairly recently Follow up offers & rejections Finance Student Finance website: tyAndHigherEducation/StudentFinance/index.htm