Introduction to MS3: Media Investigation and Production
If anyone is interested in resitting their AS coursework can you please Leanne before the 19 th September so she can find your original work and begin to book appointments to meet with you to discuss how to improve your marks. This will not mean you HAVE to resit or pay for the resubmission, she just wants to chat to you if you are considering it as an option to boost your overall grade.
By the end of this session you will be able to: Identify requirements and structure of the A2 course Identify different approaches to the MS3 Research Investigation Record your initial ideas for your A2 coursework projects
What are the titles of the A2 units? MS3: Media Investigation and Production MS4: Media – Text, Industry and Audience How is MS3 assessed? Coursework How is MS4 assessed? 2 ½ hour exam
This half term you will focus on MS3 and both media lessons will be used to work on your research investigation. After half term and until coursework has been completed you will have 1 lesson of MS3 (coursework) and 1 lesson of MS4 (exam) per week. Once coursework is complete, you will have 2 lessons of MS4 (exam) per week.
A research investigation ( words) 45 marks A production (informed by the investigation) 45 marks A brief evaluation ( words) 10 marks
Moving Image Brief Print Brief Combined Brief The brief you will do is dependent upon your AS video production mark. If you get below a C for this (TRAILER ONLY) you will have to do the print brief.
If you work in a group, you must make sure that each of you chooses a different area of research for the investigation. You will not be allowed to swap groups or genre of production once the research investigations are complete. The coursework evaluation requires you to discuss how the production has been developed from the research investigation findings.
Draft Research Investigation Wed 22 nd October 2014 (1-2pm) To be handed in to media staff Final Research investigation Thurs 20 th November 2014 (1-2pm) To be handed in at exams office
Completed Production Friday 30 th January 2015 (4pm) To be submitted on Macs in individual folders Final Evaluation Thursday 5 th March 2015 (1-2pm) To be handed in at exams office
Working individually, you will conduct a detailed research investigation into a specific area of study. You will choose one concept from genre or narrative or representation and come up with an appropriate area to research. You will use primary and secondary research methods to explore this area and present your findings in a word essay.
Page 8 of booklet – WJEC assessment criteria Consider: What level are hoping to achieve? What will you need to do to achieve this?
Task Read the example research investigation provided. Using the assessment criteria on page 8 and the marking grid on page 9, decide on a level for the investigation essay. Why have you decided on this level?
Please complete the handout as fully as you can. Don’t worry if you don’t have a fully developed title yet – you will work on this over the next few lessons with your teachers. Hand in your ideas at the end of the session.
Revise the information and definitions that you have in your AS booklets about: GENRE (can be found in the red Genre and Representation booklet) NARRATIVE (can be found in the Fast Girls booklet) REPRESENTATION (can be found in the red Genre and Representation booklet)
There will be study support sessions on the 3 areas of GENRE, NARRATIVE and REPRESENTATION starting next week – not only useful for MS3 but also integral to the work in MS4 Monday and Thursday lunchtimes in the A2 room Week beginning 15 th September – GENRE Week beginning 22nd September – NARRATIVE Week beginning 29 th September - REPRESENTATION