Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 The Twinning Project for the organizational modernization of the Occupational Health and Safety in Egypt: sharing local competencies to promote OHS at international level Salute e Sicurezza sul Lavoro: trasferimento di innovazione in Europa Genova, 17 Gennaio 2013 Paolo Clerici, Contarp INAIL Liguria
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 2 The General Frame Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Barcelona 1995: Launch of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. Economic and social benefits for the countries that border the EU, through co-operation in a range of areas 2004: Enter into force of the Association Agreement between the EU and Egypt 2007 ENPI: European Neighbourhood & Partnership Instrument Bilateral negotiations between the EU and Egypt - defined the CSP ( ) and the NIP ( ) that defined the framework of cooperation SAAP: Support to the EU-Egypt Association Agreement Programme Overall Objective of the AA: to establish an appropriate framework for co-operation and partnership which will contribute to the economic and social development of Egypt. FIELDS OF INTEREST: Information and technology Communication Human rights and democracy Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) National Health Service Environment Public instruction
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO COMPONENTS 1. Legislative system, and better secondary law enforcement 2. Institutional capacity building at central and local levels 3. Development of a national strategy (as well as an action plan and an investment plan) 3 MANDATORY RESULTS (OUTPUTS) 1. Improving the legislative framework, and enforcing the relevant secondary laws with respect to implementation aspects of OHS 2. Strengthening the institutional capacity of the OHS Agency and its inspectors at central level and at local levels through a pilot project 3. Contributing to the implementation of reform changes at governorates level through a comprehensive National Strategy and Action Plan including investment plan for equipment for OHS development The Twinning Project Organizational Modernization of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO Activities: Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Component 2 a continuous streamline towards the Specific Objective not a set of single ‘boxes’ BUT
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 5 Component 2 Facts and Figures More than 30 STE involved, from both sides Over 70 Meetings held Over 100 Documents examined 9 Establishments visited in 6 different Governorates 8 Local OHS offices visited 20 inspectors interviewed in local offices and Directorates
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 6 Component 2 Activity A2.1 - Current System analysis: Diagnosis Investigation and collection of Data and Information about: Ministry of Manpower and Migration (MoMM) General Administration for Manpower Patronage and OHS Relevant Egyptian Labour Bodies Labour Law 12/03 and related Decrees OHS Central and Local Organization and Structure
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 7 Component 2 Activity A2.1 - Outputs Current state and future state
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 8 Activity A2.2 - System management and institutional development at central level Organization analysis: the “Systemic Approach to Management”
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 9 Component 2 Activity A2.2 - Outputs A proposal for a Systemic approach to OHS activities
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Component 2 Activity A2.3 - Organizational audit at central level SUGGESTED PLAN DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS Development of an organizational and leadership structure Improvement of the ability to collect, manage and share important data Development of plans to ensure inspectors ongoing improvement.
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Activity A2.4 - Development of an Information data and Knowledge Management
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Component 2 Activity A2.4 - Outputs Action areas for improvement Risk evaluation and measurement Organizational aspects Technical aspects Statistical sampling
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Activity A2.5 - Development of the Advisory Role of the Labour Inspectorate
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Component 2 Activity A2.5 - Outputs Suggestions for a future approach
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Component 2 Activity A2.5 - Outputs
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Activity A2.6 - Drafting of an Organizational Development Plan Reference Papers
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Component 2 Activity A2.6 - Outputs ADVOCACY: inspectors’ advisory role During the advisory stage of the inspection OHS inspectors can suggest to the enterprises (also called ‘organization’ by ILO) how to build an OH&S-MS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Component 2 Activity A2.6 - Outputs
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Activity A2.7 - Analysis of the present working method of the Labor Inspectorate at local level Six Sigma terminology can be resumed with the acronym DMAIC, which stands for the six sigma: D= Definition of the problem to be sorted out M= Measure of main indicators A= Analysis of collected data I= Improvement of defined indicators C= Control Six Sigma Method
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Component 2 Activity A2.7 - Outputs Governorate of Suez: July 2009 Visit to the Directorate of Manpower and Migration of Suez Visit to Local OHS Office of Suez Visit to “El-Nasr Petroleum Company – Suez”
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Component 2 Activity A2.7 - Outputs Governorate of Beni Suef: July 2009 Visit to the Directorate of Manpower and Migration of Beni Suef Visit to Local OHS Office of Beni Suef Visit to the establishment “Flour Mills of Makhari” Visit to the establishment “Egyptian-Saudi Company for porcelaine”
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Component 2 Activity A2.7 - Outputs Governorate of Sharkeya: October – November 2009 Visit to the Directorate of Manpower and Migration of Sharkeya Visit to the Local OHS Office and Research Unit of 10 th Ramadan Visit to the Local OHS Office of Zagazig Visit to the Local OHS Office of Belbes Visit to the establishment “Arma” Visit to the establishment “Egytech Cables” Visit to the establishment “Industrial Development Works” Visit to the establishment “Mepaco-Medifood”
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Component 2 Activity A2.7 - Outputs Governorate of Qalyubiya: October 2009 Visit to the Local OHS Office of El Obur Visit to the establishment “PACHIN” Visit to the establishment “FIRST Cardboards”
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Component 2 Activity A2.7 - Outputs Governorate of The Cairo: December 2009 – January 2010 Visit to the Directorate of Manpower and Migration of The Cairo Visit to the Research Unit of Said Azenab Visit to the Local OHS Office of Nasr City Visit to the Local OHS Office of Sahel
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Activity A2.8 - Development of work flow, performance indicators, and measures points for Labor inspectorate, enabling benchmarking on governorate level 3 General areas of interest identified 1.Statistics 2.Measurement devices used at OHS Directorates and Local Offices 3.Reporting, filing, notifying, registering at local level
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Moving towards digital data Processing: Building up an integrated Database Activity A2.9 - Data collection at Governorate level for actual assessment, using performance Indicators
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Component 2 Activity A2.9 - Outputs The proposal for a Data Model
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Component 2 Activity A2.10 Intervention logic Organizational modifications of modes of operation of the Labor Inspectorate and other actors and definition of desired situation Benchmarks Adjustment measures defined, agreed and endorsed by the MoMM
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Component 2 Activity A2.11 Intervention logic Improvement of the work performance of Labor Inspectorate of the selected governorate against well defined benchmarks Benchmarks The design and work performance improvement plan is defined
Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO Twinning Project EG 07 AA SO 07 Chochrane