Y13 Parent/Pupil Evening September 2012
Welcome and outline of evening – Mr Kelly Principal A Level Study – Mr Leneghan Senior Teacher with responsibility for Y13 Pastoral Input – Dr Magill Head of Year 13
GCSE Results A* % A % B % C908.1% 66% of all Grades at A* and A An excellent foundation for success at AS and A2 Levels Aim is for all students to be able to proceed to University at the end of the next two years
Accounting Actuarial Science Applied Languages Applied Mathematics and Geography Architecture Art and Design Automotive Engineering Biochemistry Biomedical Science Business Accounting and Finance Business and Management Business Studies Chemical Engineering Chemistry Common & Civil Law with French Computing Dentistry Dietetics Economics and Business Management
Electrical and Electronic Engineering English English and French English and Politics English and Spanish English Literature Environmental Health with DPP Fashion Fashion Communication Film and Media Studies Finance (with a Year in Industry) Geography Geography and Planning Graphic Design History History and Politics Human Resource Management with DPP International Business with French / Spanish Irish Language and Literature Languages (Interpreting and Translating): German/Spanish
Law Law - Dual Qualifying Law(Scots) with Spanish Law/Politics Live and Studio Sound Marketing Mechanical Engineering Media Production (Television and Radio) Medicine Microbiology Modern Language and Business & Management Music Nursing (Adult) Occupational Therapy Pharmacy Physics and Computer Science Politics Psychology Science Social Anthropology Social Work Sociology Software and Electronic Systems Engineering
Aberdeen Belfast Met Birmingham Bristol Cambridge Dundee East Anglia Glasgow Galway Herriot Watt Lancaster Leeds Liverpool John Moores Liverpool Manchester Manchester Metropolitan Newcastle Northumbria Oxford Portsmouth Queen’s Belfast St. Mary’s Sunderland Trinity College Dublin Ulster University College Dublin
Sixth Form Curriculum
Route Map to Success Preparation for university life Students are central to everything
A Levels Advanced Subsidiary – designed for 17 year olds A2 – upper sixth Equal uniform marks in each year
Biology Business Studies Chemistry Geography History Home Economics ICT Mathematics Music Physical Education Physics Psychology RE Sociology AS Modules in January Biology Chemistry Further Maths Mathematics Physical Education Physics Modules 300 (AS) (A2) = 600 UM To achieve an A*. Achieve an A overall and also 90% in the A2 modules All exams are set by CCEA, except Psychology, Sociology, Biology, Business Studies (AQA) and PE (OCR)
Grade Boundaries at AS AS with 200 UMs AS with 300 UMs A B C D E80120
It is important that pupils recognise that the AS examinations are worth HALF of their final A2 grade. Use exam board web sites (e.g.
A Level Choices Enjoy studying your subjects for their own sake Changing subjects
Repeating AS Exams Difference between AS and A2 Increased7 no change6 Dropped1 AS GRADE Difference in AS after Repeat New AS Grade Final Grade Received Final Grade without Repeat B13BBC C28ABB C40AAC C22BAB C35ABB C5CCD C20BCC B13ABB C3BCC A20AA*A B27ABB C12CDD C26AAB B39AA*A Effect of Repeating Increased7 no change7
Independent Studying One hour per subject per night Take the initiative Work – life balance Part time work In school Resource Bases
Careers (CEIAG) Gather information this year – get a feeling for the area in which you would like to get a degree UCAS /CAO / home or away? Careers Dept will help you research University Courses in the third term Work Experience Week (beginning Monday 25 February) – Pupil and parent organise ASAP! (any difficulties e.g. medicine, school can help) – Bring details to school for indemnity purposes Important to gather facts – e.g. Maths and Accountancy – ICT and Computing
The UCAS tariff “We do not use the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) tariff. If we offer you a place, your offer will be expressed in terms of grades, not tariff points.” GradeTariff points GCE A levelGCE AS A* 140 A B C DA60 B50 EC40 D30 E20
The Russell Group Universities – “do’s and don’t’s!” Top 24 universities in the UK Bursaries Mrs Foster “Wallow in information!” Interestingly, applications to UU up 2% and QUB up 4%
Extra Curricular Personal statement Embrace all aspects of sixth form life
Exam Success
Pastoral Care System Senior Teacher Head of Year Tutors Subject teachers Teaching and Learning Assistants
Recognise that younger pupils see you as a role model and set them a good example. Aquinas Diocesan Grammar School You are Role Models
Work Hard & Achieve Your Best Independent Learners Manage your time Please ask for Help & support when you need it
Extra-Curricular Activities: Over 50 activities available Duke of Edinburgh Award Bar Mock Trial Community Link Choir Netball Hurling Special Olympics Fundraising Saphara
Opportunities Spanish Exchange Politics Trip Basketball Trip
Look After Yourself & Your Friends
Please ask for help & support when you need it. Enjoy Sixth Form