Federico García Lorca
Poetry F. Garcia Lorca´s poetry develops from the simplicity of his first poems to the strength of Romancero Gitano (Gypsy Balladas), and also to the ‘avant-gardic’ literary resources in Poeta en Nueva York.
By the time he lived in Madrid at the famous Residencia de Estudiantes (1918), he wrote some poetry books and drama plays: El maleficio de la mariposa (1920), Libro de poemas (1921), Canciones (1927). Paco Ibáñez, “El lagarto está llorando” (Canciones)
There, he met and became friend of some of the most important Spanish writers and artists: Rafael Alberti, Miguel Hernández, Salvador Dalí, Luis Buñuel,… They were known as the Generación del 27, or the Silver Age of Spanish culture.
One of the most important books of this period is Poema del cante jondo (1926), in which Lorca mixes different aspects of the popular and traditional culture, specially from Andalusian folklore.
Romancero gitano (Gypsy Ballads)(1928), has eighteen “romances” (ballads) which are about fatalism, revenge and feeling. The eighteen ballads are related with the magic world of gipsies.Once again,the poet makes a fusion of popular and worship culture. Marea, “La ciudad de los gitanos” (Romancero gitano) Ana Belén, “Herido de amor”, (Romancero gitano) Fito Páez, “Romance de la pena negra” (Romancero gitano) Manzanita, “Romance sonámbulo” (Romancero gitano)
Llanto por la muerte de Ignacio Sánchez Mejías (1935). It is a long poem about his friend Sánchez Mejías, who was a bullfighter and also the President of a football team.
Morente y Lagartija Nick, “La aurora de Nueva York” (Poeta en Nueva York) His two latest poetry books were published after his death at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. 1- Diván del Tamarit (1940) shows the special attraction to the western culture and the Nature. 2- Poeta en Nueva York (1940) was written during his stay in New York: the poems are about social criticism in an ‘avant-gardic’ style.
Drama Plays His first great play is Mariana Pineda, a story about happiness, loyalty and sacrifice. The character of Mariana Pineda dies fighting for freedom. Lorca also funded a theater company “La Barraca”.
After Mariana Pineda,he wrote Bodas de sangre (put on scene in 1933) a tragedy in which love, hate and death are the main forces. Yerma (1934), the play tells the story of a childless woman living in rural Spain. Her desperate desire for motherhood becomes and obsession because of the social norms of her culture.
La casa de Bernarda Alba (1936), explores the themes of the autohority against freedom, represion, passion and also it shows how forces like Love can’t be hidden.The poet described the play as “the drama of women in the villages of Spain”
Knowing Lorca’s poems (links) If you are interested in learning more things about Federico García Lorca, you can visit these websites on the internet