FIN Paul Widergren ©2005 Gustar Verbs Esp. 3
We like school Nos gusta escuela
Les encanta esquiar They love to ski.
Te agradan deportes. You enjoy sports.
Le preocupan examenes. She worries about tests.
Os/les disgustan gatos. You all hate cats.
Me falta dinero. I am lacking money.
Nos importa (la) música We care about music.
Le gustaría dormir más. She would like to sleep more.
¿Te gusta cazar? Do you like to hunt?
Le encanta nadar. He loves to swim.
Os/les agrada hablar. You all enjoy talking.
A mis padres les preocupa viajar. My parents worry about traveling.
No me interesa pescar. I am not interested in fishing.
Te disgustan arañas. You hate spiders. (arañas)
Le falta (un) carro/coche. She doesn’t have a car.
¿No les importa la elección? Don’t they care about the election?
A Alicia le fascina leer. Alicia is fascinated by reading.
¿A sus amigos les gustaría patinar? Would your friends like to skate?
nos gusta (la) banda. We like band.
Sra. Brownlow, a usted le encanta (el) chocolate. Sra. Brownlow, you love chocolate.
No le agrada trabajar. He doesn’t enjoy working.
Me preocupan mis notas. I worry about my grades. (notas)
¿Les interesa comprar una camisa? Are they interested in buying a shirt?
Nos disgusta (la) nieve. We hate snow.
¿Te falta tiempo? Are you lacking time?
Le importa su perro. She cares about her dog.
A los niños les fascina el programa. The kids are fascinated by the show.
Le gustaría ir de compras. She would like to go shopping.
No me gusta esa clase. I don’t like that class.
¿Te encanta descansar? Do you love to rest?
Nos agrada mirar la televisión. We enjoy watching television.
Sra. Brownlow, a usted no le preocupa nada. Sra. Brownlow, you don’t worry about anything.
Les interesa cantar. They are interested in singing.
Me interesa patinar. I’m interested in skating.
A mi hermano le preocupa el trabajo. My brother worries about work.
Me encanta la tarea. I love homework!
A mi primo/a le fascinan deportes. My cousin is fascinated by sports.
Más despacio, por favor Slower, please
No comprendo/entiendo. I don’t understand.
No os/les agradan examenes. You all don’t enjoy tests.