Jornadas Futuros Aceleradores, Barcelona May8th ‘09 R&D IFCA Iván Vila Álvarez Instituto de Física de Cantabria.


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Presentation transcript:

Jornadas Futuros Aceleradores, Barcelona May8th ‘09 R&D IFCA Iván Vila Álvarez Instituto de Física de Cantabria

Main Actors, Roles & R&D communities Physicists: Celso Martínez, Alberto Ruíz, Marcos Fernández, Amparo L. Virto & Iván Vila Students: Jordi Duarte + new student. Engineer: David Moya (mechanics), Richard Jaramillo (electronics) and J. Gonzalez (software). R&D playgrounds: EUDET, SiLC, CEC (CMS upgrade), Spanish groups. 2 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila

3 Outline: R&D lines R&D on sensors  Improved IR-semitransparent sensors.  Thin micro-strips sensors.  Strixels sensors R&D on mechanics  Integration of Fiber Optic Sensors on CF composites  Mechanical design and FEA simulation. DAQ software  DAQ integration with EUDET pixel telescope (EUDAQ) Facilities Outlook and next steps

4 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila

5 RD on Sensors: IRuS for alignment Statement of the issue:  Real time position monitoring of the tracker during detector operation with a few microns accuracy.  Reference laser lines going through tracker’s sensors.  Name of the game, increase the IR transmittance of the microstrip sensors introducing minimal modifications to the sensor layout: same materials, avoid fine tuning. R&D targets:  ILD FTD, SiD tracker, CMS tracker upgrade.

6 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila RD on Sensors: IRuS for alignment (2) 1 st Validation of optical simulation software with material samples. (done) 2 nd Babysensor baseline design (p on n; AC coupling, 50 um pitch) minimal design modifications to boost sensor IR transmittance. (done) 3 th Production of IR mini-sensors. (on progress) 4 th Bench and beam testing of sensors 5 th Know-how transfer to main vendors.

Difference calibrated-fitted thickness= 2 nm Simulation predicts calibrated thickness of 6 calibrated bands of SiO 2 [d=0-500] nm on a 1-sided polished Si wafer, from Ocean Optics Si characterized from 1 st band (not shown) Difference calibrated-fitted thickness= 1 nm !! CEC Meeting, Apr 09 - Marcos Fernandez -IFCA9 Validation of the optical simulation (1) 7 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila

CNM wafer + diffraction Al pattern, using GICSERV07 access. 40 diffraction orders 45 nm Al roughness CEC Meeting, Apr 09 - Marcos Fernandez -IFCA12 Validation of Full Optical Simulation (diffraction pattern) 8 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila

IR transparent mini-sensors Final-Design Currently being produced (GICSERV08) 9 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila

10 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila RD on Sensors: IRuS for alignment (3) Raised issues this meeting:  Binary read-out.  Minimal strip width vs voltage bias.  Material Radiation resistance.  Other pasivation materials.  Fine tuning of pasivation layers

R&D on sensors: thin ustrips GICSERV09 access on ustrip thin sensors. Direct wafer bonding and deep anisotropic etching. Aim: frame layout design, FEA analysis, mechanical characterization of dummies, bonding tests, bench & test beam testing. R&D Targets: CMS upgrade 11 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila

R&D on Sensors: CMS upgrade HPK Run 12 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila Aachen DESY Hamburg Karlsruhe Louvain Santander Vienna Vilnius Warsaw Pixel cells

R&D on sensors: HPK sensors 13 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila 6 each 6

14 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila

System Design Forward Tracker ILD Outer layers already on official ILD full simulation geometry. 15 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila R&D on mechanics (1)

R&D mechanics: Alignment Requirements LICTOY tracking simulation software from HEPHY 16 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila SiD LoI geometry Single muon events.

R&D on mechanics: Alignment requirements 17 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila  Pt/Pt vs. alignment errors 1um, 7um, 10um (5um nominal)

18 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila R&D on mechanics(2): SMART structures Well know monitoring technologies in aeronautics and civil works based on optical fiber sensors (OFS) Distributed strain & temperature sensors are conventionally used for structure health monitoring : SMART structures Other OFS for acceleration & radiation dose and rate. In aeronautics (embedded or bonded) on the of the CFRP composite ( for instance, plane radar redome)

19 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila R&D on mechanics: Bragg grating Fiber Bragg Grating optical transducer very common to measure strain and temperature

Deformation monitoring with FBG sensors 20 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila SMART MECHANICS FOR SILICON TRACKERS Diffracted wavelength depends on FBG geometry, that is affected by stress and temperature. Typical values:  =    1 pm

R&D on mechanics: Bragg grating 21 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila

OFS & FBG advantages 22 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila

23 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila Integrating OFS & carbon fiber composites For the Track structure would be interesting to use a embedded fiber optic sensor.  more precise and reliable data It could be use 2 side solution  Better understanding of the results  Useful to quantify the thermal strain

Plans R&D Targets: ILD, SiD, SCMS, SBelle Current activities:  Market survey and contact with OFS vendors  Contacting CF producers (Inta, Fermilab,…) Next activities:  Testing of standalone OFS.  Prepare CFRP test samples with embedded OPS  Preparing some CF test structures with bonded or embedded fibers.  Mechanical and thermal characterization of the test structures. 24 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila

25 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila

DAQ software : EUDAQ Framework Integration of SiLC and CMS APV25 r/o software with EUDET telescope f/w. As members of the EUDET project we have been active users of the “EUDET pixel telescope”. We have carry-out the its integration with other daq and trigger DUT (thanks to EUDAQ software from the University of Geneva) 26 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila

Application Thread Buffer Key: Listening Socket Command Data Logging Signal /data Hierarchy, distribution and communication between applications: DAQ software: C++ Communication: POSIX GUIs: Qt Online Monitor: ROOT Runs on Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows (using cygwin). Highly modular. Easy integration of devices into the DAQ. EUDAQ FRAMEWORK 27 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila

Short-term Outlook In 2009:  Increase our participation on SiD and ILD tracking groups.  The IR alignment sensor fully tested with laser and source test bench using ALIVABA electronics. Maybe test beam.  Thin sensors produced, mechanical dummies tested.  Improved mechanical design.  OFS proof of principle for tracking deformation monitoring.  HPK order in production.  SCMS and SiLC test beams. 28 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila

THANK YOU 29 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila

BACKUP 30 Jornadas Sobre Futuros Aceleradores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila

31 Naïve FEA model Simple Geometry with frame + thinned area. Support: Four corners fixed. All Silicon structure Measured dummy structure shows 20 um bow

Jorn adas Sobr e Futu ros Acel erad ores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila 32 Naïve FEA: gravitational bend Gravity parallel to Z axis Deformation in Z direction Max deformation 12 um

Jorn adas Sobr e Futu ros Acel erad ores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila 33 Naïve FEA: Longitudinal (X) strain Top surface

Jorn adas Sobr e Futu ros Acel erad ores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila 34 Naïve FEA: Transversal (Y) strain Top surface

Jorn adas Sobr e Futu ros Acel erad ores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila 35 Naïve FEA: Strain vs. Deformation

Jorn adas Sobr e Futu ros Acel erad ores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila 36 Naïve FEA: Conclusions Gravitation bend depends linearly with top surface strain Output values for nominal conditions:  Maximum deformation of 12 um  Maximum longitudinal strain about 2.5  at the middle of the DEPFET “frame”.  Maximum transversal strain about 1  at the middle of the DEPFET “frame”.

Jorn adas Sobr e Futu ros Acel erad ores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila 37 A possible commercial solution Deformation monitoring with 750nm resolution

Jorn adas Sobr e Futu ros Acel erad ores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila 38 An event cleaner/lighter solution ? Several options:  Embdeding of fiber sensors on suporting structures (BTeV) Or event much better, embedding the sensing element on the depfet frame, Integrating a Bragg grating on it, still studying its feasibility.

Jorn adas Sobr e Futu ros Acel erad ores, May 8thl '09, I. Vila 39 Summary and next steps FBG commercial sensor will provide 750nm monitoring resolution with small amount of extra material. More realistic FEA simulations are still needed: thermal loads, better mechanical supports,… Eventually, a realistic test with a mock-up will be needed.