Introducing CSS CIS 133 mashup Javascript, jQuery and XML 1
Styles 2 A style is a rule that defines the appearance of an element on a web page Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is a series of rules Can alter appearance of page by changing characteristics such as font family, font size, margins, and link specifications Three ways to incorporate styles in a web page: Inline – add style as attribute in a tag - only changes that tag Chemistry Class Embedded(Internal) - styles are referred to using the “id” or “class” attributes, and style is defined in tag, using a tag Chemistry Class Chemistry Class External(linked) - styles are stored in a separate text file having the extension.ccc. Then the file is “linked” to in web page
Style sheet precedence 3 Inline styles Used to change the style within an individual HTML tag Chemistry Class Overrides Internal and External style sheets Internal styles Used to change the style of one web page Uses the “id” or “class” attributes Chemistry Class Chemistry Class Overrides External style sheets External styles Used to change the style of multiple pages in a web site All three can be co-mingled in a web page
Syntax of a style 4 No matter what format used, it must have a style statement Chemistry Class A style has a selector and an declaration Selector: identifies the page element(s) Declaration: identifies how the page element(s) should appear, and is comprised of two parts, The property to apply The value for the property Example: font-family: Garamond; font-color: navy;
Applying an Inline Style 5 Defines style of an INDIVIDUAL tag Helpful when one section of a page needs to look different To use inline style Include the style attribute within the tag The style attribute is assigned to the declaration (property and value) The declaration is in quotes There can be more than one set of properties and values, each separated by a semi-colon EXAMPLES :
In-line styling when there is no HTML tag 6 create a container which can be used to add an incline style Finer level of control than using tags Example My dog has fleas!
Internal Styles 7 Use the tag within the Controls the style of a single page Example <!-- h1 { font-family: Garamond; font-size: 32pt; } a { color: blue; text-decoration: none } a { background: #020390; color: #01d3ff; } --> Note use of HTML comment tags
Pseudo-class styles 8 Have more control over tags that have a “state” Attached to selector with a colon, to specify the state to use Format: selector:pseudo-class { style definition } Anchor tags (links), have 4 states Link – an unvisited link Visited – a link that has been visited Active – a link that gains focus (has been clicked) Hover –when the mouse is over it a:hover { background: #020390; color: #01d3ff; }
Working with IDs and Classes 9 id attribute Used to identify ONE element only Syntax: id="text“ Example: Joe Smith class attribute Used to identify a GROUP of elements Syntax: class="text“ Example: Joe Smith has been the president for four years. His running mate Mary Jones is running for office for the first time.
Classes 10 Using classes is a two-step process 1. Any tags that belong to the class, are marked up by adding the attribute class=“classname” Example: …. …. 2. In the tag, you define the class using a dot Example:.redNames { color:red } Whatever the span tag and the paragraph tags contain, becomes red.
ID’s 11 Using ID’s is a two-step process 1. The tag that belongs to the ID, is marked up by adding the attribute id=“idname” Example: …. 2. In the tag, you define the ID using a hash tag Example: #blueFont { color:blue } Whatever the paragraph tag contains, becomes red.
Web page structure tags and styles 12 Using web page structure tags, can apply styles to entire section HTML 4 tags content HTML 5 # style1 { color:red};.style2 {color:blue;} header { color:red}; section {color:blue;} footer {color:green;}
External styles 13 Create a separate file to contain the styles (file extension.css, as in styles.css) Include in the section, a tag, which points to the external text file The external text file will ONLY have the styles defined – no other tags – just styles It will not even have the tag EXAMPLE: Then, INSIDE the text file named styles.css, only the selector, class, id’s and associated declarations appear, as in: a { color: blue; text-decoration: none } #blueFont {color:blue}
Fonts 14 Comprised of font families 5 generic Serif Sans-serif Monospace Cursive Fantasy Example of common font styling selectors: body { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; color: blue }
Measurement Units 15 pt, pc, and px are absolute measurements
Color 16 Can use one of the 16 color names, RGB, hex Colors are captured using red, green and blue light
Placement: Boxing properties are used for placement 17
CSS – how cascading works 18 More than one style sheet can be applied to a single page Need rules to determine style precedence Inline, embedded, external Highest to lowest specificity
Reference websites 19 HTML tags and CSS properties: Color chart: