HTML / CSS – Basics Why the heck are we doing this?
HTML HyperText Markup Language
CSS Cascading Style Sheets
Reasons to learn HTML and CSS HTMLCSS Content Presentation Structure Layout / Design I have some content, how do I structure it? I have the content and the structure, how do I make it look good? Appreciate the logic in this. Change the look of everything efficiently.
HTML Document – Basic Structure You always need this: Start of document Start of Head End of Head Start of Body End of Head End of document
HTML – Source and Surface Source code What the browser displays is actually:
Rules Always close tags. Always! No matter what. Some tags can not be nested in others. A nested tag must be closed before a parent tag is closed.
HTML – Basic tags a paragraph heading of the first order - more headings an unordered list an ordered list a list item the anchor tag an image object
HTML – Hierarchy
HTML – Hierarchy
HTML – Hierarchy
HTML – Basic attributes Some Text the hypertext reference, turning “Some Text” into a link an image object is not complete if the source is not given and an alternative text is missing
Absolute vs. Relative Links Some Text an absolute reference Some Text a relative reference
Relative links revisited Some Text file in the same directory Some Text file in a sub-directory called pages
Relative links revisited 2 Some Text file in the parent directory Some Text file in a sub-directory of the parent directory dw
HTML – Special tags a division special segments make it bold make it italics line break horizontal line a block of quote
Want more? cheat-sheets/html-cheat-sheet/
Want more? cheat-sheets/html-cheat-sheet/ For those of you not good at remembering stuff.
Want more? cheat-sheets/html-cheat-sheet/ For those of you who want to know all the details.
Want more? cheat-sheets/html-cheat-sheet/ For those of you who like to try out things.
Want more? cheat-sheets/html-cheat-sheet/