Shiva Shankara (x3) Roopa Maheswara Sai Supreme Lord Sai is Lord Shankara Himself in human semblance and whose greatness consists in His Supreme Self-knowledge
Shiva Shankara (x3) Sai Worship the auspicious Lord Shiva Sai, bestower of happiness and prosperity (Shankara)!
Om Kara Priya Shankara Sai Lord Sai is fond of the Eternal Primordial Sound ‘Om’, the first sound of creation from which life emerged
Kailasa Priya Shiva Shankara Sai Lord Shankara, takes delight in residing in mount Kailash
Natajana Priya Shiva Shankara Sai Lord Shankara likes the cosmic dance, which He rejoices in and enjoys to perfection (Shiva, pure consciousness is the dancer, the creation is His dance)
Shiva Shankara (x3) Sai Worship the auspicious Lord Shiva Sai, bestower of happiness and prosperity (Shankara)!