ICT to Support the Teaching of Fractions ict-to-support-teaching-of-fractions ict-to-support-teaching-of-fractions
Applets Small applications on the internet which enable children to explore fractions. You generally need to have need to have Java enabled to run these. Speak to your technician if there is a problem. Also can be used for challenges at home or in after school provision.
Just click on the appropriate box for many more. manipulatives.
Interactive Whiteboards Use where you want to have the freedom to manipulate fractions – numbers of pictures.
Flash games These tend to be more useful for practice and revision rather than open-ended exploration – so only use where this is what you want. However, useful as very visual
Drag and drop activity – maybe useful revision for some pupils.
cymru.org.uk/vtc/Phase2delivery/Wales/Numeracy/Keystage2/Number/ Findafractionof/Introduction/default.htm
Resources created by teachers Adapt these for your own use
A variety of ideas for teaching fractions presented in different formats.
CPD Maybe useful –For some teachers –Parents –Revision for more able pupils
Misunderstandings and Teaching Strategies rning/teachingresources/maths/mathsconti nuum/number/N25001P.htm#2http:// rning/teachingresources/maths/mathsconti nuum/number/N25001P.htm#2 E.g.
For an extra challenge
For those who like a challenge!
Fractions and creating function machines – eg x3/4 Problem-solving Examples using spinners for exploration Spreadsheets ?x3?/4