Sage ERP X3 Workflow
What do we mean by “X3 Workflow” An X3 workflow is a message. The message may suggest an action by the recipient A customer is placed on hold Forward to crediting, cancel an order, … The message may require an action by the recipient(s) Purchase request requires signatures to be released to the suppliers Approve or reject the purchase request The message may be purely informational A user logged on at this time and logged off at that time In the end, these are messages meant to support business processes in an expedited fashion Let’s look at these in detail Business workflows have a broader definition than the X3 workflow. The business workflows can cover multiple workflow components such as Shipping from X3 through to UPS or FEDEX followed by customer deliver and customer payment involves several different workflow systems
1 An X3 Object Changes State Example: A high value customer has their sales order go on hold State change on order to ‘Hold’ It could be processed with the next days business but it is a significant customer and a larger order – Expedite the resolution via a workflow Most objects in X3 have the signaling required to support X3 workflows based on object state changes. New customer added Change of an item Creation of an invoice Receiving a purchase order And so on This is a little technical but stay with me and I will give examples.
2 Recipients-change an X3 object state thru workflow Example: Purchase requests of a certain dollar value require specific approvals to be released to an order Create a purchase request Request the signature – approve/reject – track responses The signature message is inbound to X3 While the signature functionality is dependent on the function, the workflow process is generally independent of the function – For example, the functionality related to signatures on sales quotes is different than the functionality related to purchase requests But the messaging aspect is the same – approve/reject Signature workflows A common problem when signatures do not work as expected. Sage ERP X3 6 Description Purchase order signature is not updated after Workflow reply. After a user has signed or rejected a PO using the link from the POHSIG Workflow , the signature flag status remains as "To be signed". Cause The X3 Web Server generates a file corresponding to the user's answer in directory WRKRMTDIR. Then the AWRKSIG needs to be run to update the Quote, Order or Request. Resolution Create a recurring task for AWRKSIG under Usage, Batch server, Recurring task management. Once the response file is generated, the recurring task AWRKSIG will update the signature accordingly.
3 Report based on the current object state Example: Alert customer and A/R when invoice of certain value goes past due by X days In this case, the state change is caused by ‘time’ The way to signal these types of state changes is by Running a workflow through all the concerned objects – in this case unpaid invoices. Send an email to the customer with a copy of the invoice and notify accounts receivable Expediting payments This type of workflow is relatively new to X3 And had an unusual name attached to it -- ‘batch workflow’ Meaning –these types of workflows could be setup to run in batch Time-based object state change events
Workflows From these 3 types of workflow messaging – Create several variants to specialize the entry of the workflow rules The workflow monitor This is a way to view the workflow messaging and signatures that have occurred. The monitor could be under utilized. It is possible to track messages only through the monitor if that is appropriate.
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